ACCOR | Corrects cross amplitudes using auto correlation measurements |
ACFIT | Determine antenna gains from autocorrelations |
ACIMG | Makes image of autocorrelation data showing time vs frequency |
ACLIP | edits suto-corr data for amplitudes, phases, and weights out of range |
ACSCL | Corrects cross amplitudes using auto correlation measurements |
ADDIF | Adds an IF axis to a uv data set |
AFARS | Is used after FARS to determine Position and Value of the maximum |
AFILE | sorts and edits MkIII correlator A-file. |
AGAUS | Fits 1-dimensional Gaussians to absorption-line spectra |
AHIST | Task to convert image intensities by adaptive histogram |
AIPS | AIPS main program for interactive use |
AIPSB | AIPS main program for executing batch jobs |
AIPSC | AIPS main program for testing and queuing batch jobs |
ALBUS | Calculate ionospheric delay and Faraday rotation using ALBUS |
ALVAR | Plots the Allan Variance statistic of a UV data set |
ALVPR | prints statistics on the Allan Variance of a UV data set |
AMKAT | renumbers MeerKAT antennas so taht antenna number =¿ station ID |
ANBPL | plots and prints uv data converted to antenna based values |
ANCAL | Places antenna-based Tsys and gain corrections in CL table |
ANTAB | Read amplitude calibration information into AIPS |
APCAL | Apply TY and GC tables to generate an SN table |
APCLN | Deconvolves images with CLEAN algorithm |
APGPS | Apply GPS-derived ionospheric corrections |
APGS | deconvolves image with Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm |
APVC | Deconvolves images with van Cittert algorithm |
ATLOD | Reads ATCA data in RPFITS format into AIPS |
ATMCA | Determines delay/phase gradient from calibrator observations |
AVER | Averages over time UV data sets in ’BT’ order |
AVGWT | Computes the average visibility weight of the included data |
AVSPC | Averages uv-data in the frequency domain |
AVTP | Positions tape to desired file |
BAKLD | reads all files of a catalog entry from BAKTP tape |
BAKTP | writes all files of a catalog entry to tape in host format |
BASRM | Task to remove a spectral baseline from total power spectra |
BATER | stand-alone program to prepare and submit batch jobs |
BDAPL | Applies a BD table to another data set |
BDEPO | computes depolarization due to rotation measure gradients |
BLANK | blanks out selected, e.g. non-signal, portions of an image |
BLAPP | applies baseline-based fringe solutions a la BLAPP |
BLAVG | Average cross-polarized UV data over baselines. |
BLCAL | Compute closure offset corrections |
BLCHN | Compute closure offset corrections on a channel-by-channel basis |
BLING | find residual rate and delay on individual baselines |
BLOAT | converts line data to greater number channels |
BLPCL | Do divide by I,Q,U models for circular polarization BLCHN |
BLPLT | Plots BLCAL tables in 2 dimensions as function of baseline and IF |
BLSUM | sums images over irregular sub-images, displays spectra |
BLWUP | Blow up an image by any positive integer factor. |
BOXES | Adds Clean boxes to BOXFILE around sources. |
BPASS | computes spectral bandpass correction table |
BPCOR | Correct BP table. |
BPEDT | Interactive TV task to edit uv data based on BP tables |
BPEPL | Plots bandpass tables overlaying multiple times like BPEDT |
BPERR | Print and plot BPASS closure outputs |
BPFLG | Flgas uv data based on bad BP values |
BPLOT | Plots bandpass tables in 2 dimensions as function of time |
BPPLT | Plots selected contents of bandpass (BP) files versus time |
BPSMO | Smooths or interpolates bandpass tables to regular times |
BPWAY | Determines channel-dependent relative weights |
BPWGT | Calibrates data and scales weights by bandpass correction |
BSAVG | Task to do an FFT-weighted sum of beam-switched images |
BSCAN | seeks best scan to use for phase cal, fringe search, .. |
BSCLN | Hogbom Clean on beam-switched difference image |
BSCOR | Combines two beam-switched images |
BSFIX | Corrects the ra/dec offsets recorded by the 12m |
BSGEO | Beam-switched Az-El image to RA-Dec image translation |
BSGRD | Task to image beam-switched single-dish data |
BSMAP | Images weak sources with closure phases |
BSMOD | creates single-dish UV beam-switched data with model sources |
BSPRT | print BS tables |
BSROT | modifies SD beam-switch continuum data for error in throw |
BSTST | Graphical display of solutions to frequency-switched data |
CALIB | determines antenna calibration: complex gain |
CALRD | Reads calibrator source model-image FITS file |
CALWR | writes calibrator source model images w CC files to FITS disk files |
CANDY | user-definable (paraform) task to create an AIPS image |
CAPLT | plots closure amplitude and model from CC file |
CC2IM | Make model image from a CC file |
CCEDT | Select CC components in BOXes and above mininum flux. |
