ANCHECK | Checks By sign in Antenna files |
CHREFANT | Name of reference antenna |
DOOSRO | calibrating amplitude and phase, and imaging VLA data |
DOVLAMP | Produces amp calibration file for phased-VLA VLBI data |
ELEVLIM | Lower limit on elevation |
EOPSFILE | Name of text file containing EOP information |
OBITVERS | Python version to use with BDF2AIPS and OBIT imaging verbs |
PIPEAIPS | calibrating amplitude and phase, and imaging VLA data |
SELFCAL | Requests self-calibration of calibration sources |
SMRATES | Requests smoothing and clipping of rates after FRING in pipeline |
TECRFILE | Name of file containg TEC data for use in TECOR |
TECRTYPE | Type of IONEX file to download in VLA and VLBA TECR procedures |
TYSMOLEV | Clip level to use in running TYSMO on a VLB TY table |
VLAPROCS | Procedures to simplify the reduction of VLBA data |
VLARUN | Calibrating amplitude and phase, and imaging VLA data |
VLBAARCH | Procedure to archive VLBA correlator data |
VLBAMPHC | applies VLBARUN calibration to additional phase stopping centers |
VLBARFI | Calibrates VLBA autocorrelations, writes out statistics |
VLBARUN | applies amplitude and phase calibration procs to VLBA data |
VLBAUTIL | Procedures to simplify the reduction of VLBA data |
VLBAWIDE | Calibrates all VLA wide-band autocorrelations with VLBARFI |
VLBDDT | Verification tests using simulated data |
WRTPROCS | Procedures to simplify the reduction of VLBA data |
Y2K | verifies correctness and performance using standard problems |
Y2KSAVE | verifies correctness and performance using standard problems |