13.40 VERB

Type:  General type of POPS symbol  
Use:   Verbs are the magic words which cause FORTRAN code to  
       execute some function.  They are compiled into AIPS  
       by the programmers and their meaning remains fixed  
       at least until the programmers change their minds.  
Grammar:   Verbs may be given either in compile mode or in  
       regular execute mode.  In the former, their pointers  
       are stored with the procedure and they are executed  
       when the procedure is invoked.  In the latter, they  
       are compiled with the other statements and parameters  
       on the input line and then executed before a new  
       input line is read.  
Execution:  Verbs are executed when the line in which they  
       appear is executed and are simply referenced by their  
       name.  The syntax "GO verb_name" is converted by AIPS to  
       "TPUT verb_name ; verb_name" which saves the adverbs of  
       "verb_name" for a later TGET and then executes  
       "verb_name".  The syntax "TASK = ’verb_name’ ; GO" will  
       not work.  

ABOUT    displays lists and information on tasks, verbs, adverbs
ABS    returns absolute value of argument
ACOS    Returns arc cosine of argument (half-circle)
ACTNOISE    puts estimate of actual image uncertainty and zero in header
ADDBEAM    Inserts clean beam parameters in image header
ADDDISK    makes a computer’s disks available to the current AIPS session
ALLDEST    Delete a group or all of a users data files
ALTDEF    Sets frequency vs velocity relationship into image header
ALTSWTCH    Switches between frequency and velocity in image header
APROPOS    displays all help 1-line summaries containing specified words
ASIN    Returns arc sine of argument (half-circle)
ATAN    Returns arc tangent of argument (half-circle)
ATAN2    Returns arc tangent of two arguments (full circle)
AVEOT    Advances tape to end-of-information point
AVFILE    Moves tape forward or back to end-of-file marks
AVMAP    Advance tape by one image (IBM-CV = obsolete tape file)
AXDEFINE    Define or modify an image axis description
BAMODIFY    edits characters in a line of a batch work file
BATCH    starts entry of commands into batch-job work file
BATCLEAR    removes all text from a batch work file
BATEDIT    starts an edit (replace, insert) session on a batch work file
BATLIST    lists the contents of a batch work file
BDFLIST    List contents of EVLA ASD data file
BY    gives increment to use in FOR loops in POPS language
CALDIR    lists calibrator source models available as AIPS FITS files
CATALOG    list one or more entries in the user’s data directory
CEIL    returns smallest integer greater than or equal the argument
CELGAL    switches header between celestial and galactic coordinates
CHAR    converts number to character string
CHARMULT    Changes the multiplication factor for TV characters
CHKNAME    Checks for existence of the specified image name
CLR2NAME    clears adverbs specifying the second input image
CLR3NAME    clears adverbs specifying the third input image
CLR4NAME    clears adverbs specifying the fourth input image
CLR5NAME    clears adverbs specifying the fifth input image
CLRMSG    deletes messages from the user’s message file
CLRNAME    clears adverbs specifying the first input image
CLRONAME    clears adverbs specifying the first output image
CLRSTAT    remove any read or write status flags on a directory entry
CLRTEMP    clears the temporary literal area during a procedure
CODECIML    Convert between decimal and sexagesimal coordinate values
COODEFIN    Define or modify an image axis coordinate description
COPIXEL    Convert between physical and pixel coordinate values
COS    returns cosine of the argument in degrees
COSTAR    Verb to plot a symbol at given position on top of a TV image
COWINDOW    Set a window based on coordinates
CPUTIME    displays curren tcpu and real time usage of the AIPS task
CURBLINK    switch TV cursor between steady and blinking displays
CURVALUE    displays image intensities selected via the TV cursor
DAYNUMBR    finds day nuumber of an image or uv data set
DEFAULT    Verb-like sets adverbs for a task or verb to initial values
DELAY    Verb to pause AIPS for DETIME seconds
DELBOX    Verb to delete boxes with TV cursor & graphics display.