CCFND | prints the contents of a Clean Components extension file. |
CCGAU | Converts point CLEAN components to Gaussians |
CCMOD | generates clean components to fit specified source model |
CCMRG | sums all clean components at the same pixel |
CCNTR | Generate a contour plot file from an image with CC or MF plotted |
CCRES | Removes or restores a CC file to a map with a gaussian beam. |
CCSEL | Select signifigant CC components |
CENTR | modifies UV data to center the reference channel |
CHEBI | Make text file to plot Chebyshev polynomials |
CHKFC | makes images of Clean boxes from Boxfile |
CL2HF | Convert CL table to HF table |
CLCAL | merges and smooths SN tables, applies them to CL tables |
CLCOP | copy CL/SN file calibration between polarizations or IFs |
CLCOR | applies user-selected corrections to the calibration CL table |
CLINV | copy CL/SN file inverting the calibration |
CLIP | edits data based on amplitudes, phases, and weights out of range |
CLNUP | removes old MS, RL, SG, TG and ?? files from AIPS disks |
CLOSE | plots closure phase or amplitude spectra averaged over closures |
CLPLT | plots closure phase and model from CC file |
CLSMO | smooths a calibration CL table |
CLVLB | Corrects CL table gains for pointing offsets in VLBI data |
CMPLX | Combines complex images by a variety of mathematical methods. |
CNTR | generate a contour plot file or TV plot from an image |
COHER | Baseline Phase coherence measurement |
COMB | combines two images by a variety of mathematical methods |
CONFI | Optimize array configuration by minimum side lobes |
CONPL | Plots AIPS gridding convolution functions |
CONVL | convolves an image with a gaussian or another image |
CORER | calculates correlator statistics and flags bad ones |
CORFQ | corrects uvw for incorrect observing frequency |
CPASS | computes polynomial spectral bandpass correction table |
CPYRT | replaces history with readme file, inserts copyright |
CSCOR | applies specified corrections to CS tables |
CUBIT | Model a galaxy’s density and velocity distribution from full cube |
CVEL | shifts spectral-line UV data to a given velocity |
CXCLN | Complex Hogbom CLEAN |
DAYFX | Fixes day number problems left by FILLM |
DBAPP | appends one or more data sets to the output data set |
DBCON | concatenates two UV data sets |
DCONV | deconvolves a gaussian from an image |
DECOR | Measures the decorrelation between channels and IF of uv data |
DEFLG | edits data based on decorrelation over channels and time |
DELZN | Determines residual atmosphere depth at zenith and clock errors |
DENAN | modifies UV data flagging all NaNs |
DESCM | copies a portion of a UV data set |
DFCOR | Applies ATMO differential corrections to the calibration CL table |
DFQID | modifies UV data changing the indicated FQIDs |
DFTIM | Makes image of DFT at arbitrary point showing time vs frequency |
DFTPL | plots DFT of a UV data set at arbitrary point versus time |
DGAUS | Correct UV model for convolution by Clean beam |
DIFRL | divides the RR data by LL data |
DIFUV | Outputs the difference of two matching input uv data sets |
DISKU | shows disk use by one or all users |
DQUAL | Rearranges source list, dropping qualifiers |
DRCHK | stand-alone program checks system setup files for consistency |
DSKEW | Geometric interpolation correction for skew |
DSORC | copies a data set elliminating some source numbers |
DSTOK | Drops the cross-hand polarizations |
DT2PD | Write PD table from a PD table text file |
DTCHK | Task to check results of a test using simulated data. |
DTSIM | Generate fake UV data |
DTSUM | Task to provide a summary of the contents of a dataset |
EDITA | Interactive TV task to edit uv data based on TY/SY/SN/CL tables |
EDITR | Interactive baseline-oriented visibility editor using the TV |
ELFIT | Plots/fits selected contents of SN, TY, SY, PC or CL files |
ELINT | Determines and removes gain dependence on elevation |
EVACL | Evaluates statistics in closure phase and amplitude |
EVASN | Evaluates statistics in SN/CL tables |
EVAUV | Subtracts & divides a model into UV data, does statistics on results |
EXTAB | exports AIPS table data as tab-separated text |
FACES | makes images of catalog sources for initial calibration |
FARAD | add ionospheric Faraday rotation to CL table |
FARS | Faraday rotation synthesis based on the brightness vs wavelength |
FETCH | Reads an image from an external text file. |
FFT | Takes Fourier Transform of an image or images |
FGCNT | Counts samples comparing two flag tables or detailed count from ¡= 1 |
FGDIF | Compares affect of 2 FG tables |
FGPLT | Plots selected contents of FG table |
FGPRT | Prints counts of selected portions of an FG table. |
FGSPW | Flags bad spectral windows |
