ABORTASK | stops a running task |
ARRAY | Declares POPS symbol name and dimensions |
COMPRESS | recovers unused POPS address space and new symbols |
CORE | displays the used and total space used by parts of POPS table |
DEBUG | turns on/off the POPS-language’s debug messages |
EDIT | enter edit-a-procedure mode in the POPS language |
ELSE | starts POPS code done if an IF condition is false (IF-THEN..) |
ENDBATCH | terminates input to batch work file |
ENDEDIT | terminates procedure edit mode of POPS input |
ERASE | removes one or more lines from a POPS procedure |
FINISH | terminates the entry and compilation of a procedure |
GET | restores previously SAVEd full POPS environment |
IF | causes conditional execution of a set of POPS statements |
ISBATCH | declares current AIPS to be, or not to be, batch-like |
LIST | displays the source code text for a POPS procedure |
MODIFY | modifies the text of a line of a procedure and recompiles |
MSGKILL | turns on/off the recording of messages in the message file |
TELL | Send parameters to tasks that know to read them on the fly |
WHILE | Start a conditional statement |