DFILEBOX    Verb to delete Clean boxes with TV cursor & write to file
DISMOUNT    disables a magnetic tape and dismounts it from the tape drive
DOCC    Adverb to control application to Clean component files
DOWNCASE    Convert a string to all lower case letters
DRAWBOX    Verb to draw Clean boxes on the display
DUMP    displays portions of the POPS symbol table in all formats
EGETHEAD    returns parameter value from image header and error code
EGETNAME    fills in input name adverbs by catalog slot number, w error
EHEX    converts decimal to extended hex
END    marks end of block (FOR, WHILE, IF) of POPS code
EPOCONV    Convert between J2000 and B1950 coordinates
EPOSWTCH    Switches between B1950 and J2000 coordinates in header
EVLA    puts the list of eVLA antennas in the current file on stack
EXIT    ends an AIPS batch or interactive session
EXP    returns the exponential of the argument
EXPLAIN    displays help + extended information describing a task/symbol
EXTDEST    deletes one or more extension files
EXTLIST    lists detailed information about contents of extension files
FILEBOX    Verb to reset Clean boxes with TV cursor & write to file
FILEZAP    Delete an external file
FLOOR    returns largest integer ¡= argument
FOR    starts an iterative sequence of operations in POPS language
FREESPAC    displays available disk space for AIPS in local system
GAMMASET    changes the gamma-correction exponent used in the TV OFM
GET2NAME    fills 2nd input image name parameters by catalog slot number
GET3NAME    fills 3rd input image name parameters by catalog slot number
GET4NAME    fills 4th input image name parameters by catalog slot number
GET5NAME    fills 5th input image name parameters by catalog slot number
GETDATE    Convert the current date and time to a string
GETHEAD    returns parameter value from image header
GETITIME    Verb to return the UV data integration time.
GETNAME    fills 1st input image name parameters by catalog slot number
GETONAME    fills 1st output image name parameters by catalog slot number
GETPOPSN    Verb to return the pops number on the stack
GETTHEAD    Returns keyword values from a table header, also column #, # rows
GETVERS    finds maximum version number of an extension file
GO    starts a task, detaching it from AIPS or AIPSB
GRBLINK    Verb which blinks 2 TV graphics planes
GRCLEAR    clears the contents of the specified TV graphics channels
GRDROP    deletes the specified gripe entry
GREAD    reads the colors of the specified TV graphics channel
GRINDEX    lists users and time of all gripe entries
GRIPE    enter a suggestion or bug report for the AIPS programmers
GRLIST    lists contents of specified gripe entry
GROFF    turns off specified TV graphics channelS
GRON    turns on specified TV graphics channelS
GWRITE    Sets the colors of the specified TV graphics channel
HELP    displays information on tasks, verbs, adverbs
HINOTE    adds user-generated lines to the history extension file
HITEXT    writes lines from history extension file to text file
HSA    puts the list of HSA antennas in the current file on stack
HUEWEDGE    Show a wedge on the TV suitable for TVHUEINT displays
IM2HEAD    displays the image 2 header contents to terminal, message file
IM2TV    Verb to convert pixel coordinates to TV pixels
IM3HEAD    displays the image 3 header contents to terminal, message file
IM4HEAD    displays the image 4 header contents to terminal, message file
IM5HEAD    displays the image 5 header contents to terminal, message file
IMCENTER    returns pixel position of sub-image centroid
IMDIST    determines spherical distance between two pixels
IMERASE    replaces an image portion of the TV screen with zeros
IMHEADER    displays the image header contents to terminal, message file
IMOHEAD    displays the output image header contents
IMPOS    displays celestial coordinates selected by the TV cursor
IMSTAT    Returns statistics of a sub-image
IMVAL    returns image intensity and coordinate at specified pixel
IMWEDGE    load step wedge of full range of image values to TV
IMXY    returns pixel coordinates selected by the TV cursor
INP    displays adverb values for task, verb, or proc - quick form
INPUTS    displays adverb values for task, verb, or proc - to msg file