FGTAB | writes frequency-range flags to a text file to be read by UVFLG |
FILIT | Interactive BOXFILE editing with facet images |
FILLM | reads VLA on-line/archive format uv data tapes (post Jan 88) |
FILLR | reads old VLA on-line-system tapes into AIPS |
FINDR | Find normal values for a uv data set |
FIT2A | reads the fits input file and records it to the output ascii file |
FITAB | writes images / uv data w extensions to tape in FITS format |
FITLD | Reads FITS files to load images or UV (IDI or UVFITS) data to disk |
FITTP | writes images / uv data w extensions to tape in FITS format |
FIXAL | least squares fit aliasing function and remove |
FIXAN | fixes the contents of the ANtenna extension file |
FIXBX | converts a BOXFILE to another for input to IMAGR |
FIXFR | Modifies UV data set making all frequencies increase or decrease |
FIXRL | correctes right vs left polarizations for a list of antennas |
FIXWT | Modify weights to reflect amplitude scatter of data |
FLAGR | Edit data based on internal RMS, amplitudes, weights |
FLATN | Re-grid multiple fields into one image incl sensitivity |
FLGIT | flags data based on the rms of the spectrum |
FLOPM | reverses the spectral order of UV data, can fix VLA error |
FQUBE | collects n-dimensional images into n+1-dimensional FREQID image |
FRCAL | Faraday rotation self calibration task |
FRING | fringe fit data to determine antenna calibration, delay, rate |
FRMAP | Task to build a map using fringe rate spectra |
FRPLT | Task to plot fringe rate spectra |
FTARS | Fits 1-dimensional polarization spectrum to Q/U text file |
FTFLG | interactive flagging of UV data in channel-time using the TV |
FUDGE | modifies UV data with user’s algorithm: paraform task |
FXPOL | Corrects VLBA polarization assignments |
FXTIM | fixes start date so all times are positive |
FXVLA | Task to correct VLA data for on-line errors in special cases. |
FXVLB | Builds a CQ table to enable VLBA correlator loss corrections |
GAL | Determine parameters from a velocity field |
GCPLT | Plots gain curves from text files |
GETJY | determines calibrator flux densities |
GLENS | models galaxy gravitational lens acting on 3 component source |
GPSDL | Calculate ionospheric delay and Faraday rotation corrections |
GREYS | plots images as contours over multi-level grey |
GRIPR | standalone program to enter suggestions/complaints to AIPS |
GSCAT | reads Fits Guide star catalog file |
GSTAR | Task to read a Guide Star (UK) table and create an ST table. |
HA2TI | Converts data processed by TI2HA (STUFFER) back to real times |
HAFIX | Recomputes u,v,w when time is hour angle (UVdata is output of TI2HA) |
HF2SV | convert HF tables from FRING/MBDLY to form used by Calc/Solve |
HFPRT | write HF tables from CL2HF |
HGEOM | interpolates image to different gridding and/or geometry |
HISEQ | task to translate image by histogram equalization |
HLPAGAUS | Interactive Gaussian absorption fitting task AGAUS - run-time help |
HLPCLEAN | Cleaning tasks - run-time help |
HLPEDIBP | Interactive BP table uv-data editor BPEDT - run-time help |
HLPEDICL | Interactive SN/CL table uv-data editor - run-time help |
HLPEDIPC | Interactive PC table editor PCEDT - run-time help |
HLPEDIPD | Interactive PD table editor PDEDT - run-time help |
HLPEDISN | Interactive SN/CL table (not UV) editor - run-time help |
HLPEDISS | Interactive SY table (not UV) editor - run-time help |
HLPEDISY | Interactive SY table uv-data editor EDITA - run-time help |
HLPEDITS | Interactive TY table (not UV) editor - run-time help |
HLPEDITY | Interactive TY table uv-data editor EDITA - run-time help |
HLPEDIUV | Interactive uv-data editor EDITR - run-time help |
HLPFILIT | Interactive Clean box file editing with image display - run-time help |
HLPFTFLG | Interactive time-channel visibility Editor - run-time help |
HLPIBLED | Interactive Baseline based visibility Editor - run-time help |
HLPLISPX | Fits spectral index model to data in text file - run-time help |
HLPPCFLG | Interactive time-channel PC table Editor PCFLG - run-time help |
HLPPLAYR | OOP TV class demonstration task - run-time help |
HLPRMFIT | Polarization fitting task RMFIT - run-time help |
HLPSCIMG | Full-featured image plus self-cal loops, editing - run-time help |
HLPSCMAP | Imaging plus self-cal and editing SCMAP - run-time help |
HLPSPFLG | Interactive time-channel visibility Editor SPFLG - run-time help |
HLPTVFLG | Interactive time-baseline visibility Editor TVFLG - run-time help |
HLPTVHLD | Interactive image display with histogram equalization - run-time help |
HLPTVHUI | Interactive intensity-hue-saturation display - run-time help |
HLPTVIEW | Interactive display of cube in 3 transpositions - run-time help |
HLPTVRGB | Interactive red-green-blue display - run-time help |
