ALIAS | adverb to alias antenna numbers to one another |
ALLOKAY | specifies that initial conditions have been met. |
ANTENNAS | Antennas to include/exclude from the task or verb |
ANTNAME | A list of antenna (station) names |
ANTUSE | Antennas to include/exclude from the task or verb |
ANTWT | Antenna Weights for UV data correction in Calibration |
APARM | General numeric array adverb used many places |
ARRAY1 | General scratch array adverb |
ARRAY2 | General scratch array adverb |
ARRAY3 | General scratch array adverb |
ASDMFILE | Full path to EVLA ASDM/BDF directory |
ASPMM | Plot scaling parameter - arc seconds per millimeter on plot |
AVERSION | Specify a version of the ALBUS container |
AVGCHAN | Controls averaging of spectral channels |
AVGIF | Controls averaging of IF channels |
AVOPTION | Controls type or range of averaging done by a task |
AX2REF | Second reference pixel number |
AXINC | Axis increment - change in coordinate between pixels |
AXREF | Reference pixel number |
AXTYPE | Type of coordinate axis |
AXVAL | Value of axis coordinate at reference pixel |
BADDISK | specifies which disks are to be avoided for scratch files |
BAND | specifies the approximate frequency of UV data to be selected |
BANDPOL | specifies polarizations of individual IFs |
BASELINE | specifies which antenna pairs are to be selected/deselected |
BATFLINE | specifies starting line in a batch work file |
BATNLINE | specifies the number of lines to process in a batch work file |
BATQUE | specifies the desired batch queue |
BB | spare adverb for use in procedures |
BCHAN | sets the beginning channel number |
BCOMP | gives beginning component number for multiple fields |
BCOUNT | gives beginning location for start of a process |
BDROP | gives number of pooints dropped at the beginning |
BIF | gives first IF (spectral window) to be included |
BITER | gives beginning point for some iterative process |
BLC | gives lower-left-corner of selected subimage |
BLOCKING | specifies blocking factor to use on e.g. tape records |
BLVER | specifies the version of the baseline-calibration table used |
BMAJ | gives major axis size of beam or component |
BMIN | gives minor axis size of beam or component |
BOX | specifies pixel coordinates of subarrays of an image |
BOXFILE | specifies name of Clean box text file |
BPA | gives position angle of major axis of beam or component |
BPARM | general numeric array adverb used too many places |
BPASS5 | Normalization control in BPASS for VLBARUN |
BPASSPRM | Control adverb array for bandpass calibration |
BPRINT | gives beginning location for start of a printing process |
BPVER | specifies the version of the bandpass table to be applied |
BWSMEAR | amount of bandwidth smearing correction to use |
CALCODE | specifies the type of calibrator to be selected |
CALIN | specifies name of input disk file usually with calibration data |
CALSOUR | specifies source names to be included in calibration |
CALTASK | Controls which calibration task is used when by VLBARUN |
CATNO | Specifies AIPS catalog slot number range |
CBPLOT | selects a display of a Clean beam full width at half maximum |
CCBOX | specifies pixel coordinates of subarrays of an image |
CELLSIZE | gives the pixel size in physical coordinates |
CHANNEL | sets the spectral channel number |
CHANSEL | Array of start, stop, increment channel numbers to average |
CHINC | the increment between selected channels |
CLBOX | specifies subarrays of an image for Clean to search |
CLCORPRM | Parameter adverb array for task CLCOR |
CLEV | Contour level multiplier in physical units |
CLINT | CL table entry interval |
CMETHOD | specifies the method by which the uv model is computed |
CMODEL | specifies the method by which the uv model is computed |
CODETYPE | specifies the desired operation or data type |
COLORS | specifies the desired TV colors |
COMMENT | 64-character comment string |
CON3COL | Controls use of full 3-color graphics for contouring |
CONFIG | Configuration ID number within an EVLA ASDM/BDF data set |
