13.27 POPS

ABOUT    displays lists and information on tasks, verbs, adverbs
ABS    returns absolute value of argument
ACOS    Returns arc cosine of argument (half-circle)
APROPOS    displays all help 1-line summaries containing specified words
ARRAY    Declares POPS symbol name and dimensions
ARRAY1    General scratch array adverb
ARRAY2    General scratch array adverb
ARRAY3    General scratch array adverb
ASIN    Returns arc sine of argument (half-circle)
ATAN    Returns arc tangent of argument (half-circle)
ATAN2    Returns arc tangent of two arguments (full circle)
BB    spare adverb for use in procedures
BY    gives increment to use in FOR loops in POPS language
CATNO    Specifies AIPS catalog slot number range
CEIL    returns smallest integer greater than or equal the argument
CHAR    converts number to character string
CLRTEMP    clears the temporary literal area during a procedure
COMPRESS    recovers unused POPS address space and new symbols
CORE    displays the used and total space used by parts of POPS table
COS    returns cosine of the argument in degrees
DEBUG    turns on/off the POPS-language’s debug messages
DEFAULT    Verb-like sets adverbs for a task or verb to initial values
DELAY    Verb to pause AIPS for DETIME seconds
DELTAX    Increment or size in X direction
DELTAY    Increment or size in Y direction
DENUMB    a scalar decimal number
DOOSRO    calibrating amplitude and phase, and imaging VLA data
DOVLAMP    Produces amp calibration file for phased-VLA VLBI data
DOWNCASE    Convert a string to all lower case letters
DPARM    General numeric array adverb used many places
DUMP    displays portions of the POPS symbol table in all formats
EDIT    enter edit-a-procedure mode in the POPS language
EHEX    converts decimal to extended hex
EHNUMB    an extended hexadecimal ”number”
ELSE    starts POPS code done if an IF condition is false (IF-THEN..)
END    marks end of block (FOR, WHILE, IF) of POPS code
ENDEDIT    terminates procedure edit mode of POPS input
ERASE    removes one or more lines from a POPS procedure
ERROR    was there an error
EVLA    puts the list of eVLA antennas in the current file on stack
EXIT    ends an AIPS batch or interactive session
EXP    returns the exponential of the argument
EXPLAIN    displays help + extended information describing a task/symbol
FINISH    terminates the entry and compilation of a procedure
FLOOR    returns largest integer ¡= argument
FOR    starts an iterative sequence of operations in POPS language
GET    restores previously SAVEd full POPS environment
GETDATE    Convert the current date and time to a string
GETPOPSN    Verb to return the pops number on the stack
GG    spare scalar adverb for use in procedures
GRANDOM    Finds a random number with mean 0 and rms 1
HELP    displays information on tasks, verbs, adverbs
HSA    puts the list of HSA antennas in the current file on stack
I    spare scalar adverb for use in procedures
IF    causes conditional execution of a set of POPS statements
INP    displays adverb values for task, verb, or proc - quick form
INPUTS    displays adverb values for task, verb, or proc - to msg file
ISBATCH    declares current AIPS to be, or not to be, batch-like
J    spare scalar adverb for use in procedures
KK    Spare adverb for use in procedures
KLEENEX    ends an AIPS interactive session wiping the slate klean
LENGTH    returns length of string to last non-blank character
LIST    displays the source code text for a POPS procedure
LN    returns the natural logarithm of the argument
LOG    returns the base-10 logarithm of the argument
MAX    returns the maximum of its two arguments
MIN    returns the minimum of its two arguments
MOD    returns remainder after division of 1st argument by 2nd
MODIFY    modifies the text of a line of a procedure and recompiles
MODULUS    returns square root of sum of squares of its two arguments
NOADVERB    Information about the lack of a defined adverb or verb
NUMTELL    selects POPS number of task which is the target of a TELL or ABORT
NX    General adverb referring to a number of things in the X direction
NY    General adverb referring to a number of things in the Y direction
OUTPUTS    displays adverb values returned from task, verb, or proc
PARALLEL    Verb to set or show degree of parallelism
PASSWORD    Verb to change the current password for the login user
PCAT    Verb to list entries in the user’s catalog (no log file).