HLPTVSAD | Find & fit Gaussians to an image with interaction - run-time help |
HLPTVSPC | Interactive display of spectra from a cube - run-time help |
HLPTVSPX | Fits 1-dimensional spectral index model to data - run-time help |
HLPUFLAG | Edit uv-data on a grid UFLAG - run-time help |
HLPWIPER | edit uv data from UVPLT-like plot WIPER - run-time help |
HLPXGAUS | Interactive Gaussian fitting task XGAUS - run-time help |
HLPZAMAN | Fits 1-dimensional Zeeman model to absorption data - run-time help |
HLPZEMAN | Fits 1-dimensional Zeeman model to data - run-time help |
HOCLN | Task to do a clean of holography images |
HOLGR | Read & process holography visibility data to telescope images |
HOLIS | Prints information about holography sampling |
HOLOG | Read & process holography visibility data to telescope images |
HUINT | make RGB image from images of intensity & hue, like TVHUEINT |
IANTB | Writes out GC and TY data in ANTAB format |
IBLED | Interactive BaseLine based visibility EDitor |
IM2CC | Task to convert an image to multi-facet Clean Components |
IM2UV | converts an image to a visibility data set |
IMAGR | Wide-field and/or wide-frequency Cleaning / imaging task. |
IMCLP | Clip an image to a specified range. |
IMEAN | displays the mean & extrema and plots histogram of an image |
IMERG | merges images of different spatial resolutions |
IMFIT | Fits Gaussians to portions of an image |
IMFLT | fits and removes a background intensity plane from an image |
IMLHS | converts images to luminosity/hue TV display |
IMLIN | Fits and removes continuum emission from cube |
IMLOD | Reads tape or disk files to load images to disk |
IMMOD | adds images of model objects to an image |
IMRMS | Plot IMEAN rms answers |
IMTXT | Write an image to an external text file. |
IMVIM | plots one image’s values against another’s |
INDXH | writes index file describing contents of UV data base |
INDXR | writes index file describing contents of UV data base |
IRING | integrates intensity / flux in rings / ellipses |
ISPEC | Plots and prints spectrum of region of a cube |
JMFIT | Fits Gaussians to portions of an image |
KNTR | make a contour/grey plot file from an image w multiple panels |
KRING | fringe fit data to determine antenna calibration, delay, rate |
LAYER | Task to create an RGB image from multiple images |
LDGPS | load GPS data from an ASCII file |
LGEOM | regrids images with rotation, shift using interpolation |
LISPX | Fits spectral indexes to a list of spectra, allows interactive edit |
LISTR | prints contents of UV data sets and assoc. calibration tables |
LISUN | prints contents of UV data sets with Sun angles |
LOCIT | fits antenna locations from SN-table data |
LPCAL | Determines instrumental polarization for UV data |
LTESS | makes mosaic images by linear combination |
LWPLA | translates plot file(s) to a PostScript printer or file |
M3TAR | translate Haystack MKIII VLBI format ”A” TAR’s into AIPS |
MANDL | creates an image of a subset of the Mandlebrot Set |
MAPBM | Map VLA beam polarization |
MARSP | Check planetary polarization angles, plot histogram of differences |
MASKS | Makes mask image of Clean boxes from boxfile |
MATCH | changes antenna, source, FQ numbers to match a data set |
MATHS | operates on an image with a choice of mathematical functions |
MBDLY | Fits multiband delays from IF phases, updates SN table |
MCUBE | collects n-dimensional images into n+1-dimensional image |
MEDI | combines four images by a variety of mathematical methods |
MF2ST | Task to generate an ST ext. file from Model Fit ext. file |
MFIMG | Image the Earth magnetic field model or TEC data used by TECOR |
MFPRT | prints MF tables in a format needed by modelling software |
MK3IN | translate Haystack MKIII VLBI format ”A” tapes into AIPS |
MK3TX | extract text files from a MKIII VLBI archive tape |
MOD3D | Computes a 3D CC model from a set of facets |
MODAB | Makes simple absorption/emission spectral-line image in I/V |
MODIM | adds images of model objects to image cubes in IQU polarization |
MODSP | adds images of model objects to image cubes in I/V polarization |
MODVF | task to create a warped velocity field |
MOMFT | calculates images of moments of a sub-image |
MOMNT | calculates images of moments along x-axis (vel, freq, ch) |
MORIF | Combines IFs or breaks spectral windows into multiple windows (IFs) |
MOVE | Task to copy or move data from one user or disk to another |
MSORT | Sort a UV dataset into a specified order |
MTARS | Compute model inputs to TARS |
MULIF | Change number of IFs in output |
MULTI | Task to convert single-source to multi-source UV data |
MWFLT | applies linear & non-linear filters to images |
NANS | reads an image or a UV data set and looks for NaNs |
NINER | Applies various 3x3 area operaters to an image. |
