DOTWO | do we make two of something |
FILLM | reads VLA on-line/archive format uv data tapes (post Jan 88) |
FILLR | reads old VLA on-line-system tapes into AIPS |
FIT2A | reads the fits input file and records it to the output ascii file |
FITAB | writes images / uv data w extensions to tape in FITS format |
FITLD | Reads FITS files to load images or UV (IDI or UVFITS) data to disk |
FITTP | writes images / uv data w extensions to tape in FITS format |
FORMAT | gives a format code number: e.g. FITS accuracy required |
GSCAT | reads Fits Guide star catalog file |
IMLOD | Reads tape or disk files to load images to disk |
INTAPE | specifies the input tape drive number |
MOUNT | makes a tape drive available to user’s AIPS and tasks |
NFILES | The number of files to skip, usually on a tape. |
NPIECE | The number of pieces to make |
OUTTAPE | The output tape drive number. |
PRTTP | prints contents of tapes and disk files, all supported formats |
QUANTIZE | Quantization level to use |
REMHOST | gives the name of another computer which will provide service |
REMTAPE | gives the number of another computer’s tape device |
REWIND | Verb to rewind a tape |
TAPES | Verb to show the TAPES(s) available |
TCOPY | Tape to tape copy with some disk FITS support |
TPHEAD | Verb to list image header from FITS or IBM-CV tape |
TPMON | Information about the TPMON ”Daemon” |
UVLOD | Read export or FITS data from a tape or disk |
VLAMODE | VLA observing mode |
VLAOBS | Observing program or part of observer’s name |