COOINC | Celestial axes increment: change in coordinate between pixels |
COORDINA | Array to hold coordinate values |
COOREF | Reference pixel number for two coordinate axes |
COOTYPE | Celestial axes projection type |
COPIES | sets the number of copies to be made |
CPARM | general numeric array adverb used many places |
CROWDED | allows a task to perform its function in a crowded fashion |
CTYPE | specifies type of component |
CUTOFF | specifies a limit below or above which the operation ends |
DARKLINE | The level at which vectors are switched from light to dark |
DATA2IN | specifies name of input FITS disk file |
DATAIN | specifies name of input FITS disk file |
DATAOUT | specifies name of output FITS disk file |
DCHANSEL | Array of start, stop, increment channel #S + IF to avoid |
DCODE | General string adverb |
DDISK | Deterimins where input Y2K data are found |
DECIMAL | specifies if something is in decimal format |
DECSHIFT | gives Y-coordinate shift of an image center from reference |
DEFER | Controls when file creation takes place |
DELCORR | Controls task actions on calibration tables. |
DELTAX | Increment or size in X direction |
DELTAY | Increment or size in Y direction |
DENSITY | gives the desired tape density |
DENUMB | a scalar decimal number |
DETIME | specifies a time interval for an operation (destroy, batch) |
DIGICOR | specifies whether VLBA digital corrections are to be applied |
DIST | gives a distance |
DO3COLOR | Controls whether full 3-color graphics are used in a plot |
DO3DIMAG | specifies whether uvw’s are reprojected to each field center |
DOACOR | specifies whether autocorrelation data are included |
DOALIGN | specifies how two or more images are aligned in computations |
DOALL | specifies if an operation is done once or for all matching |
DOALPHA | specifies whether some list is alphabetized |
DOAPPLY | Flag to indicate whether an operation is applied to the data |
DOARRAY | spcifies if subarrays are ignored or the information used |
DOBAND | specifies if/how bandpass calibration is applied |
DOBLANK | controls handling of blanking |
DOBTWEEN | Controls smoothing between sources in calibration tables |
DOCALIB | specifies whether a gain table is to be applied or not |
DOCAT | specifies whether the output is saved (cataloged) or not |
DOCELL | selects units of cells over angular unit |
DOCENTER | selects something related to centering |
DOCIRCLE | select a ”circular” display (i.e. trace coordinates, ...) |
DOCLIP | Controls whether and how a CLIP operation is performed |
DOCOLOR | specifies whether coloring is done |
DOCONCAT | selects concatenated or indivudual output files |
DOCONFRM | selects user confirmation modes of repetitive operation |
DOCONT | selects a display of contour lines |
DOCRT | selects printer display or CRT display (giving width) |
DODARK | specifies whether ”dark” vectors are plotted dark or light |
DODATE | specifies if the dat and time are to be used in some way |
DODELAY | selects solution for phase/amplitude or delay rate/phase |
DOEBAR | Controls display of estimates of the uncertainty in the data |
DOEOF | selects end-of-file writing or reading until |
DOEOT | selects tape positioning before operation: present or EOI |
DOFIT | Controls which antennas are fit by what methods |
DOFLAG | Controls closure cutoff in gain solutions and flagging |
DOFRACT | Tells whether to compute a fraction or ratio |
DOGREY | selects a display of a grey-scale image |
DOGRIDCR | selects correction for gridding convolution function |
DOHIST | selects a histogram display or controls writing of history file |
DOHMS | selects sexagesimal (hours-mins-secs) display format |
DOIFS | controls functions done across IFs |
DOINVERS | selects opposite of normal function |
DOKEEP | specifies if something is kept or deleted |
DOMAX | selects solutions for maxima of models |
DOMODEL | selects display of model function |
DONEWTAB | do we make new tables, use a new table format, etc. |
DOOUTPUT | selects whether output image or whatever is saved / discarded |