NNLSQ | Non-Negative-Least-Squares decomposition of spectrum |
NOBAT | Task to lock lower priority users out of the AP |
NOIFS | makes all IFs into single spectrum |
OBEDT | Task to flag data of orbiting antennas |
OBPLT | Plot columns of an OB table. |
OBTAB | Recalculate orbit parameters and other spacecraft info |
OFLAG | uses on-line flag table information to write a flag table |
OFUDG | modifies UV data with user’s algorithm no cal adverbs: paraform task |
OGEOM | Simple image rotation, scaling, and translation |
OHGEO | Geometric interpolation with correction for 3-D effects |
OMFIT | Fits sources and, optionally, a self-cal model to uv data |
OOSRT | Sort a UV dataset into a specified order |
OOSUB | Subtracts/divides a model from/into a uv data base |
OTFBS | Translates on-the-fly continuum SDD format to AIPS UV file |
OTFIN | Lists on-the-fly single-dish SDD format data files |
OTFUV | Translates on-the-fly single-dish SDD format to AIPS UV file |
PADIM | Task to increase image size by padding with some value |
PANEL | Convert HOLOG output to panel adjustment table |
PASTE | Pastes a selected subimage of one image into another. |
PATGN | Task to create a user specified test or primary-beam pattern |
PBCOR | Task to apply or correct an image for a primary beam |
PBEAM | Fits the analytic function to the measured values of the beam |
PCABL | Copies the Cable cal values from PC table 1 to PC table n |
PCAL | Determines instrumental polarization for UV data |
PCASS | Finds amplitude bandpass shape from pulse-cal table data |
PCAVG | Averages pulse-cal (PC) tables over time |
PCCOR | Corrects phases using PCAL tones data from PC table |
PCDIV | Scales pulse-cal amplitudes by Tsys or Psum |
PCEDT | Interactive TV task to edit pulse-cal (PC) tables |
PCFIT | Finds delays and phases using a pulse-cal (PC) table |
PCFLG | interactive flagging of Pulse-cal data in channel-TB using the TV |
PCHIS | Generates a histogram plot file from text input, e.g. from PCRMS |
PCLOD | Reads ascii file containing pulse-cal info to PC table. |
PCNTR | Generate plot file with contours plus polarization vectors |
PCPLT | Plots pulse-cal tables in 2 dimensions as function of time |
PCRMS | Finds statistics of a pulse-cal table; flags bad times and channels |
PCVEL | shifts spectral-line UV data to a given velocity: planet version |
PDEDT | Interactive TV task to edit polarization D-term (PD) tables |
PDPLT | Plots selected contents of PD tables |
PEEK | fits pointing model function to output from the VLA |
PFPL1 | Paraform Task to generate a plot file: (does grey scale) |
PFPL2 | Paraform Task to generate a plot file: (slice intensity) |
PFPL3 | Paraform Task to generate a plot file: (does histogram) |
PGEOM | Task to transform an image into polar coordinates. |
PHASE | Baseline Phase coherence measurement |
PHNEG | Negates a UV datafile’s visibility phase. |
PHSRF | Perform phase-referencing within a spectral line database. |
PLAYR | Task to load one or two images and play with them on the TV |
PLCUB | Task to plot intensity vs x panels on grid of y,z pixels |
PLOTC | Plots color schems used by 3-color plot tasks |
PLOTR | Basic task to generate a plot file from text input |
PLRFI | Plots spectral statistics from output of VBRFI & VLBRF |
PLROW | Plot intensity of a series of rows with an offset. |
POLCO | Task to correct polarization maps for Ricean bias |
POSSM | Task to plot total and cross-power spectra. |
PPAPP | Applies Right minus Left phase difference to a 2nd data set |
PROFL | Generates plot file for a profile display. |
PRRFI | Prints excess spectral statistics from output of VBRFI & VLBRF |
PRTAB | prints any table-format extension file |
PRTAC | prints contents and summaries of the accounting file |
PRTAN | prints the contents of the ANtenna extension file |
PRTCC | prints the contents of a Clean Components extension file. |
PRTIM | prints image intensities from an MA catalog entry |
PRTOF | prints on-line flag table information |
PRTSD | prints contents of AIPS single-dish data sets |
PRTSY | Task to print statistics from the SY table |
PRTTP | prints contents of tapes and disk files, all supported formats |
PRTUV | prints contents of a visibility (UV) data set |
QBEAM | Plot holography data as contour image and outputs interpolated image |
QUACK | Flags beginning or end portions of UV-data scans |
QUFIX | determines Right minus Left phase difference, corrects cal files |
QUOUT | writes text file of Q, U versus frequency to be used by RLDIF |
QUXTR | extracts text files from Q,U cubes for input to TARS |
REAMP | Scale visibility amplitudes by IF- or subarray-dependent factor |
REFLG | Attempts to compress a flag table |
REGRD | Regrids an image from one co-ordinate frame to another |
