ACTNOISE    puts estimate of actual image uncertainty and zero in header
ADDBEAM    Inserts clean beam parameters in image header
ADDDISK    makes a computer’s disks available to the current AIPS session
ALLDEST    Delete a group or all of a users data files
ALTDEF    Sets frequency vs velocity relationship into image header
ALTSWTCH    Switches between frequency and velocity in image header
ARESTORE    Restores back up tapes of users data
AX2REF    Second reference pixel number
AXDEFINE    Define or modify an image axis description
AXINC    Axis increment - change in coordinate between pixels
AXREF    Reference pixel number
AXTYPE    Type of coordinate axis
AXVAL    Value of axis coordinate at reference pixel
BAKLD    reads all files of a catalog entry from BAKTP tape
BAKTP    writes all files of a catalog entry to tape in host format
CATALOG    list one or more entries in the user’s data directory
CATNO    Specifies AIPS catalog slot number range
CELGAL    switches header between celestial and galactic coordinates
CHKNAME    Checks for existence of the specified image name
CLNUP    removes old MS, RL, SG, TG and ?? files from AIPS disks
CLR2NAME    clears adverbs specifying the second input image
CLR3NAME    clears adverbs specifying the third input image
CLR4NAME    clears adverbs specifying the fourth input image
CLR5NAME    clears adverbs specifying the fifth input image
CLRNAME    clears adverbs specifying the first input image
CLRONAME    clears adverbs specifying the first output image
CLRSTAT    remove any read or write status flags on a directory entry
COODEFIN    Define or modify an image axis coordinate description
COOINC    Celestial axes increment: change in coordinate between pixels
COOREF    Reference pixel number for two coordinate axes
COOTYPE    Celestial axes projection type
DAYNUMBR    finds day nuumber of an image or uv data set
DISKU    shows disk use by one or all users
DOALPHA    specifies whether some list is alphabetized
DOCAT    specifies whether the output is saved (cataloged) or not
DOCC    Adverb to control application to Clean component files
DOHIST    selects a histogram display or controls writing of history file
DOOUTPUT    selects whether output image or whatever is saved / discarded
EGETHEAD    returns parameter value from image header and error code
EGETNAME    fills in input name adverbs by catalog slot number, w error
EPOSWTCH    Switches between B1950 and J2000 coordinates in header
ERROR    was there an error
EXTDEST    deletes one or more extension files
EXTLIST    lists detailed information about contents of extension files
GET2NAME    fills 2nd input image name parameters by catalog slot number
GET3NAME    fills 3rd input image name parameters by catalog slot number
GET4NAME    fills 4th input image name parameters by catalog slot number
GET5NAME    fills 5th input image name parameters by catalog slot number
GETHEAD    returns parameter value from image header
GETNAME    fills 1st input image name parameters by catalog slot number
GETONAME    fills 1st output image name parameters by catalog slot number
GETVERS    finds maximum version number of an extension file
HGEOM    interpolates image to different gridding and/or geometry
HIEND    End record number in a history-file operation
HINOTE    adds user-generated lines to the history extension file
HISTART    Start record number in a history-file operation
HITEXT    writes lines from history extension file to text file
IM2HEAD    displays the image 2 header contents to terminal, message file
IM3HEAD    displays the image 3 header contents to terminal, message file
IM4HEAD    displays the image 4 header contents to terminal, message file
IM5HEAD    displays the image 5 header contents to terminal, message file
IMDIST    determines spherical distance between two pixels
IMHEADER    displays the image header contents to terminal, message file
IMOHEAD    displays the output image header contents
IMPOS    displays celestial coordinates selected by the TV cursor
IMVAL    returns image intensity and coordinate at specified pixel
IN2CLASS    specifies the ”class” of the 2nd input image or data base
IN2DISK    specifies the disk drive of the 2nd input image or data base
IN2EXT    specifies the type of the 2nd input extension file
IN2NAME    specifies the ”name” of the 2nd input image or data base
IN2SEQ    specifies the sequence # of the 2nd input image or data base
IN2TYPE    specifies the type of the 2nd input image or data base
IN2VERS    specifies the version number of the 2nd input extension file
IN3CLASS    specifies the ”class” of the 3rd input image or data base
IN3DISK    specifies the disk drive of the 3rd input image or data base
IN3EXT    specifies the type of the 3rd input extension file
IN3NAME    specifies the ”name” of the 3rd input image or data base
IN3SEQ    specifies the sequence # of the 3rd input image or data base
