ABOUT | displays lists and information on tasks, verbs, adverbs |
ABS | returns absolute value of argument |
ACOS | Returns arc cosine of argument (half-circle) |
ACTNOISE | puts estimate of actual image uncertainty and zero in header |
ADDBEAM | Inserts clean beam parameters in image header |
ADDDISK | makes a computer’s disks available to the current AIPS session |
ALLDEST | Delete a group or all of a users data files |
ALTDEF | Sets frequency vs velocity relationship into image header |
ALTSWTCH | Switches between frequency and velocity in image header |
APROPOS | displays all help 1-line summaries containing specified words |
ASIN | Returns arc sine of argument (half-circle) |
ATAN | Returns arc tangent of argument (half-circle) |
ATAN2 | Returns arc tangent of two arguments (full circle) |
AVEOT | Advances tape to end-of-information point |
AVFILE | Moves tape forward or back to end-of-file marks |
AVMAP | Advance tape by one image (IBM-CV = obsolete tape file) |
AXDEFINE | Define or modify an image axis description |
BAMODIFY | edits characters in a line of a batch work file |
BATCH | starts entry of commands into batch-job work file |
BATCLEAR | removes all text from a batch work file |
BATEDIT | starts an edit (replace, insert) session on a batch work file |
BATLIST | lists the contents of a batch work file |
BDF2AIPS | Read EVLA ASDM/BDF data into AIPS |
BDFLIST | List contents of EVLA ASD data file |
BY | gives increment to use in FOR loops in POPS language |
CALDIR | lists calibrator source models available as AIPS FITS files |
CATALOG | list one or more entries in the user’s data directory |
CEIL | returns smallest integer greater than or equal the argument |
CELGAL | switches header between celestial and galactic coordinates |
CHAR | converts number to character string |
CHARMULT | Changes the multiplication factor for TV characters |
CHKNAME | Checks for existence of the specified image name |
CLR2NAME | clears adverbs specifying the second input image |
CLR3NAME | clears adverbs specifying the third input image |
CLR4NAME | clears adverbs specifying the fourth input image |
CLR5NAME | clears adverbs specifying the fifth input image |
CLRMSG | deletes messages from the user’s message file |
CLRNAME | clears adverbs specifying the first input image |
CLRONAME | clears adverbs specifying the first output image |
CLRSTAT | remove any read or write status flags on a directory entry |
CLRTEMP | clears the temporary literal area during a procedure |
CODECIML | Convert between decimal and sexagesimal coordinate values |
COODEFIN | Define or modify an image axis coordinate description |
COPIXEL | Convert between physical and pixel coordinate values |
COS | returns cosine of the argument in degrees |
COSTAR | Verb to plot a symbol at given position on top of a TV image |
COWINDOW | Set a window based on coordinates |
CPUTIME | displays curren tcpu and real time usage of the AIPS task |
CURBLINK | switch TV cursor between steady and blinking displays |
CURVALUE | displays image intensities selected via the TV cursor |
DAYNUMBR | finds day nuumber of an image or uv data set |
DEFAULT | Verb-like sets adverbs for a task or verb to initial values |
DELAY | Verb to pause AIPS for DETIME seconds |
DELBOX | Verb to delete boxes with TV cursor & graphics display. |
DFILEBOX | Verb to delete Clean boxes with TV cursor & write to file |
DISMOUNT | disables a magnetic tape and dismounts it from the tape drive |
DOCC | Adverb to control application to Clean component files |
DOWNCASE | Convert a string to all lower case letters |
DRAWBOX | Verb to draw Clean boxes on the display |
DUMP | displays portions of the POPS symbol table in all formats |
EGETHEAD | returns parameter value from image header and error code |
EGETNAME | fills in input name adverbs by catalog slot number, w error |
EHEX | converts decimal to extended hex |
END | marks end of block (FOR, WHILE, IF) of POPS code |
EPOCONV | Convert between J2000 and B1950 coordinates |
EPOSWTCH | Switches between B1950 and J2000 coordinates in header |