REIFS | Breaks spectral windows into multiple spectral windows (IFs) |
REMAG | Task to replace magic blanks with a user specified value |
RESEQ | Renumber antennas |
REWAY | computes weights based in rms in spectra |
REWGT | modifies UV data re-scaling the weights only |
RFARS | Correct Q/U cubes for Faraday rotation synthesis results |
RFI | Look for RFI in uv data |
RFLAG | Flags data set based on time and freq rms in fringe visibilities |
RGBMP | Task to create an RGB image from the 3rd dim of an image |
RIFRM | Task to modify a CL and TE table with IFRM values from ALBUS files |
RIRMS | computes rms of real/imag of a selected subset of a uv data set |
RLCAL | Determines instrumental right-left phase versus time (a self-cal) |
RLCOR | corrects a data set for R-L phase differences |
RLDIF | determines Right minus Left phase difference, corrects cal files |
RLDLY | fringe fit data to determine antenna R-L delay difference |
RM | Task to calculate rotation measure and magnetic field |
RM2PL | Plots spectrum of a pixel with RMFIT fit |
RMFIT | Fits 1-dimensional polarization spectrum to Q/U cube |
RMSD | Calculate rms for each pixel using data in a box around the pixel |
RMTFC | Convolves rotation measure transfer function with slab models. |
RSPEC | Plots and prints spectrum of rms of a cube |
RSTOR | Restores a Clean component file to a map with a Gaussian beam. |
RTIME | Task to test compute times |
SABOX | create box file from source islands in facet images |
SAD | Finds and fits Gaussians to portions of an image |
SBCOR | Task to correct VLBA data for phase shift between USB & LSB |
SCIMG | Full-featured imaging plus self-calibration loop with editing |
SCLIM | operates on an image with a choice of mathematical functions |
SCMAP | Imaging plus self-calibration loop with editing |
SDCAL | Task to apply single dish calibration |
SDCLN | deconvolves image by Clark and then ”SDI” cleaning methods |
SDGRD | Task to select and image random-position single-dish data |
SDIMG | Task to select and image random-position single-dish data |
SDLSF | least squares fit to channels and subtracts from SD uv data |
SDMOD | modifies single-dish UV data with model sources |
SDTUV | Task to convert SD table files to UV like data. |
SDVEL | shifts spectral-line single-dish data to a given velocity |
SERCH | Finds line signals in transposed data cube |
SETAN | Reads an ANtenna file info from a text file |
SETFC | Makes a BOXFILE for input to IMAGR, recommends cell and image sizes. |
SETJY | Task to enter source info into source (SU) table. |
SHADO | Calculate the shadowing of antennas at the array |
SHADW | Generates the ”shadowed” representation of an image |
SHAHO | Flags Holography data for shadowing |
SHOUV | displays uv data in various ways. |
SKYVE | Regrids a DSS image from one co-ordinate frame to another |
SL2PL | Task to convert a Slice File to a Plot File |
SLCOL | Task to collate slice data and models. |
SLFIT | Task to fit gaussians to slice data. |
SLICE | Task to make a slice file from an image |
SLPRT | Task to print a Slice File |
SMOTH | Task to smooth a subimage from upto a 7-dim. image |
SNBLP | Plots selected contents of SN or CL files on a baseline basis |
SNCOP | Task to copy SN table averaging some input IFs |
SNCOR | applies user-selected corrections to the calibration SN table |
SNDUP | copies and duplicates SN table from single pol file to dual pol |
SNEDT | Interactive SN/CL/TY/SY table editor using the TV |
SNFIT | Fits parabola to SN amplitudes and plots result |
SNFLG | Writes flagging info based on the contents of SN files |
SNIFS | Plots selected contents of SN, TY, SY, PC or CL files by IF |
SNP2D | Task to convert SN table single-channel phase to delay |
SNPLT | Plots selected contents of SN, SY, TY, PC or CL files versus time |
SNREF | Chooses best reference antenna to minimize R-L differences |
SNRMS | Print statistics for selected contents of SN, SY, TY, PC or CL files |
SNSMO | smooths and filters a calibration SN table |
SOLCL | adjust gains for solar data according to nominal sensitivity |
SOUSP | fits source spectral index from SU table or adverbs |
SPCAL | Determines instrumental polzn. for spec. line UV data |
SPCOR | Task to correct an image for a primary beam and spectral index |
SPECR | Spectral regridding task for UV data |
SPFIX | Makes cube from input to and output from SPIXR spectral index |
SPFLG | interactive flagging of UV data in channel-TB using the TV |
SPIXR | Fits spectral indexes to each row of an image incl curvature |
SPLAT | Applies calibration and splits or assemble selected sources. |
SPLIT | converts multi-source to single-source UV files w calibration |
SPMOD | Modify UV database by adding a model with spectral lines |