PIPEAIPS    calibrating amplitude and phase, and imaging VLA data
POPSDAT    lists all POPS symbols to create them for MEmory files
POPSYM    Describes the symbols used in POPS
PRINT    Print the value of an expression
PRINTER    Verb to set or show the printer(s) used
PROC    Define a POPS procedure using procedure editor.
PROCEDUR    Define a POPS procedure using procedure editor
PSEUDOVB    Declares a name to be a symbol of type pseudoverb
QINP    displays adverb values for task, verb, or proc - restart form
RANDOM    Compute a random number from 0 to 1
READ    Read a value from the users terminal
REHEX    converts extended hex string to decimal
RENAME    Rename a file (UV or Image)
RESTART    Verb to trim the message log file and restart AIPS
RESTORE    Read POPS memory file from a common area.
RETURN    Exit a procedure allowing a higher level proc to continue.
RUN    Pseudoverb to read an external RUN files into AIPS.
SAVDEST    Verb to destroy all save files of a user.
SAVE    Pseudoverb to save full POPS environment in named file
SCALAR    Declares a variable to be a scalar in a procedure
SCANLENG    specify length of ”scan”
SCRATCH    delete a procedure from the symbol table.
SETDEBUG    Verb to set the debug print and execution level
SG2RUN    Verb copies the K area to a text file suitable for RUN
SGDESTR    Verb-like to destroy named POPS environment save file
SGINDEX    Verb lists SAVE areas by name and time of last SAVE.
SGUGET    Gets another user’s SAVE/GET file.
SGUINDEX    Verb lists SAVE areas by name and time of last SAVE another user
SIN    Compute the sine of a value
SLOT    Specifies AIPS catalog slot number
SPY    Verb to determine the execution status of all AIPS tasks
SQRT    Square root function
STORE    Store current POPS environment
STQUEUE    Verb to list pending TELL operations
STRING    Declare a symbol to be a string variable in POPS
SUBMIT    Verb which submits a batch work file to the job queue
SUBSTR    Function verb to specify a portion of a STRING variable
T1VERB    Temporary verb for testing (also T2VERB...T9VERB)
TAN    Tangent function
TAPES    Verb to show the TAPES(s) available
TASK    Name of a task
TGET    Verb-like gets adverbs from last GO of a task
TGINDEX    Verb lists those tasks for which TGET will work.
TGUINDEX    Verb lists those tasks for which TUGET will work another user
THEDATE    contains the date and time in a string form
THEN    Specified the action if an IF test is true
TO    Specifies upper limit of a FOR loop
TPUT    Verb-like puts adverbs from a task in file for TGETs
TT    spare scalar adverb for use in procedures
TUGET    Verb-like gets adverbs from last GO of a task from another user #
TYPE    Type the value of an expression
UPCASE    Convert a string to all upper case letters
USAVE    Pseudoverb to save full POPS environment in named file
VALUE    Convert a string to a numeric value
VERB    Declares a name to be a symbol of type verb
VERSION    Specify AIPS version or local task area
VGET    Verb-like gets adverbs from version task parameter save area
VGINDEX    Verb lists those tasks for which VGET will work.
VLA    puts the list of VLA antennas in the current file on stack
VLARUN    Calibrating amplitude and phase, and imaging VLA data
VLBA    puts the list of VLBA antennas in the current file on stack
VLBAMPHC    applies VLBARUN calibration to additional phase stopping centers
VLBARUN    applies amplitude and phase calibration procs to VLBA data
VNUMBER    Specifies the task parameter (VGET/VPUT) save area
VPUT    Verb-like puts adverbs from a task in files for VGETs
WAITTASK    halt AIPS until specified task is finished
WHILE    Start a conditional statement
X    spare scalar adverb for use in procedures
XHELP    Accesses hypertext help system
Y    spare scalar adverb for use in procedures