EVLA | puts the list of eVLA antennas in the current file on stack |
EXIT | ends an AIPS batch or interactive session |
EXP | returns the exponential of the argument |
EXPLAIN | displays help + extended information describing a task/symbol |
EXTDEST | deletes one or more extension files |
EXTLIST | lists detailed information about contents of extension files |
FILEBOX | Verb to reset Clean boxes with TV cursor & write to file |
FILEZAP | Delete an external file |
FLOOR | returns largest integer ¡= argument |
FOR | starts an iterative sequence of operations in POPS language |
FREESPAC | displays available disk space for AIPS in local system |
GAMMASET | changes the gamma-correction exponent used in the TV OFM |
GET2NAME | fills 2nd input image name parameters by catalog slot number |
GET3NAME | fills 3rd input image name parameters by catalog slot number |
GET4NAME | fills 4th input image name parameters by catalog slot number |
GET5NAME | fills 5th input image name parameters by catalog slot number |
GETDATE | Convert the current date and time to a string |
GETHEAD | returns parameter value from image header |
GETITIME | Verb to return the UV data integration time. |
GETNAME | fills 1st input image name parameters by catalog slot number |
GETONAME | fills 1st output image name parameters by catalog slot number |
GETPOPSN | Verb to return the pops number on the stack |
GETTHEAD | Returns keyword values from a table header, also column #, # rows |
GETVERS | finds maximum version number of an extension file |
GO | starts a task, detaching it from AIPS or AIPSB |
GRBLINK | Verb which blinks 2 TV graphics planes |
GRCLEAR | clears the contents of the specified TV graphics channels |
GRDROP | deletes the specified gripe entry |
GREAD | reads the colors of the specified TV graphics channel |
GRINDEX | lists users and time of all gripe entries |
GRIPE | enter a suggestion or bug report for the AIPS programmers |
GRLIST | lists contents of specified gripe entry |
GROFF | turns off specified TV graphics channelS |
GRON | turns on specified TV graphics channelS |
GWRITE | Sets the colors of the specified TV graphics channel |
HELP | displays information on tasks, verbs, adverbs |
HINOTE | adds user-generated lines to the history extension file |
HITEXT | writes lines from history extension file to text file |
HSA | puts the list of HSA antennas in the current file on stack |
HUEWEDGE | Show a wedge on the TV suitable for TVHUEINT displays |
IM2HEAD | displays the image 2 header contents to terminal, message file |
IM2TV | Verb to convert pixel coordinates to TV pixels |
IM3HEAD | displays the image 3 header contents to terminal, message file |
IM4HEAD | displays the image 4 header contents to terminal, message file |
IM5HEAD | displays the image 5 header contents to terminal, message file |
IMCENTER | returns pixel position of sub-image centroid |
IMDIST | determines spherical distance between two pixels |
IMERASE | replaces an image portion of the TV screen with zeros |
IMHEADER | displays the image header contents to terminal, message file |
IMOHEAD | displays the output image header contents |
IMPOS | displays celestial coordinates selected by the TV cursor |
IMSTAT | Returns statistics of a sub-image |
IMVAL | returns image intensity and coordinate at specified pixel |
IMWEDGE | load step wedge of full range of image values to TV |
IMXY | returns pixel coordinates selected by the TV cursor |
INP | displays adverb values for task, verb, or proc - quick form |
INPUTS | displays adverb values for task, verb, or proc - to msg file |
JOBLIST | lists contents of a submitted and pending batch job |
KLEENEX | ends an AIPS interactive session wiping the slate klean |
LENGTH | returns length of string to last non-blank character |
LN | returns the natural logarithm of the argument |
LOG | returns the base-10 logarithm of the argument |
M2CAT | displays images in the user’s catalog directory for IN2DISK |
M3CAT | displays images in the user’s catalog directory for IN3DISK |