SPRMS | Plots spectral statistics of a selected subset of a uv data set |
SPXMD | adds images of model objects to image cubes in spectral index |
SQASH | Task to collapse several planes in a cube into one plane or row |
STACK | Task to co-add a set of 2-dimensional images with weighting |
STARS | Task to generate an ST ext. file with star positions |
STATIONS | GPS stations used by ALBUS from 3 Sept, 2024 |
STEER | Task which deconvolves the David Steer way. |
STESS | Task which finds sensitivity in mosaicing |
STFND | Task to find stars in an image and generate an ST table. |
STFUN | Task to calculate a structure function image |
STRAN | Task compares ST tables, find image coordinates (e.g. guide star ) |
SUBIM | Task to select a subimage from up to a 7-dim. image |
SUFIX | modifies source numbers on uv data |
SUMIM | Task to sum overlapping, sequentially-numbered images |
SUMSQ | Task to sum the squared pixel values of overlapping images |
SWAPR | modifies UV data by swapping real and imaginary parts |
SWPOL | Swap polarizations in a UV data base |
SY2TY | Task to generate a TY extension file from an EVLA SY table |
SYFIX | modifies OTF SY DATA to match the source numbers in the data set |
SYPRT | Task to print values from the SY table |
SYSOL | undoes and re-does nominal sensitivity application for Solar data |
SYVSN | Plots selected SY/TY data with SN solution values versus time |
TABED | Task to edit tables |
TACOP | task to copy tables, other extension files |
TADIF | prints differences between two table-format extension files |
TAFFY | User definable task to operate on an image |
TAFLG | Flags data in a Table extension file |
TAMRG | Task to merge table rows under specified conditions |
TAPLT | Plots data from a Table extension file |
TAPPE | Task to append 2 tables and merge to output table |
TARPL | Plot input and output text files of the TARS task |
TARS | Simulation of Faraday rotation synthesis (mainly task FARS) |
TASAV | Task to copy all extension tables to a dummy uv or map file |
TASRT | Task to sort extension tables. |
TBAVG | Time averages data combining all baselines. |
TBDIF | Compare entries in two tables |
TBIN | Reads a text file AIPS table into AIPS |
TBOUT | Writes an AIPS table into a text file for user editting. |
TBSUB | Make a new table from a subset of an old table |
TBTSK | Paraform OOP task for tables |
TCOPY | Tape to tape copy with some disk FITS support |
TECOR | Calculate ionospheric delay and Faraday rotation corrections |
TEPLT | Plots selected contents of TE (TECOR) parameter tables |
TFILE | sorts and edits MkIII correlator UNIX-based A-file. |
TGREP | finds all user numbers which have used specified task |
TI2HA | modifies times in UV data to hour angles |
TIORD | checks data for time baseline ordering, displays failures |
TKPL | Task to send a plot file to the TEK |
TLCAL | Converts JVLA telcal files to an SN file |
TRANS | Task to transpose a subimage of an up to 7-dim. image |
TRUEP | determines true antenna polarization from special data sets |
TVCPS | Task to copy a TV screen-image to a PostScript file. |
TVDIC | Task to copy a TV screen-image to a Dicomed film recorder. |
TVFLG | interactive flagging of UV data using the TV |
TVHLD | Interactive task to load an image to the TV with histogram equalization |
TVHUI | make TV image from images of intensity, hue, saturation |
TVIEW | Display image cube in all 3 transpositions with rotation & reference |
TVPL | Display a plot file on the TV |
TVRGB | make TV image from images of true color (RGB) images |
TVSAD | Finds and fits Gaussians to portions of an image with interaction |
TVSPC | Display images and spectra from a cube |
TVSPX | Fits spectral indexes to each image row, allows interactive edit |
TXPL | Displays a plot (PL) file on a terminal or line printer |
TYAPL | undoes and re-does nominal sensitivity application |
TYCOP | copy TY or SY table calibration between IFs |
TYSMO | smooths and filters a calibration TY or SY table |
UBAVG | Baseline dependent time averaging of uv data |
UFLAG | Plots and edits data using a uv-plane grid and the TV |
UJOIN | modifies UV data converting IFs to spectral channels |
UNCAL | sets up tables for uncalibrating Australia Telescope data |
UNSPX | Removes spectral index model from a data cube |
USUBA | Assign subarrays within a uv-data file |
UTESS | deconvolves images by maximizing emptiness |
UV2MS | Append single-source file to multi-source file. |
UV2TB | Converts UV autocorrelation spectra to tables |
UVADC | Fourier transforms and corrects a model and adds to uv data. |
UVADD | Combines two matching uv data sets |
UVAVG | Average or merge a sorted (BT, TB) uv database |
UVBAS | averages several channels and subtracts from uv data. |