DOPLOT | Controls plotting of something |
DOPOL | selects application of any polarization calibration |
DOPOS | selects solutions for positions of model components |
DOPRINT | selects printer display or CRT display (giving width) |
DOREAL | Say to do operation with real/imaginary rather than amplitude/phase |
DORESID | selects display of differences between model and data |
DOROBUST | Controls method of averaging - simple mean/rms or robust |
DOSCALE | specifies if a scaling operation of some sort is to be performed |
DOSCAN | specifies if a scan-related operation is to be done |
DOSLICE | selects display of slice data |
DOSPIX | selects solutions for spectral index of model components |
DOSTOKES | selects options related to polarizations |
DOTABLE | selects use of table-format for data |
DOTV | selects use of TV display option in operation |
DOTWO | do we make two of something |
DOUVCOMP | selects use of compression in writing UV data to disk |
DOVECT | selects display of polarization vectors |
DOWAIT | selects wait-for-completion mode for running tasks |
DOWEDGE | selects display of intensity step wedge |
DOWEIGHT | selects operations with data weights |
DOWIDTH | selects solution for widths of model components |
DPARM | General numeric array adverb used many places |
ECHAN | define an end for a range of channel numbers |
ECOUNT | give the highest count or iteration for some process |
EDGSKP | Deterimins border excluded from comparision or use |
EDROP | number of points/iterations to be omitted from end of process |
EFACTOR | scales some error analysis process |
EHNUMB | an extended hexadecimal ”number” |
EIF | last IF (spectral window) number to be included in operation |
EPRINT | gives location for end of a printing process |
ERROR | was there an error |
EXPERT | specifies an user experience level or mode |
FACTOR | scales some display or CLEANing process |
FGAUSS | Minimum flux to Clean to by widths of Gaussian models |
FITOUT | specifies name of output text file for results of fitting |
FLAGVER | selects version of the flagging table to be applied |
FLDSIZE | specifies size(s) of images to be processed |
FLMCOMM | Comment for film recorder image. |
FLUX | gives a total intensity value for image/component or to limit |
FMAX | specifies peak values of model components - results of fits |
FORMAT | gives a format code number: e.g. FITS accuracy required |
FOV | Specifies the field of view |
FPARM | General numeric array adverb used in modeling |
FPOS | specifies pixel positions of fit model components |
FQCENTER | specifies that the frequency axis should be centered |
FQTOL | Frequency tolerance with which FQ or frequency entries are accepted. |
FREQID | Frequency Identifier for frequency, bandwidth combination |
FREQSEL | List of frequencies desired |
FSHIFT | specifies a position shift - output from fitting routines |
FSIZE | file size in Megabytes |
FUNCTYPE | specifies type of intensity transfer function |
FWIDTH | gives widths of model components - results of fitting |
GAIN | specifies loop gain for deconvolutions |
GAINERR | gives estimate of gain uncertainty for each antenna |
GAINUSE | specifies output gain table or gain table applied to data |
GAINVER | specifies the input gain table |
GCVER | specifies the version of the gain curve table used |
GG | spare scalar adverb for use in procedures |
GMAX | specifies peak values of model components |
GPOS | specifies pixel positions of model components |
GR2CHAN | specifies a second TV graphics channel to be used |
GRADDRES | specifies user’s home address for replies to gripes |
GRCHAN | specifies the TV graphics channel to be used |
GREMAIL | gives user’s e-mail address name for reply to gripe entry |
GRNAME | gives user’s name for reply to gripe entry |
GRPHONE | specifies phone number to call for questions about a gripe |
GUARD | portion of UV plane to receive no data in gridding |
GWIDTH | gives widths of model components |
HIEND | End record number in a history-file operation |
HISTART | Start record number in a history-file operation |