M4CAT | displays images in the user’s catalog directory for IN4DISK |
M5CAT | displays images in the user’s catalog directory for IN5DISK |
MAX | returns the maximum of its two arguments |
MAXFIT | returns pixel position and image intensity at a maximum |
MCAT | lists images in the user’s catalog directory on disk INDISK |
MFITSET | gets adverbs for running IMFIT and JMFIT |
MIN | returns the minimum of its two arguments |
MOCAT | displays images in the user’s catalog directory for OUTDISK |
MOD | returns remainder after division of 1st argument by 2nd |
MODULUS | returns square root of sum of squares of its two arguments |
MOUNT | makes a tape drive available to user’s AIPS and tasks |
NAMEGET | fills 1st input image name parameters by default matching |
OBITIMAG | Access to OBIT task Imager without self-cal or peeling |
OBITMAP | Simplified access to OBIT task Imager |
OBITPEEL | Access to OBIT task Imager with self-cal and peeling |
OBITSCAL | Access to OBIT task Imager with self-cal, NOT peeling |
OFFPSEUD | Verb which deactivates all pseudo-color displays |
OFFSCROL | Verb which deactivates scroll of an image |
OFFTRAN | Verb which restores transfer function to normal |
OFFZOOM | Verb which returns the hardware IIS zoom to normal |
OFMADJUS | interactive linear adjustment of current TV OFM lookup tables |
OFMCONT | creates/modifies TV color OFMs with level or wedged contours |
OFMDIR | lists names of the user’s and system’s OFM files from OFMFIL |
OFMGET | loads TV OFMS from an OFM save file |
OFMLIST | lists the current TV OFM table(s) on the terminal or printer |
OFMSAVE | saves the TV’s current OFM lookup table in a text file |
OFMTWEAK | interactive modification of current TV OFM lookup tables |
OFMZAP | deletes an OFM lookup table save file |
OUTPUTS | displays adverb values returned from task, verb, or proc |
PARALLEL | Verb to set or show degree of parallelism |
PASSWORD | Verb to change the current password for the login user |
PCAT | Verb to list entries in the user’s catalog (no log file). |
PLGET | gets the adverbs used to make a particular plot file |
Print the value of an expression | |
PRINTER | Verb to set or show the printer(s) used |
PROC | Define a POPS procedure using procedure editor. |
PROCEDUR | Define a POPS procedure using procedure editor |
PRTHI | prints selected contents of the history extension file |
PRTMSG | prints selected contents of the user’s message file |
PSEUDOVB | Declares a name to be a symbol of type pseudoverb |
PUTHEAD | Verb to modify image header parameters. |
PUTTHEAD | inserts a given value into a table keyword/value pair |
PUTVALUE | Verb to store a pixel value at specified position |
Q2HEADER | Verb to summarize the image 2 header: positions at center |
Q3HEADER | Verb to summarize the image 3 header: positions at center |
Q4HEADER | Verb to summarize the image 4 header: positions at center |
Q5HEADER | Verb to summarize the image 5 header: positions at center |
QGETVERS | finds maximum version number of an extension file quietly |
QHEADER | Verb to summarize the image header: positions at center |
QIMVAL | returns image intensity and coordinate at specified pixel |
QINP | displays adverb values for task, verb, or proc - restart form |
QOHEADER | Verb to summarize the output image header: center positions |
QUEUES | Verb to list all submitted jobs in the job queue |
RANDOM | Compute a random number from 0 to 1 |
READ | Read a value from the users terminal |
REBOX | Verb to reset boxes with TV cursor & graphics display. |
RECAT | Verb to compress the entries in a catalog file |
REHEX | converts extended hex string to decimal |
REMDISK | removes a computer’s disks from the current AIPS session |
REMOVIE | Verb to rerun a previously loaded (TVMOVIE) movie |
RENAME | Rename a file (UV or Image) |
RENUMBER | Verb to change the catalog number of an image. |
REROAM | Verb to use previous roam image mode, then does roam |
RESCALE | Verb to modify image scale factor and offset |
RESTART | Verb to trim the message log file and restart AIPS |
