The VLA on-line system determines antenna-based complex gain and delay values for the average of every
calibrator scan. These are written into a text file which is stored at the VLA site on a computer named mchammer.
The actual file name is
To run TLCAL on a file in your data area, enter
> DOAPPLY 1 C R | to use the fluxes in the source table. |
> ASDMFILE(1) = ’MYAREA: C R | two parts are concatenated. |
> ASDMFILE(2) = ’TSUB0001.sb23643640.eb23666175.56454.14034020834 C R |
> INP C R | to check that you remembered to leave off the close quotes above. |
> GO C R | to run the task. |
Substitute your file name parameters for those used above and leave off the .GN part of the name and the close quotes (to preserve your desired case). It would be wise to check the SN table produced with, e.g., SNPLT . Bad RFI may render some telcal values bogus.
The Telcal file is text file with very long lines beginning with 3 header lines. Then there are columns for MJD (to high accuracy), UTC (sexagesimal), LST (days), LST (sexagesimal), IFID (5-character string), Sky frequency (MHz), Antenna ID (e.g., ea03), gain amplitude, phase(degrees), residual, delay (ns), flagged (true/false), zeroed (true/false). hour angle (radians), azimuth (radians), elevation (radians), source name, and flag reason. TLCAL uses the MJD, antenna, amplitude, phase, delay, flagged, and source columns. A combination of the IFID (peculiar to the EVLA) and the sky frequency is used to identify the IFs to which these apply.