IN3TYPE    specifies the type of the 3rd input image or data base
IN3VERS    specifies the version number of the 3rd input extension file
IN4CLASS    specifies the ”class” of the 4th input image or data base
IN4DISK    specifies the disk drive of the 4th input image or data base
IN4NAME    specifies the ”name” of the 4th input image or data base
IN4SEQ    specifies the sequence # of the 4th input image or data base
IN4TYPE    specifies the type of the 4th input image or data base
IN4VERS    specifies the version number of the 4th input extension file
IN5CLASS    specifies the ”class” of the 5th input image or data base
IN5DISK    specifies the disk drive of the 5th input image or data base
IN5NAME    specifies the ”name” of the 5th input image or data base
IN5SEQ    specifies the sequence # of the 5th input image or data base
IN5TYPE    specifies the type of the 5th input image or data base
IN5VERS    specifies the version number of the 5th input extension file
INCLASS    specifies the ”class” of the 1st input image or data base
INDISK    specifies the disk drive of the 1st input image or data base
INEXT    specifies the type of the 1st input extension file
INNAME    specifies the ”name” of the 1st input image or data base
INSEQ    specifies the sequence # of the 1st input image or data base
INTYPE    specifies the type of the 1st input image or data base
INVERS    specifies the version number of the 1st input extension file
KEYSTRNG    gives contents of character-valued keyword parameter
KEYTYPE    Adverb giving the keyword data type code
KEYVALUE    gives contents of numeric-valued keyword parameter
KEYWORD    gives name of keyword parameter - i.e. name of header field
LGEOM    regrids images with rotation, shift using interpolation
M2CAT    displays images in the user’s catalog directory for IN2DISK
M3CAT    displays images in the user’s catalog directory for IN3DISK
M4CAT    displays images in the user’s catalog directory for IN4DISK
M5CAT    displays images in the user’s catalog directory for IN5DISK
MAXVERS    The maximum version number of a specified extension file type
MCAT    lists images in the user’s catalog directory on disk INDISK
MOCAT    displays images in the user’s catalog directory for OUTDISK
MOVE    Task to copy or move data from one user or disk to another
NAMEGET    fills 1st input image name parameters by default matching
OUT2CLAS    The class of a secondary output file
OUT2DISK    The disk number of a secondary output file.
OUT2NAME    The name of a secondary output file.
OUT2SEQ    The sequence of a secondary output file.
OUTCLASS    The class of an output file
OUTDISK    The disk number of an output file.
OUTNAME    The name of an output file.
OUTSEQ    The sequence of an output file.
OUTVERS    The output version number of an extension file (table).
PCAT    Verb to list entries in the user’s catalog (no log file).
PLVER    specifies the version number of a PL extension file
PRTHI    prints selected contents of the history extension file
PUTHEAD    Verb to modify image header parameters.
Q2HEADER    Verb to summarize the image 2 header: positions at center
Q3HEADER    Verb to summarize the image 3 header: positions at center
Q4HEADER    Verb to summarize the image 4 header: positions at center
Q5HEADER    Verb to summarize the image 5 header: positions at center
QGETVERS    finds maximum version number of an extension file quietly
QHEADER    Verb to summarize the image header: positions at center
QOHEADER    Verb to summarize the output image header: center positions
QUAL    Source qualifier
RECAT    Verb to compress the entries in a catalog file
REMDISK    removes a computer’s disks from the current AIPS session
RENAME    Rename a file (UV or Image)
RENUMBER    Verb to change the catalog number of an image.
RESCALE    Verb to modify image scale factor and offset
REVERSN    checks disk for presence of extension files
SCAT    lists scratch files in the user’s catalog directory on all disks
SCRDEST    Verb to destroy scratch files left by bombed tasks.
SLOT    Specifies AIPS catalog slot number
STALIN    revises history by deleting lines from history extension file
STARTTV    Restarts XAS (TV), MS, TK servers that have disappered
TVDIST    determines spherical distance between two pixels on TV screen
TVRESTOR    Restarts XAS (TV), MS, TK servers that have disappered
U2CAT    list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk IN2DISK
U3CAT    list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk IN3DISK
U4CAT    list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk IN4DISK
U5CAT    list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk IN5DISK
UCAT    list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk INDISK
UOCAT    list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk OUTDISK
USERID    User number
ZAP    Delete a catalog entry and its extension files