JOBLIST    lists contents of a submitted and pending batch job
KLEENEX    ends an AIPS interactive session wiping the slate klean
LENGTH    returns length of string to last non-blank character
LN    returns the natural logarithm of the argument
LOG    returns the base-10 logarithm of the argument
M2CAT    displays images in the user’s catalog directory for IN2DISK
M3CAT    displays images in the user’s catalog directory for IN3DISK
M4CAT    displays images in the user’s catalog directory for IN4DISK
M5CAT    displays images in the user’s catalog directory for IN5DISK
MAX    returns the maximum of its two arguments
MAXFIT    returns pixel position and image intensity at a maximum
MCAT    lists images in the user’s catalog directory on disk INDISK
MFITSET    gets adverbs for running IMFIT and JMFIT
MIN    returns the minimum of its two arguments
MOCAT    displays images in the user’s catalog directory for OUTDISK
MOD    returns remainder after division of 1st argument by 2nd
MODULUS    returns square root of sum of squares of its two arguments
MOUNT    makes a tape drive available to user’s AIPS and tasks
NAMEGET    fills 1st input image name parameters by default matching
OBITIMAG    Access to OBIT task Imager without self-cal or peeling
OBITMAP    Simplified access to OBIT task Imager
OBITPEEL    Access to OBIT task Imager with self-cal and peeling
OBITSCAL    Access to OBIT task Imager with self-cal, NOT peeling
OFFPSEUD    Verb which deactivates all pseudo-color displays
OFFSCROL    Verb which deactivates scroll of an image
OFFTRAN    Verb which restores transfer function to normal
OFFZOOM    Verb which returns the hardware IIS zoom to normal
OFMADJUS    interactive linear adjustment of current TV OFM lookup tables
OFMCONT    creates/modifies TV color OFMs with level or wedged contours
OFMDIR    lists names of the user’s and system’s OFM files from OFMFIL
OFMGET    loads TV OFMS from an OFM save file
OFMLIST    lists the current TV OFM table(s) on the terminal or printer
OFMSAVE    saves the TV’s current OFM lookup table in a text file
OFMTWEAK    interactive modification of current TV OFM lookup tables
OFMZAP    deletes an OFM lookup table save file
OUTPUTS    displays adverb values returned from task, verb, or proc
PARALLEL    Verb to set or show degree of parallelism
PASSWORD    Verb to change the current password for the login user
PCAT    Verb to list entries in the user’s catalog (no log file).
PLGET    gets the adverbs used to make a particular plot file
PRINT    Print the value of an expression
PRINTER    Verb to set or show the printer(s) used
PROC    Define a POPS procedure using procedure editor.
PROCEDUR    Define a POPS procedure using procedure editor
PRTHI    prints selected contents of the history extension file
PRTMSG    prints selected contents of the user’s message file
PSEUDOVB    Declares a name to be a symbol of type pseudoverb
PUTHEAD    Verb to modify image header parameters.
PUTTHEAD    inserts a given value into a table keyword/value pair
PUTVALUE    Verb to store a pixel value at specified position
Q2HEADER    Verb to summarize the image 2 header: positions at center
Q3HEADER    Verb to summarize the image 3 header: positions at center
Q4HEADER    Verb to summarize the image 4 header: positions at center
Q5HEADER    Verb to summarize the image 5 header: positions at center
QGETVERS    finds maximum version number of an extension file quietly
QHEADER    Verb to summarize the image header: positions at center
QIMVAL    returns image intensity and coordinate at specified pixel
QINP    displays adverb values for task, verb, or proc - restart form
QOHEADER    Verb to summarize the output image header: center positions
QUEUES    Verb to list all submitted jobs in the job queue
RANDOM    Compute a random number from 0 to 1
READ    Read a value from the users terminal
REBOX    Verb to reset boxes with TV cursor & graphics display.
RECAT    Verb to compress the entries in a catalog file
REHEX    converts extended hex string to decimal
REMDISK    removes a computer’s disks from the current AIPS session
REMOVIE    Verb to rerun a previously loaded (TVMOVIE) movie
RENAME    Rename a file (UV or Image)
RENUMBER    Verb to change the catalog number of an image.
