ANTNUM    Returns number of a named antenna
BASFIT    fits antenna locations from SN-table data
BLPOLCAL    Do BLCHN for I, Q, U, V models
BOX2CC    Converts CLBOX in pixels to CCBOX in arc seconds
BREAK    procedure to TELL FILLM to break all current uv files, start new
CALMODEL    Applies SPLIT & UVSUB to make a model data set matching a calibrator
CIRCLEVS    Sets RGBLEVS to fill LEVS with a circular color scheme
COTVLOD    Proc to load an image into a TV channel about a coordinate
CRSFRING    Procedure to calibrate cross pol. delay and phase offsets
CXIMAGR    Grid UV data into a complex image, Fourier transform, Clean
CXPOLN    Procedure to make complex polarization images and beam
DEFCOLOR    Sets adverb PLCOLORS to match s default XAS TV
DOFARS    Procedure to aid in Faraday rotation synthesis using the FARS task
FEW    procedure to TELL FILLM to append incoming data to existing uv files
FITDISK    writes images / uv data w extensions to disk in FITS format
FLAMLEVS    Sets RGBLEVS to fill LEVS with a red flame color scheme
FXALIAS    least squares fit aliasing function and remove
FXAVG    Procedure to enable VLBA delay de-correlation corrections
GRANDOM    Finds a random number with mean 0 and rms 1
IMFRING    large image delay fitting with IM2CC and OOFRING
IMSCAL    large image self-cal with IM2CC and OOCAL
LINIMAGE    Build image cube from multi-IF data set
MANY    procedure to TELL FILLM to start new uv files on each scan
MAPPR    Simplified access to IMAGR
MAXTAB    Returns maximum version number of named table
MERGECAL    Procedure to merge calibration records after concatenation
OFFHUINT    Proc which restores TV functions to normal after TVHUEINT
OKCOLORS    Sets adverb PLCOLORS to use less ink (white background)
OOCAL    determines antenna complex gain with frequency-dependent models
OOFRING    Fringe fit data to determine calibration with spectral index options
PEELR    calibrates interfering sources in multi-facet imges
QUIT    procedure to TELL FILLM to stop at the end of the current scan
RAINLEVS    Sets RGBLEVS to fill LEVS with a rainbow color scheme
READISK    Reads images / uv data w extensions in FITS format into AIPS
RUNWAIT    Runs a task and waits for it to finish
SCANTIME    Returns time range for a given scan number
SETXWIN    Procedure to set BLC and TRC with TV cursor
STEPLEVS    Sets RGBLEVS to fill LEVS with a repeated sequence of colors
STOP    procedure to TELL FILLM to break all current uv files and stop
STUFFR    averages together data sets in hour angle
TDEPEND    Time-dependent imaging procedure sequence
TDSCANS    Time-dependent imaging procedure sequence: find intervals
TDSSCAN    Time-dependent imaging procedure sequence: find intervals
TDSTEP3    Time-dependent imaging procedure ”step 3”
TDSTEP5    Time-dependent imaging procedure sequence: later steps
TELFLM    procedure to TELL real-time FILLM a new APARM(1) value
TKBOX    Procedure to set a Clean box with the TK cursor
TKNBOXS    Procedure to set Clean boxes 1 - n with the TK cursor
TKWIN    Procedure to set BLC and TRC with Graphics cursor
TVALL    Procedure loads image to TV, shows labeled wedge, enhances
TVCOLORS    Sets adverb PLCOLORS to match the TV (DOTV=1) usage
TVDIST    determines spherical distance between two pixels on TV screen
TVFLUX    displays coordinates and values selected with the TV cursor
TVMAXFIT    displays fit pixel positions and intensity at maxima on TV
TVRESET    Reset the TV without erasing the image planes
VHCALIB    Do CALIB for linear polarization with I, Q, U models
VLACALIB    Runs CALIB and LISTR for VLA observation
VLACLCAL    Runs CLCAL and prints the results with LISTR
VLALIST    Runs LISTR for VLA observation
VLARESET    Reset calibration tables to a virginal state
VLASUMM    Plots selected contents of SN or CL files
VLATECR    Calculate ionospheric delay and Faraday rotation corrections
VLBAAMP    applies a-priori amplitude corrections to VLBA data
VLBABPSS    computes spectral bandpass correction table
VLBACALA    applies a-priori amplitude corrections to VLBA data
VLBACCOR    applies a-priori amplitude corrections to VLBA data
VLBACRPL    Plots crosscorrelations
VLBAEOPS    Corrects Earth orientation parameters
VLBAFIX    Procedure that fixes VLBA data, if necessary
VLBAFPOL    Checks and corrects polarization labels for VLBA data
VLBAFQS    Copies different FQIDS to separate files
VLBAFRGP    Fringe fit phase referenced data and apply calibration
VLBAFRNG    Fringe fit data and apply calibration
VLBAKRGP    Fringe fit phase referenced data and apply calibration
VLBAKRNG    Fringe fit data and apply calibration
VLBALOAD    Loads VLBA data
VLBAMCAL    Merges redundant calibration data
VLBAMPCL    Calculates and applies manual instrumental phase calibration
VLBAPANG    Corrects for parallactic angle
VLBAPCOR    Calculates and applies instrumental phase calibration
VLBASNPL    Plots selected contents of SN or CL files
VLBASRT    Sorts VLBA data, if necessary
VLBASUBS    looks for subarrays in VLBA data
VLBASUMM    Prints a summary of a VLBI experiment
VLBATECR    Calculate ionospheric delay and Faraday rotation corrections
WRTDISK    writes images / uv data w extensions to disk in FITS format