I | spare scalar adverb for use in procedures |
ICHANSEL | Array of start, stop, increment channel #S + IF to average |
ICUT | specifies a cutoff level in units of the image |
IM2PARM | Specifes enhancement parameters for OOP-based imaging: 2nd set |
IMAGRPRM | Specifes enhancement parameters for OOP-based imaging |
IMSIZE | specifies number of pixels on X and Y axis of an image |
IN2CLASS | specifies the ”class” of the 2nd input image or data base |
IN2DISK | specifies the disk drive of the 2nd input image or data base |
IN2EXT | specifies the type of the 2nd input extension file |
IN2FILE | specifies name of a disk file, outside the regular catalog |
IN2NAME | specifies the ”name” of the 2nd input image or data base |
IN2SEQ | specifies the sequence # of the 2nd input image or data base |
IN2TYPE | specifies the type of the 2nd input image or data base |
IN2VERS | specifies the version number of the 2nd input extension file |
IN3CLASS | specifies the ”class” of the 3rd input image or data base |
IN3DISK | specifies the disk drive of the 3rd input image or data base |
IN3EXT | specifies the type of the 3rd input extension file |
IN3NAME | specifies the ”name” of the 3rd input image or data base |
IN3SEQ | specifies the sequence # of the 3rd input image or data base |
IN3TYPE | specifies the type of the 3rd input image or data base |
IN3VERS | specifies the version number of the 3rd input extension file |
IN4CLASS | specifies the ”class” of the 4th input image or data base |
IN4DISK | specifies the disk drive of the 4th input image or data base |
IN4NAME | specifies the ”name” of the 4th input image or data base |
IN4SEQ | specifies the sequence # of the 4th input image or data base |
IN4TYPE | specifies the type of the 4th input image or data base |
IN4VERS | specifies the version number of the 4th input extension file |
IN5CLASS | specifies the ”class” of the 5th input image or data base |
IN5DISK | specifies the disk drive of the 5th input image or data base |
IN5NAME | specifies the ”name” of the 5th input image or data base |
IN5SEQ | specifies the sequence # of the 5th input image or data base |
IN5TYPE | specifies the type of the 5th input image or data base |
IN5VERS | specifies the version number of the 5th input extension file |
INCLASS | specifies the ”class” of the 1st input image or data base |
INDISK | specifies the disk drive of the 1st input image or data base |
INEXT | specifies the type of the 1st input extension file |
INFILE | specifies name of a disk file, outside the regular catalog |
INLIST | specifies name of input disk file, usually a source list |
INNAME | specifies the ”name” of the 1st input image or data base |
INSEQ | specifies the sequence # of the 1st input image or data base |
INTAPE | specifies the input tape drive number |
INTERPOL | specifies the type of averaging done on the complex gains |
INTEXT | specifies name of input text file, not in regular catalog |
INTPARM | specifies the parameters of the frequency interpolation function |
INTTIME | adds user-generated lines to the history extension file |
INTYPE | specifies the type of the 1st input image or data base |
INVERS | specifies the version number of the 1st input extension file |
IOTAPE | Deterimins which tape drive is used during a Y2K RUN |
ISCALIB | states that the current source is a point-source calibrator |
J | spare scalar adverb for use in procedures |
JOBNUM | specifies the batch job number |
KEYSTRNG | gives contents of character-valued keyword parameter |
KEYTYPE | Adverb giving the keyword data type code |
KEYVALUE | gives contents of numeric-valued keyword parameter |
KEYWORD | gives name of keyword parameter - i.e. name of header field |
KK | Spare adverb for use in procedures |
LABEL | selects a type of extra labeling for a plot |
LEVS | list of multiples of the basic level to be contoured |
LPEN | specifies the ”pen width” code # =¿ width of plotted lines |
LTYPE | specifies the type and degree of axis labels on plots |
MAPSHIFT | used by MAPPR to specify the shift of the image from the phase center |