RESTORE | Read POPS memory file from a common area. |
RETURN | Exit a procedure allowing a higher level proc to continue. |
REVERSN | checks disk for presence of extension files |
REWIND | Verb to rewind a tape |
ROAM | Roam around an image too large for the display. |
ROAMOFF | Verb to recover image from roam display in simple display mode |
RUN | Pseudoverb to read an external RUN files into AIPS. |
SAVDEST | Verb to destroy all save files of a user. |
SAVE | Pseudoverb to save full POPS environment in named file |
SCALAR | Declares a variable to be a scalar in a procedure |
SCAT | lists scratch files in the user’s catalog directory on all disks |
SCRATCH | delete a procedure from the symbol table. |
SCRDEST | Verb to destroy scratch files left by bombed tasks. |
SETDEBUG | Verb to set the debug print and execution level |
SETMAXAP | Examines/alters system parameter limiting dynamic pseudo-AP |
SETSLICE | Set slice endpoints on the TV interactively |
SG2RUN | Verb copies the K area to a text file suitable for RUN |
SGDESTR | Verb-like to destroy named POPS environment save file |
SGINDEX | Verb lists SAVE areas by name and time of last SAVE. |
SGUGET | Gets another user’s SAVE/GET file. |
SGUINDEX | Verb lists SAVE areas by name and time of last SAVE another user |
SHOW | Verblike to display the TELL adverbs of a task. |
SIN | Compute the sine of a value |
SIZEFILE | return file size plus estimate of IMAGR work file size |
SPY | Verb to determine the execution status of all AIPS tasks |
SQRT | Square root function |
STALIN | revises history by deleting lines from history extension file |
STARTTV | Restarts XAS (TV), MS, TK servers that have disappered |
STQUEUE | Verb to list pending TELL operations |
STRING | Declare a symbol to be a string variable in POPS |
SUBMIT | Verb which submits a batch work file to the job queue |
SUBSTR | Function verb to specify a portion of a STRING variable |
SYSTEM | Verb to send a command to the operating system |
T1VERB | Temporary verb for testing (also T2VERB...T9VERB) |
TABGET | returns table entry for specified row, column and subscript. |
TABPUT | replaces table entry for specified row, column and subscript. |
TAN | Tangent function |
TAPES | Verb to show the TAPES(s) available |
TGET | Verb-like gets adverbs from last GO of a task |
TGINDEX | Verb lists those tasks for which TGET will work. |
TGUINDEX | Verb lists those tasks for which TUGET will work another user |
THEN | Specified the action if an IF test is true |
TK1SET | Verb to reset 1D gaussian fitting initial guess. |
TKAGUESS | Verb to add a plot of the slice model guess directly on TEK |
TKAMODEL | Verb to add slice model display directly on TEK |
TKARESID | Verb to add slice model residuals directly on TEK |
TKASLICE | Verb to add a slice display on TEK from slice file |
TKERASE | Erase the graphics screen or window |
TKGUESS | Verb to display slice model guess directly on TEK |
TKMODEL | Verb to display slice model directly on TEK |
TKPOS | Read a position from the graphics screen or window |
TKRESID | Verb to display slice model residuals directly on TEK |
TKSET | Verb to set 1D gaussian fitting initial guesses. |
TKSLICE | Verb to display slice file directly on TEK |
TKVAL | Verb to obtain value under cursor from a slice |
TKXY | Verb to obtain pixel value under cursor |
TO | Specifies upper limit of a FOR loop |
TPHEAD | Verb to list image header from FITS or IBM-CV tape |
TPUT | Verb-like puts adverbs from a task in file for TGETs |
TUGET | Verb-like gets adverbs from last GO of a task from another user # |
TV1SET | Verb to reset 1D gaussian fitting initial guess on TV plot. |
TV2COLOR | Verb to activate a 2-color pseudo-color display on the TV |
TV3COLOR | Verb to initiate 3-color display using 3 TV channels |
TVACOMPS | Verb to add slice model components directly on TV graphics |
TVAGUESS | Verb to re-plot slice model guess directly on TV graphics |
TVAMODEL | Verb to add slice model display directly on TV graphics |
TVANOT | Verb to load anotation to the TV image or graphics |