REROAM    Verb to use previous roam image mode, then does roam
RESCALE    Verb to modify image scale factor and offset
RESTART    Verb to trim the message log file and restart AIPS
RESTORE    Read POPS memory file from a common area.
RETURN    Exit a procedure allowing a higher level proc to continue.
REVERSN    checks disk for presence of extension files
REWIND    Verb to rewind a tape
ROAM    Roam around an image too large for the display.
ROAMOFF    Verb to recover image from roam display in simple display mode
RUN    Pseudoverb to read an external RUN files into AIPS.
SAVDEST    Verb to destroy all save files of a user.
SAVE    Pseudoverb to save full POPS environment in named file
SCALAR    Declares a variable to be a scalar in a procedure
SCAT    lists scratch files in the user’s catalog directory on all disks
SCRATCH    delete a procedure from the symbol table.
SCRDEST    Verb to destroy scratch files left by bombed tasks.
SETDEBUG    Verb to set the debug print and execution level
SETMAXAP    Examines/alters system parameter limiting dynamic pseudo-AP
SETSLICE    Set slice endpoints on the TV interactively
SG2RUN    Verb copies the K area to a text file suitable for RUN
SGDESTR    Verb-like to destroy named POPS environment save file
SGINDEX    Verb lists SAVE areas by name and time of last SAVE.
SGUGET    Gets another user’s SAVE/GET file.
SGUINDEX    Verb lists SAVE areas by name and time of last SAVE another user
SHOW    Verblike to display the TELL adverbs of a task.
SIN    Compute the sine of a value
SIZEFILE    return file size plus estimate of IMAGR work file size
SPY    Verb to determine the execution status of all AIPS tasks
SQRT    Square root function
STALIN    revises history by deleting lines from history extension file
STARTTV    Restarts XAS (TV), MS, TK servers that have disappered
STQUEUE    Verb to list pending TELL operations
STRING    Declare a symbol to be a string variable in POPS
SUBMIT    Verb which submits a batch work file to the job queue
SUBSTR    Function verb to specify a portion of a STRING variable
SYSTEM    Verb to send a command to the operating system
T1VERB    Temporary verb for testing (also T2VERB...T9VERB)
TABGET    returns table entry for specified row, column and subscript.
TABPUT    replaces table entry for specified row, column and subscript.
TAN    Tangent function
TAPES    Verb to show the TAPES(s) available
TGET    Verb-like gets adverbs from last GO of a task
TGINDEX    Verb lists those tasks for which TGET will work.
TGUINDEX    Verb lists those tasks for which TUGET will work another user
THEN    Specified the action if an IF test is true
TK1SET    Verb to reset 1D gaussian fitting initial guess.
TKAGUESS    Verb to add a plot of the slice model guess directly on TEK
TKAMODEL    Verb to add slice model display directly on TEK
TKARESID    Verb to add slice model residuals directly on TEK
TKASLICE    Verb to add a slice display on TEK from slice file
TKERASE    Erase the graphics screen or window
TKGUESS    Verb to display slice model guess directly on TEK
TKMODEL    Verb to display slice model directly on TEK
TKPOS    Read a position from the graphics screen or window
TKRESID    Verb to display slice model residuals directly on TEK
TKSET    Verb to set 1D gaussian fitting initial guesses.
TKSLICE    Verb to display slice file directly on TEK
TKVAL    Verb to obtain value under cursor from a slice
TKXY    Verb to obtain pixel value under cursor
TO    Specifies upper limit of a FOR loop
TPHEAD    Verb to list image header from FITS or IBM-CV tape
TPUT    Verb-like puts adverbs from a task in file for TGETs
TUGET    Verb-like gets adverbs from last GO of a task from another user #
TV1SET    Verb to reset 1D gaussian fitting initial guess on TV plot.