MAXPIXEL | maximum pixels searched for components in Clark CLEAN |
MAXVERS | The maximum version number of a specified extension file type |
MDISK | Determins where input Y2K data are found |
MINAMPER | specifies the minimum amplitude error prior to some action |
MINANTEN | states minimum number of antennas for a solution |
MINPATCH | specifies the minimum size allowed for the center of the beam |
MINPHSER | specifies the minimum phase error prior to some action |
MPDIFS | Retains comparison differences between current images and master ones |
NAXIS | Axis number |
NBOXES | Number of boxes |
NCCBOX | Number of clean component boxes |
NCHAN | Number of spectral channels in each spectral window |
NCHAV | Number of channels averaged in an operation |
NCOMP | Number of CLEAN components |
NCOUNT | General adverb, usually a count of something |
NDIG | Number of digits to display |
NFIELD | The number of fields imaged |
NFILES | The number of files to skip, usually on a tape. |
NGAUSS | Number of Gaussians to fit |
NIF | Number of IFs (spectral windows) in a data set |
NITER | The number of iterations of a process. |
NMAPS | Number of maps (images) in an operation |
NOISE | estimates the noise in images, noise level cutoff |
NORMALIZ | specifies the type of gain normaliztion if any |
NPIECE | The number of pieces to make |
NPLOTS | gives number of plots per page or per job |
NPOINTS | General adverb giving the number of something |
NPRINT | gives number of items to be printed |
NSKIP | Number of objects to skip |
NTHREAD | Controls number of threads used by multi-threaded processes in OBIT |
NUMTELL | selects POPS number of task which is the target of a TELL or ABORT |
NX | General adverb referring to a number of things in the X direction |
NY | General adverb referring to a number of things in the Y direction |
OBJECT | The name of an object |
OBOXFILE | specifies name of output Clean box text file |
OFFSET | General adverb, the offset of something. |
OFMFILE | specifies the name of a text file containing OFM values |
OLDVOL | used by READISK to specify the disk number when WRITDISK was run |
ONEBEAM | specifies whether one beam is made for all facets or one for each |
ONEFREQ | states that the current CC model was made with one frequency |
OPCODE | General adverb, defines an operation |
OPTELL | The operation to be passed to a task by TELL |
OPTYPE | General adverb, defines a type of operation. |
ORDER | Adverb used usually to specify the order of polynomial fit |
OTFMODE | Specifies whether the data are in on-the-fly mode or not |
OUT2CLAS | The class of a secondary output file |
OUT2DISK | The disk number of a secondary output file. |
OUT2NAME | The name of a secondary output file. |
OUT2SEQ | The sequence of a secondary output file. |
OUTCLASS | The class of an output file |
OUTDISK | The disk number of an output file. |
OUTFGVER | selects version of the flagging table to be written |
OUTFILE | specifies name of output disk file, not in regular catalog |
OUTNAME | The name of an output file. |
OUTPRINT | Specifies name of disk file to keep the printer output |
OUTSEQ | The sequence of an output file. |
OUTTAPE | The output tape drive number. |
OUTTEXT | specifies name of output text file, not in regular catalog |
OUTVERS | The output version number of an extension file (table). |
OVERLAP | specifies how overlaps are to be handled |
OVRSWTCH | specifies when IMAGR switches from OVERLAP ¿= 2 to OVERLAP = 1 mode |
PBPARM | Primary beam parameters |
PBSIZE | estimates the primary beam size in interferometer images |
PCUT | Cutoff in polarized intensity |
PDVER | specifies the version of the spetral polarization table to use |
PHASPRM | Phase data array, by antenna number. |
PHAT | Prussian hat size |
PHSLIMIT | gives a phase value in degrees |
PIX2VAL | An image value in the units specified in the header. |
PIX2XY | Specifies a pixel in an image |
PIXAVG | Average image value |
PIXRANGE | Range of pixel values to display |
PIXSTD | RMS pixel deviation |