TVARESID | Verb to add slice model residuals directly on TV graphics |
TVASLICE | Verb to add a slice display on TV graphics from slice file |
TVBANDW | Verb to activate three types of black and white TV enhancements |
TVBLINK | Verb which blinks 2 TV planes, can do enhancement also |
TVBOX | Verb to set boxes with TV cursor & graphics display. |
TVCLEAR | Verb to clear image from TV channel(s) |
TVCOMPS | Verb to display slice model components directly on TV graphics |
TVCUBE | Verb to load a cube into tv channel(s) & run a movie |
TVDATA | displays information about the current TV display |
TVFACTS | displays information about the current TV display |
TVFIDDLE | Verb enhances B/W or color TV image with zooms |
TVGUESS | Verb to display slice model guess directly on TV graphics |
TVHELIX | Verb to activate a helical hue-intensity TV pseudo-coloring |
TVHUEINT | Verb to make hue/intensity display from 2 TV channels |
TVILINE | Verb to draw a straight line on an image on the TV |
TVINIT | Verb to return TV display to a virgin state |
TVLABEL | Verb to label the (map) image on the TV |
TVLAYOUT | Verb to label the holography image on the TV with panel layout |
TVLINE | Verb to load a straight line to the TV image or graphics |
TVLOD | Verb to load an image into a TV channel |
TVLUT | Verb which modifies the transfer function of the image |
TVMBLINK | Verb which blinks 2 TV planes either auto or manually |
TVMLUT | Verb which modifies the transfer function of the image |
TVMODEL | Verb to display slice model directly on TV graphics |
TVMOVIE | Verb to load a cube into tv channel(s) & run a movie |
TVNAME | Verb to fill image name of that under cursor |
TVOFF | Verb which turns off TV channel(s). |
TVON | Turns on one or all TV image planes |
TVPHLAME | Verb to activate ”flame-like” pseudo-color displays |
TVPOS | Read a TV screen position using cursor |
TVPSEUDO | Verb to activate three types of pseudo-color displays |
TVRESID | Verb to display slice model residuals directly on TV graphics |
TVRESTOR | Restarts XAS (TV), MS, TK servers that have disappered |
TVROAM | Load up to 16 TV image planes and roam a subset thereof |
TVSCROL | Shift position of image on the TV screen |
TVSET | Verb to set slice Gaussian fitting initial guesses from TV plot |
TVSLICE | Verb to display slice file directly on TV |
TVSPLIT | Compare two TV image planes, showing halves |
TVSTAR | Verb to plot star positions on top of a TV image |
TVSTAT | Find the mean and RMS in a blotch region on the TV |
TVTRANSF | Interactively alters the TV image plane transfer function |
TVWEDGE | Show a linear wedge on the TV |
TVWINDOW | Set a window on the TV with the cursor |
TVWLABEL | Put a label on the wedge that you just put on the TV |
TVZOOM | Activate the TV zoom |
TYPE | Type the value of an expression |
U2CAT | list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk IN2DISK |
U3CAT | list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk IN3DISK |
U4CAT | list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk IN4DISK |
U5CAT | list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk IN5DISK |
UCAT | list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk INDISK |
UNQUE | remove a given job from the job queue |
UOCAT | list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk OUTDISK |
UPCASE | Convert a string to all upper case letters |
USAVE | Pseudoverb to save full POPS environment in named file |
VALUE | Convert a string to a numeric value |
VERB | Declares a name to be a symbol of type verb |
VGET | Verb-like gets adverbs from version task parameter save area |
VGINDEX | Verb lists those tasks for which VGET will work. |
VLA | puts the list of VLA antennas in the current file on stack |
VLBA | puts the list of VLBA antennas in the current file on stack |
VPUT | Verb-like puts adverbs from a task in files for VGETs |
WAITTASK | halt AIPS until specified task is finished |
WEDERASE | Load a wedge portion of the TV with zeros |
XHELP | Accesses hypertext help system |
ZAP | Delete a catalog entry and its extension files |