ASTROMET | Describes the process of astrometric/geodetic reduction in AIPS |
BATCHJOB | Information about BATCH |
CALIBRAT | describes the process of data calibration in AIPS |
CATEGORY | List of allowed primary keywords in HELP files |
GNUGPL | Information about GNU General Public License for AIPS |
LSAPROPO | Data input to APROPO to find what uses what words |
MSGSERVER | Information about the X11-based message server |
MSGSRV | Information about the X11-based message server |
NEWTASK | Information about installing a new task |
NOADVERB | Information about the lack of a defined adverb or verb |
PANIC | Instructions for what to do when things go wrong |
POPSDAT | lists all POPS symbols to create them for MEmory files |
POPSYM | Describes the symbols used in POPS |
POSTSCRIP | General comments about AIPS use of PostScript incl macros |
READLINE | Information about AIPS use of the GNU readline library. |
REBYTE | service program to transform byte order of full data sets |
SECONDARY | List of allowed secondary keywords in HELP files |
SECONDRY | List of allowed secondary keywords in HELP files |
TEKSERVER | Information about the X-11 Tektronix emulation server |
TEKSRV | Information about the X-11 Tektronix emulation server |
TPMON | Information about the TPMON ”Daemon” |
USERLIST | Alphabetic and numeric list of VLA users, points to real list |
UV1TYPE | Convolving function type 1, pillbox or square wave |
UV2TYPE | Convolving function type 2, exponential function |
UV3TYPE | Convolving function type 3, sinc function |
UV4TYPE | Convolving function type 4, exponent times sinc function |
UV5TYPE | Convolving function type 5, spheroidal function |
UV6TYPE | Convolving function type 6, exponent times BessJ1(x) / x |
WHATSNEW | lists changes and new code in the last several AIPS releases |
XAS | Information about TV-Servers |