ACTNOISE | puts estimate of actual image uncertainty and zero in header |
ADDBEAM | Inserts clean beam parameters in image header |
ADDDISK | makes a computer’s disks available to the current AIPS session |
ALLDEST | Delete a group or all of a users data files |
ALTDEF | Sets frequency vs velocity relationship into image header |
ALTSWTCH | Switches between frequency and velocity in image header |
ARESTORE | Restores back up tapes of users data |
AX2REF | Second reference pixel number |
AXDEFINE | Define or modify an image axis description |
AXINC | Axis increment - change in coordinate between pixels |
AXREF | Reference pixel number |
AXTYPE | Type of coordinate axis |
AXVAL | Value of axis coordinate at reference pixel |
BAKLD | reads all files of a catalog entry from BAKTP tape |
BAKTP | writes all files of a catalog entry to tape in host format |
CATALOG | list one or more entries in the user’s data directory |
CATNO | Specifies AIPS catalog slot number range |
CELGAL | switches header between celestial and galactic coordinates |
CHKNAME | Checks for existence of the specified image name |
CLNUP | removes old MS, RL, SG, TG and ?? files from AIPS disks |
CLR2NAME | clears adverbs specifying the second input image |
CLR3NAME | clears adverbs specifying the third input image |
CLR4NAME | clears adverbs specifying the fourth input image |
CLR5NAME | clears adverbs specifying the fifth input image |
CLRNAME | clears adverbs specifying the first input image |
CLRONAME | clears adverbs specifying the first output image |
CLRSTAT | remove any read or write status flags on a directory entry |
COODEFIN | Define or modify an image axis coordinate description |
COOINC | Celestial axes increment: change in coordinate between pixels |
COOREF | Reference pixel number for two coordinate axes |
COOTYPE | Celestial axes projection type |
DAYNUMBR | finds day nuumber of an image or uv data set |
DISKU | shows disk use by one or all users |
DOALPHA | specifies whether some list is alphabetized |
DOCAT | specifies whether the output is saved (cataloged) or not |
DOCC | Adverb to control application to Clean component files |
DOHIST | selects a histogram display or controls writing of history file |
DOOUTPUT | selects whether output image or whatever is saved / discarded |
EGETHEAD | returns parameter value from image header and error code |
EGETNAME | fills in input name adverbs by catalog slot number, w error |
EPOSWTCH | Switches between B1950 and J2000 coordinates in header |
ERROR | was there an error |
EXTDEST | deletes one or more extension files |
EXTLIST | lists detailed information about contents of extension files |
GET2NAME | fills 2nd input image name parameters by catalog slot number |
GET3NAME | fills 3rd input image name parameters by catalog slot number |
GET4NAME | fills 4th input image name parameters by catalog slot number |
GET5NAME | fills 5th input image name parameters by catalog slot number |
GETHEAD | returns parameter value from image header |
GETNAME | fills 1st input image name parameters by catalog slot number |
GETONAME | fills 1st output image name parameters by catalog slot number |
GETVERS | finds maximum version number of an extension file |
HGEOM | interpolates image to different gridding and/or geometry |
HIEND | End record number in a history-file operation |
HINOTE | adds user-generated lines to the history extension file |
HISTART | Start record number in a history-file operation |
HITEXT | writes lines from history extension file to text file |
IM2HEAD | displays the image 2 header contents to terminal, message file |
IM3HEAD | displays the image 3 header contents to terminal, message file |
IM4HEAD | displays the image 4 header contents to terminal, message file |
IM5HEAD | displays the image 5 header contents to terminal, message file |
IMDIST | determines spherical distance between two pixels |
IMHEADER | displays the image header contents to terminal, message file |
IMOHEAD | displays the output image header contents |
IMPOS | displays celestial coordinates selected by the TV cursor |
IMVAL | returns image intensity and coordinate at specified pixel |
IN2CLASS | specifies the ”class” of the 2nd input image or data base |
IN2DISK | specifies the disk drive of the 2nd input image or data base |
IN2EXT | specifies the type of the 2nd input extension file |
IN2NAME | specifies the ”name” of the 2nd input image or data base |
IN2SEQ | specifies the sequence # of the 2nd input image or data base |
IN2TYPE | specifies the type of the 2nd input image or data base |
IN2VERS | specifies the version number of the 2nd input extension file |
IN3CLASS | specifies the ”class” of the 3rd input image or data base |
IN3DISK | specifies the disk drive of the 3rd input image or data base |
IN3EXT | specifies the type of the 3rd input extension file |
IN3NAME | specifies the ”name” of the 3rd input image or data base |
IN3SEQ | specifies the sequence # of the 3rd input image or data base |