TV2COLOR    Verb to activate a 2-color pseudo-color display on the TV
TV3COLOR    Verb to initiate 3-color display using 3 TV channels
TVACOMPS    Verb to add slice model components directly on TV graphics
TVAGUESS    Verb to re-plot slice model guess directly on TV graphics
TVAMODEL    Verb to add slice model display directly on TV graphics
TVANOT    Verb to load anotation to the TV image or graphics
TVARESID    Verb to add slice model residuals directly on TV graphics
TVASLICE    Verb to add a slice display on TV graphics from slice file
TVBANDW    Verb to activate three types of black and white TV enhancements
TVBLINK    Verb which blinks 2 TV planes, can do enhancement also
TVBOX    Verb to set boxes with TV cursor & graphics display.
TVCLEAR    Verb to clear image from TV channel(s)
TVCOMPS    Verb to display slice model components directly on TV graphics
TVCUBE    Verb to load a cube into tv channel(s) & run a movie
TVDATA    displays information about the current TV display
TVFACTS    displays information about the current TV display
TVFIDDLE    Verb enhances B/W or color TV image with zooms
TVGUESS    Verb to display slice model guess directly on TV graphics
TVHELIX    Verb to activate a helical hue-intensity TV pseudo-coloring
TVHUEINT    Verb to make hue/intensity display from 2 TV channels
TVILINE    Verb to draw a straight line on an image on the TV
TVINIT    Verb to return TV display to a virgin state
TVLABEL    Verb to label the (map) image on the TV
TVLAYOUT    Verb to label the holography image on the TV with panel layout
TVLINE    Verb to load a straight line to the TV image or graphics
TVLOD    Verb to load an image into a TV channel
TVLUT    Verb which modifies the transfer function of the image
TVMBLINK    Verb which blinks 2 TV planes either auto or manually
TVMLUT    Verb which modifies the transfer function of the image
TVMODEL    Verb to display slice model directly on TV graphics
TVMOVIE    Verb to load a cube into tv channel(s) & run a movie
TVNAME    Verb to fill image name of that under cursor
TVOFF    Verb which turns off TV channel(s).
TVON    Turns on one or all TV image planes
TVPHLAME    Verb to activate ”flame-like” pseudo-color displays
TVPOS    Read a TV screen position using cursor
TVPSEUDO    Verb to activate three types of pseudo-color displays
TVRESID    Verb to display slice model residuals directly on TV graphics
TVRESTOR    Restarts XAS (TV), MS, TK servers that have disappered
TVROAM    Load up to 16 TV image planes and roam a subset thereof
TVSCROL    Shift position of image on the TV screen
TVSET    Verb to set slice Gaussian fitting initial guesses from TV plot
TVSLICE    Verb to display slice file directly on TV
TVSPLIT    Compare two TV image planes, showing halves
TVSTAR    Verb to plot star positions on top of a TV image
TVSTAT    Find the mean and RMS in a blotch region on the TV
TVTRANSF    Interactively alters the TV image plane transfer function
TVWEDGE    Show a linear wedge on the TV
TVWINDOW    Set a window on the TV with the cursor
TVWLABEL    Put a label on the wedge that you just put on the TV
TVZOOM    Activate the TV zoom
TYPE    Type the value of an expression
U2CAT    list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk IN2DISK
U3CAT    list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk IN3DISK
U4CAT    list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk IN4DISK
U5CAT    list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk IN5DISK
UCAT    list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk INDISK
UNQUE    remove a given job from the job queue
UOCAT    list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk OUTDISK
UPCASE    Convert a string to all upper case letters
USAVE    Pseudoverb to save full POPS environment in named file
VALUE    Convert a string to a numeric value
VERB    Declares a name to be a symbol of type verb
VGET    Verb-like gets adverbs from version task parameter save area
VGINDEX    Verb lists those tasks for which VGET will work.
VLA    puts the list of VLA antennas in the current file on stack
VLBA    puts the list of VLBA antennas in the current file on stack
VPUT    Verb-like puts adverbs from a task in files for VGETs
WAITTASK    halt AIPS until specified task is finished
WEDERASE    Load a wedge portion of the TV with zeros
XHELP    Accesses hypertext help system
ZAP    Delete a catalog entry and its extension files