UVCMP | Convert a UV database to or from compressed format |
UVCON | Generate sample UV coverage given a user defined array layout |
UVCOP | Task to copy a subset of a UV data file |
UVCRS | Finds the crossing points of UV-ellipses. |
UVDEC | Decrements the number of spectral channels, keeping every nth |
UVDGP | Copy a UV data file, deleting a portion of it |
UVDI1 | Subtract UV data(averaged up to one time) from the other UV data |
UVDIF | prints differences between two UV data sets |
UVFIL | Create, fill a uv database from user supplied information |
UVFIT | Fits source models to uv data. |
UVFIX | Recomputes u,v,w for a uv database |
UVFLG | Flags UV-data |
UVFND | prints selected data from UV data set to search for problems |
UVFRE | Makes one data set have the spectral structure of another |
UVGIT | Fits source models to uv data. |
UVGLU | Glues UV data frequency blocks back together |
UVHGM | Plots statistics of uv data files as histogram. |
UVHIM | Makes image of the histogram on two user-chosen axes |
UVHOL | Prints holography data from a UV data base with calibration |
UVIMG | Grid UV data into an ”image” |
UVLIN | Fits and removes continuum visibility spectrum, also can flag |
UVLOD | Read export or FITS data from a tape or disk |
UVLSD | least squares fit to channels and divides the uv data. |
UVLSF | least squares fit to channels and subtracts from uv data. |
UVMAP | makes images from calibrated UV data. |
UVMLN | edits data based on the rms of the spectrum |
UVMOD | Modify UV database by adding a model incl spectral index |
UVMTH | Averages one data set and applied it to another. |
UVNOU | flags uv samples near the U,V axes to reduce interference |
UVPLT | Plots data from a UV data base in multiple ways |
UVPOL | modifies UV data to make complex image and beam |
UVPRM | measures parameters from a UV data base |
UVPRT | prints data from a UV data base with calibration |
UVRFI | Mitigate RFI by Fourier transform or fitting the circle |
UVRMS | computes statistics of a selected subset of a uv data set |
UVSEN | Determine RMS sidelobe level and brightness sensitivity |
UVSIM | Generate sample UV coverage given a user defined array layout |
UVSRT | Sort a UV dataset into a specified order |
UVSUB | Subtracts/divides a model from/into a uv data base |
UVWAX | flags uv samples near the U,V axes to reduce interference |
VBCAL | Scale visibility amplitudes by antenna based constants |
VBGLU | Glues together data from multiple passes thru the VLBA corr. |
VBMRG | Merge VLBI data, eliminate duplicate correlations |
VBRFI | Plots spectral statistics of VLBA autocorrelation data for RFI |
VH2RL | Converts from linear to circular polarization and vice versa |
VHCAL | Do divide by I,Q,U models for linear polarization data |
VHDIF | find/apply V minus H linear polarization phase difference |
VHMOD | Compute linear polarization point source model, applies to data |
VLABP | VLA antenna beam polarization correction for snapshot images |
VLAMP | Makes ANTAB file for phased VLA used in VLBI observations |
VLANT | applies VLA/EVLA antenna position corrections from OPs files |
VLBCD | Reads ascii file containing VLBA calibration info into a CD table |
VLBIN | Task to read VLBI data from an NRAO/MPI MkII correlator |
VLBRF | Plots spectral statistics of VLBA autocorrelation data for RFI |
VLBSY | Reads ascii file containing VLBA total power info into an SY table |
VLOG | Pre-process external VLBA calibration files |
VPFLG | Resets flagging to all or all corss-hand whenever some are flagged |
VPLOT | Plots uv data and model from CC file |
VTESS | Deconvolves sets of images by the Maximum Entropy Method |
VTEST | Measures velocity discrepancy across fields |
WARP | Model warps in Galaxies |
WETHR | Plots selected contents of WX tables, flags data based on WX |
WIPER | plots and edits data from a UV data base using the TV |
WTMOD | modifies weights in a UV data set |
WTSUM | Task to do a a sum of images weighted by other images |
WXLOD | Reads KEYIN-format weather information making WX table |
XBASL | Fits and subtracts nth-order baselines from cube (x axis) |
XG2PL | Plots spectrum of a pixel with XGAUS/AGAUS and ZEMAN/ZAMAN fits |
XGAUS | Fits 1-dimensional Gaussians to images: restartable |
XMOM | Fits one-dimensional moments to each row of an image |
XPLOT | Plots image rows one at a time on the graphics or TV screen |
XSMTH | Smooth data along the x axis |
XSUM | Sum or average images on the x axis |
XTRAN | Create an image with transformed coordinates |
XYDIF | find/apply X minus Y linear polarization phase difference |
XYMOD | Compute linear polarization point source model, applies to data |
ZAMAN | Fits 1-dimensional Zeeman model to absorption-line data |
ZEMAN | Fits 1-dimensional Zeeman model to data |