HLPIBLED | Interactive Baseline based visibility Editor - run-time help |
HLPLISPX | Fits spectral index model to data in text file - run-time help |
HLPPCFLG | Interactive time-channel PC table Editor PCFLG - run-time help |
HLPPLAYR | OOP TV class demonstration task - run-time help |
HLPRMFIT | Polarization fitting task RMFIT - run-time help |
HLPSCIMG | Full-featured image plus self-cal loops, editing - run-time help |
HLPSCMAP | Imaging plus self-cal and editing SCMAP - run-time help |
HLPSPFLG | Interactive time-channel visibility Editor SPFLG - run-time help |
HLPTVFLG | Interactive time-baseline visibility Editor TVFLG - run-time help |
HLPTVHLD | Interactive image display with histogram equalization - run-time help |
HLPTVHUI | Interactive intensity-hue-saturation display - run-time help |
HLPTVIEW | Interactive display of cube in 3 transpositions - run-time help |
HLPTVRGB | Interactive red-green-blue display - run-time help |
HLPTVSAD | Find & fit Gaussians to an image with interaction - run-time help |
HLPTVSPC | Interactive display of spectra from a cube - run-time help |
HLPTVSPX | Fits 1-dimensional spectral index model to data - run-time help |
HLPUFLAG | Edit uv-data on a grid UFLAG - run-time help |
HLPWIPER | edit uv data from UVPLT-like plot WIPER - run-time help |
HLPXGAUS | Interactive Gaussian fitting task XGAUS - run-time help |
HLPZAMAN | Fits 1-dimensional Zeeman model to absorption data - run-time help |
HLPZEMAN | Fits 1-dimensional Zeeman model to data - run-time help |
IBLED | Interactive BaseLine based visibility EDitor |
IMAGR | Wide-field and/or wide-frequency Cleaning / imaging task. |
LISPX | Fits spectral indexes to a list of spectra, allows interactive edit |
MAPPR | Simplified access to IMAGR |
MFITSET | gets adverbs for running IMFIT and JMFIT |
OPTELL | The operation to be passed to a task by TELL |
PCEDT | Interactive TV task to edit pulse-cal (PC) tables |
PCFLG | interactive flagging of Pulse-cal data in channel-TB using the TV |
PDEDT | Interactive TV task to edit polarization D-term (PD) tables |
PLAYR | Task to load one or two images and play with them on the TV |
READ | Read a value from the users terminal |
READLINE | Information about AIPS use of the GNU readline library. |
REBOX | Verb to reset boxes with TV cursor & graphics display. |
SCIMG | Full-featured imaging plus self-calibration loop with editing |
SCMAP | Imaging plus self-calibration loop with editing |
SETSLICE | Set slice endpoints on the TV interactively |
SNEDT | Interactive SN/CL/TY/SY table editor using the TV |
SPFLG | interactive flagging of UV data in channel-TB using the TV |
TDEPEND | Time-dependent imaging procedure sequence |
TDSCANS | Time-dependent imaging procedure sequence: find intervals |
TDSSCAN | Time-dependent imaging procedure sequence: find intervals |
TDSTEP3 | Time-dependent imaging procedure ”step 3” |
TDSTEP5 | Time-dependent imaging procedure sequence: later steps |
TK1SET | Verb to reset 1D gaussian fitting initial guess. |
TKBOX | Procedure to set a Clean box with the TK cursor |
TKNBOXS | Procedure to set Clean boxes 1 - n with the TK cursor |
TKPOS | Read a position from the graphics screen or window |
TKSET | Verb to set 1D gaussian fitting initial guesses. |
TKWIN | Procedure to set BLC and TRC with Graphics cursor |
TV1SET | Verb to reset 1D gaussian fitting initial guess on TV plot. |
TVBOX | Verb to set boxes with TV cursor & graphics display. |
TVFLG | interactive flagging of UV data using the TV |
TVHELIX | Verb to activate a helical hue-intensity TV pseudo-coloring |
TVIEW | Display image cube in all 3 transpositions with rotation & reference |
TVSAD | Finds and fits Gaussians to portions of an image with interaction |
TVSCROL | Shift position of image on the TV screen |
TVSET | Verb to set slice Gaussian fitting initial guesses from TV plot |
TVSPC | Display images and spectra from a cube |
TVSPLIT | Compare two TV image planes, showing halves |