ABORTASK | stops a running task |
ABOUT | displays lists and information on tasks, verbs, adverbs |
AIPS | AIPS main program for interactive use |
AIPSB | AIPS main program for executing batch jobs |
ANTNAME | A list of antenna (station) names |
APARM | General numeric array adverb used many places |
BADDISK | specifies which disks are to be avoided for scratch files |
BATCHJOB | Information about BATCH |
BCOUNT | gives beginning location for start of a process |
BITER | gives beginning point for some iterative process |
BLC | gives lower-left-corner of selected subimage |
BPARM | general numeric array adverb used too many places |
CATEGORY | List of allowed primary keywords in HELP files |
CLNUP | removes old MS, RL, SG, TG and ?? files from AIPS disks |
CLRMSG | deletes messages from the user’s message file |
COMMENT | 64-character comment string |
CPARM | general numeric array adverb used many places |
CPUTIME | displays curren tcpu and real time usage of the AIPS task |
CROWDED | allows a task to perform its function in a crowded fashion |
DCODE | General string adverb |
DDISK | Deterimins where input Y2K data are found |
DECIMAL | specifies if something is in decimal format |
DETIME | specifies a time interval for an operation (destroy, batch) |
DISKU | shows disk use by one or all users |
DOALL | specifies if an operation is done once or for all matching |
DOCONFRM | selects user confirmation modes of repetitive operation |
DOKEEP | specifies if something is kept or deleted |
DOSCALE | specifies if a scaling operation of some sort is to be performed |
DOSCAN | specifies if a scan-related operation is to be done |
DOWAIT | selects wait-for-completion mode for running tasks |
DOWEIGHT | selects operations with data weights |
DPARM | General numeric array adverb used many places |
DRCHK | stand-alone program checks system setup files for consistency |
ECOUNT | give the highest count or iteration for some process |
EDGSKP | Deterimins border excluded from comparision or use |
EHEX | converts decimal to extended hex |
EXPERT | specifies an user experience level or mode |
EXPLAIN | displays help + extended information describing a task/symbol |
FILEZAP | Delete an external file |
FPARM | General numeric array adverb used in modeling |
FREESPAC | displays available disk space for AIPS in local system |
GET | restores previously SAVEd full POPS environment |
GETDATE | Convert the current date and time to a string |
GNUGPL | Information about GNU General Public License for AIPS |
GO | starts a task, detaching it from AIPS or AIPSB |
GRADDRES | specifies user’s home address for replies to gripes |
GRDROP | deletes the specified gripe entry |
GREMAIL | gives user’s e-mail address name for reply to gripe entry |
GRINDEX | lists users and time of all gripe entries |
GRIPE | enter a suggestion or bug report for the AIPS programmers |
GRIPR | standalone program to enter suggestions/complaints to AIPS |
GRLIST | lists contents of specified gripe entry |
GRNAME | gives user’s name for reply to gripe entry |
GRPHONE | specifies phone number to call for questions about a gripe |
HELP | displays information on tasks, verbs, adverbs |
HINOTE | adds user-generated lines to the history extension file |
HITEXT | writes lines from history extension file to text file |
IN2FILE | specifies name of a disk file, outside the regular catalog |
INFILE | specifies name of a disk file, outside the regular catalog |
INTEXT | specifies name of input text file, not in regular catalog |
IOTAPE | Deterimins which tape drive is used during a Y2K RUN |
LSAPROPO | Data input to APROPO to find what uses what words |
MDISK | Determins where input Y2K data are found |
MSGKILL | turns on/off the recording of messages in the message file |
MSGSERVER | Information about the X11-based message server |
MSGSRV | Information about the X11-based message server |
NBOXES | Number of boxes |
NCCBOX | Number of clean component boxes |
NCOUNT | General adverb, usually a count of something |
NITER | The number of iterations of a process. |
NPOINTS | General adverb giving the number of something |
NTHREAD | Controls number of threads used by multi-threaded processes in OBIT |
OBJECT | The name of an object |
OFFSET | General adverb, the offset of something. |
OPCODE | General adverb, defines an operation |
OPTELL | The operation to be passed to a task by TELL |
OPTYPE | General adverb, defines a type of operation. |
ORDER | Adverb used usually to specify the order of polynomial fit |
OTFBS | Translates on-the-fly continuum SDD format to AIPS UV file |
OTFUV | Translates on-the-fly single-dish SDD format to AIPS UV file |
OUTFILE | specifies name of output disk file, not in regular catalog |
OUTTEXT | specifies name of output text file, not in regular catalog |
OUTVERS | The output version number of an extension file (table). |
PANIC | Instructions for what to do when things go wrong |
PIX2VAL | An image value in the units specified in the header. |
PIXRANGE | Range of pixel values to display |
PIXVAL | Value of a pixel |
POSTSCRIP | General comments about AIPS use of PostScript incl macros |
PRTAC | prints contents and summaries of the accounting file |
PRTASK | Task name selected for printed information |
PRTHI | prints selected contents of the history extension file |
PRTLIMIT | specifies limits to printing functions |
PRTMSG | prints selected contents of the user’s message file |
QUAL | Source qualifier |
READLINE | Information about AIPS use of the GNU readline library. |
REBYTE | service program to transform byte order of full data sets |
REHEX | converts extended hex string to decimal |
ROTATE | Specifies a rotation |
RPARM | General numeric array adverb used in modeling |
RTIME | Task to test compute times |
SCALR1 | General adverb |
SCALR2 | General adverb |
SCALR3 | General adverb |
SECONDARY | List of allowed secondary keywords in HELP files |
SECONDRY | List of allowed secondary keywords in HELP files |
SOURCES | A list of source names |
SPARM | General string array adverb |
SRCALIAS | A list of source names, used as an alias |
SRCNAME | A single source name |
STALIN | revises history by deleting lines from history extension file |
STRA1 | General string adverb |
STRA2 | General string adverb |
STRA3 | General string adverb |
STRB1 | General string adverb |
STRB2 | General string adverb |
STRB3 | General string adverb |
STRC1 | General string adverb |
STRC2 | General string adverb |
STRC3 | General string adverb |
SUBARRAY | Subarray number |
SYMBOL | General adverb, probably defines a plotting symbol type |
SYS2COM | specifies a command to be sent to the operating system |
SYSCOM | specifies a command to be sent to the operating system |
SYSOUT | specifies the output device or file used by the system |
SYSTEM | Verb to send a command to the operating system |
TCODE | Deterimins which type of Y2K is RUN. |
TDISK | Deterimins where output Y2K data is placed |
TELL | Send parameters to tasks that know to read them on the fly |
TGREP | finds all user numbers which have used specified task |
THEDATE | contains the date and time in a string form |
TIMERANG | Specifies a time range |
TMASK | Deterimins which tasks are executed when a Y2K is RUN. |
TMODE | Deterimins which input is used when a Y2K is RUN. |
TNAMF | Internal variable for Y2K test suite |
TPMON | Information about the TPMON ”Daemon” |
VCODE | General string adverb |
VLBDDT | Verification tests using simulated data |
VPARM | General numeric array adverb used in modeling |
WHATSNEW | lists changes and new code in the last several AIPS releases |
XHELP | Accesses hypertext help system |
XPARM | General adverb for up to 10 parameters, may refer to X coord |
XTYPE | X axis (U) convolving function type |
Y2K | verifies correctness and performance using standard problems |
Y2KSAVE | verifies correctness and performance using standard problems |
YINC | Y axis increment |
YTYPE | Y axis (V) convolving function type |