PIXVAL | Value of a pixel |
PIXXY | Specifies a pixel location. |
PLCOLORS | specifies the colors to be used |
PLEV | Percentage of peak to use for contour levels |
PLVER | specifies the version number of a PL extension file |
PMODEL | Polarization model parameters |
POL3COL | Controls use of full 3-color graphics for polarization lines |
POLANGLE | Intrinsic polarization angles for up to 30 sources |
POLPLOT | specifies the desired polarization ratio before plotting. |
PPARM | used by PEELR to list the facets to be ”peeled” |
PRIORITY | Limits prioroty of messages printed |
PRNUMBER | POPS number of messages |
PROGRAM | Specify a program to be used |
PRSTART | First record number in a print operation |
PRTASK | Task name selected for printed information |
PRTIME | Time limit |
PRTLEV | Specifies a code for the amount of information requested. |
PRTLIMIT | specifies limits to printing functions |
PVPLOT | selects a display of a polarization vector in a box in a corner |
QCREATE | adverb controlling the way large files are created |
QUAL | Source qualifier |
QUANTIZE | Quantization level to use |
RADIUS | Specify a radius in an image |
RASHIFT | Shift in RA |
REASON | The reason for an operation |
REFANT | Reference antenna number |
REFDATE | To specify the initial or reference date of a data set |
REFREQ | Specifies the frequency to be uased as the reference |
REMHOST | gives the name of another computer which will provide service |
REMQUE | specifies the desired batch queue on a remote computer |
REMTAPE | gives the number of another computer’s tape device |
RESTFREQ | Rest frequency of a transition |
REWEIGHT | Reweighting factors for UV data weights. |
RGBCOLOR | specifies the desired TV graphics color |
RGBGAMMA | specifies the desired color gamma corrections |
RGBLEVS | colors to be applied to the contour levels |
RMSLIMIT | selects things with RMS above this limit |
ROBUST | Uniform weighting ”robustness” parameter |
ROMODE | Specified roam mode |
ROTATE | Specifies a rotation |
ROTMEAS | Tells the rotation measure of a source |
RPARM | General numeric array adverb used in modeling |
SAMPTYPE | Specifies sampling type |
SCALR1 | General adverb |
SCALR2 | General adverb |
SCALR3 | General adverb |
SCANLENG | specify length of ”scan” |
SCUTOFF | noise level cutoff |
SEARCH | Ordered list of antennas for fring searches |
SELBAND | SpecifieS bandwidth of the desired frequency ID |
SELFREQ | Specifies frequency of desired frequency ID |
SHIFT | specifies a position shift |
SKEW | Specifies a skew angle |
SLOT | Specifies AIPS catalog slot number |
SMODEL | Source model |
SMOOTH | Specifies spectral smoothing |
SMOTYPE | Specifies smoothing |
SNCORPRM | Task-specific parameters for SNCOR. |
SNVER | specifies the output solution table |
SOLCON | Gain solution constraint factor |
SOLINT | Solution interval |
SOLMIN | Minimum number of solution sub-intervals in a solution |
SOLMODE | Solution mode |
SOLSUB | Solution sub-interval |
SOLTYPE | Solution type |
SORT | Specified desired sort order |
SOUCODE | Calibrator code for source, not calibrator, selection |
SOURCES | A list of source names |
SPARM | General string array adverb |
SPECFLUX | Specifies the flux at the reference frequency |
SPECINDX | Spectral index used to correct calibrations |
SPECPARM | Spectral index per polarization per source |
SPECTRAL | Flag to indicate whether an operation is spectral or continuum |
SPECURVE | Spectral index survature used to correct calibrations |
SRCALIAS | A list of source names, used as an alias |
SRCNAME | A single source name |
STFACTOR | scales star display or SDI CLEANing process |
STOKES | Stokes parameter |
STORE | Store current POPS environment |
STRA1 | General string adverb |
STRA2 | General string adverb |
STRA3 | General string adverb |
STRB1 | General string adverb |
STRB2 | General string adverb |
STRB3 | General string adverb |
STRC1 | General string adverb |
STRC2 | General string adverb |
STRC3 | General string adverb |
STVERS | star display table version number |