IN3TYPE | specifies the type of the 3rd input image or data base |
IN3VERS | specifies the version number of the 3rd input extension file |
IN4CLASS | specifies the ”class” of the 4th input image or data base |
IN4DISK | specifies the disk drive of the 4th input image or data base |
IN4NAME | specifies the ”name” of the 4th input image or data base |
IN4SEQ | specifies the sequence # of the 4th input image or data base |
IN4TYPE | specifies the type of the 4th input image or data base |
IN4VERS | specifies the version number of the 4th input extension file |
IN5CLASS | specifies the ”class” of the 5th input image or data base |
IN5DISK | specifies the disk drive of the 5th input image or data base |
IN5NAME | specifies the ”name” of the 5th input image or data base |
IN5SEQ | specifies the sequence # of the 5th input image or data base |
IN5TYPE | specifies the type of the 5th input image or data base |
IN5VERS | specifies the version number of the 5th input extension file |
INCLASS | specifies the ”class” of the 1st input image or data base |
INDISK | specifies the disk drive of the 1st input image or data base |
INEXT | specifies the type of the 1st input extension file |
INNAME | specifies the ”name” of the 1st input image or data base |
INSEQ | specifies the sequence # of the 1st input image or data base |
INTYPE | specifies the type of the 1st input image or data base |
INVERS | specifies the version number of the 1st input extension file |
KEYSTRNG | gives contents of character-valued keyword parameter |
KEYTYPE | Adverb giving the keyword data type code |
KEYVALUE | gives contents of numeric-valued keyword parameter |
KEYWORD | gives name of keyword parameter - i.e. name of header field |
LGEOM | regrids images with rotation, shift using interpolation |
M2CAT | displays images in the user’s catalog directory for IN2DISK |
M3CAT | displays images in the user’s catalog directory for IN3DISK |
M4CAT | displays images in the user’s catalog directory for IN4DISK |
M5CAT | displays images in the user’s catalog directory for IN5DISK |
MAXVERS | The maximum version number of a specified extension file type |
MCAT | lists images in the user’s catalog directory on disk INDISK |
MOCAT | displays images in the user’s catalog directory for OUTDISK |
MOVE | Task to copy or move data from one user or disk to another |
NAMEGET | fills 1st input image name parameters by default matching |
OUT2CLAS | The class of a secondary output file |
OUT2DISK | The disk number of a secondary output file. |
OUT2NAME | The name of a secondary output file. |
OUT2SEQ | The sequence of a secondary output file. |
OUTCLASS | The class of an output file |
OUTDISK | The disk number of an output file. |
OUTNAME | The name of an output file. |
OUTSEQ | The sequence of an output file. |
OUTVERS | The output version number of an extension file (table). |
PCAT | Verb to list entries in the user’s catalog (no log file). |
PLVER | specifies the version number of a PL extension file |
PRTHI | prints selected contents of the history extension file |
PUTHEAD | Verb to modify image header parameters. |
Q2HEADER | Verb to summarize the image 2 header: positions at center |
Q3HEADER | Verb to summarize the image 3 header: positions at center |
Q4HEADER | Verb to summarize the image 4 header: positions at center |
Q5HEADER | Verb to summarize the image 5 header: positions at center |
QGETVERS | finds maximum version number of an extension file quietly |
QHEADER | Verb to summarize the image header: positions at center |
QOHEADER | Verb to summarize the output image header: center positions |
QUAL | Source qualifier |
RECAT | Verb to compress the entries in a catalog file |
REMDISK | removes a computer’s disks from the current AIPS session |
RENAME | Rename a file (UV or Image) |
RENUMBER | Verb to change the catalog number of an image. |
RESCALE | Verb to modify image scale factor and offset |
REVERSN | checks disk for presence of extension files |
SCAT | lists scratch files in the user’s catalog directory on all disks |
SCRDEST | Verb to destroy scratch files left by bombed tasks. |
SLOT | Specifies AIPS catalog slot number |
STALIN | revises history by deleting lines from history extension file |
STARTTV | Restarts XAS (TV), MS, TK servers that have disappered |
TVDIST | determines spherical distance between two pixels on TV screen |
TVRESTOR | Restarts XAS (TV), MS, TK servers that have disappered |
U2CAT | list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk IN2DISK |
U3CAT | list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk IN3DISK |
U4CAT | list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk IN4DISK |
U5CAT | list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk IN5DISK |
UCAT | list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk INDISK |
UOCAT | list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk OUTDISK |
USERID | User number |
ZAP | Delete a catalog entry and its extension files |