SUBARRAY | Subarray number |
SYMBOL | General adverb, probably defines a plotting symbol type |
SYS2COM | specifies a command to be sent to the operating system |
SYSCOM | specifies a command to be sent to the operating system |
SYSOUT | specifies the output device or file used by the system |
SYSVEL | Systemic velocity |
TASK | Name of a task |
TAU0 | Opacities by antenna number |
TBLC | Gives the bottom left corner of an image to be displayed |
TCODE | Deterimins which type of Y2K is RUN. |
TDISK | Deterimins where output Y2K data is placed |
TERSE | Controls the amount of information printed by the Y2K tests |
THEDATE | contains the date and time in a string form |
TIME2 | used by VLBAMPCL as the time range for a second calibrator scan |
TIMERANG | Specifies a time range |
TIMETOL | used by MERGECAL to control accuracy when comparing times |
TIMSMO | Specifiessmoothing times |
TMASK | Deterimins which tasks are executed when a Y2K is RUN. |
TMODE | Deterimins which input is used when a Y2K is RUN. |
TNAMF | Internal variable for Y2K test suite |
TRANSCOD | Specified desired transposition of an image |
TRC | Specified the top right corner of a subimage |
TRECVR | Receiver temperatures by polarization and antenna |
TRIANGLE | specifies closure triangles to be selected/deselected |
TT | spare scalar adverb for use in procedures |
TTRC | Specifies the top right corner of a subimage to be displayed |
TV2CHAN | Specified a second TV channel (plane) used in some operations |
TVBUT | Tells which AIPS TV button was pushed |
TVCHAN | Specified a TV channel (plane) |
TVCORN | Specified the TV pixel for the bottom left corner of an image |
TVLEVS | Gives the peak intensity to be displayed in levels |
TVXY | Pixel position on the TV screen |
TXINC | TV X coordinate increment |
TYINC | TV Y coordinate increment |
TYVER | specifies the version of the system temperature table used |
TZINC | TV Z coordinate increment |
USERID | User number |
UVBOX | radius of the smoothing box used for uniform weighting |
UVBXFN | type of function used when counting for uniform weighting |
UVCOPPRM | Parameter adverb array for task UVCOP |
UVFIXPRM | Parameter adverb array for task UVFIX |
UVRANGE | Specify range of projected baselines |
UVSIZE | specifies number of pixels on X and Y axes of a UV image |
UVTAPER | Widths in U and V of gaussian weighting taper function |
UVWTFN | Specify weighting function, Uniform or Natural |
VCODE | General string adverb |
VECTOR | selects method of averaging UV data |
VELDEF | Specifies velocity definition |
VELTYP | Velocity frame of reference |
VERSION | Specify AIPS version or local task area |
VLAMODE | VLA observing mode |
VLAOBS | Observing program or part of observer’s name |
VLBINPRM | Control parameters to read data from NRAO/MPI MkII correlators |
VNUMBER | Specifies the task parameter (VGET/VPUT) save area |
VPARM | General numeric array adverb used in modeling |
WEIGHTIT | Controls modification of weights before gain/fringe solutions |
WGAUSS | Widths of Gaussian models (FWHM) |
WTTHRESH | defines the weight threshold for data acceptance |
WTUV | Specifies the weight to use for UV data outside UVRANGE |
X | spare scalar adverb for use in procedures |
XAXIS | Which parameter is plotted on the horizontal axis. |
XINC | increment associated with an array of numbers |
XPARM | General adverb for up to 10 parameters, may refer to X coord |
XTYPE | X axis (U) convolving function type |
XYPHASE | X-Y phase differences |
XYRATIO | Ratio of X to Y units per pixel |
Y | spare scalar adverb for use in procedures |
Y2KDISK | Specifies logical name of disk area for Y2K to read or write |
Y2KFILE | File name of the current Y2K disk file |
Y2KSIZE | Specifies the size of the Y2K test to be run |
YINC | Y axis increment |
YPARM | Specifies Y axis convolving function |
YTYPE | Y axis (V) convolving function type |
ZEROSP | Specify how to include zero spacing fluxes in FT of UV data |
ZINC | Set the increment of the third axis |
ZXRATIO | Ratio between Z axis (pixel value) and X axis |