ANTNUM    Returns number of a named antenna
CCEDT    Select CC components in BOXes and above mininum flux.
CCSEL    Select signifigant CC components
CL2HF    Convert CL table to HF table
DOOSRO    calibrating amplitude and phase, and imaging VLA data
DOVLAMP    Produces amp calibration file for phased-VLA VLBI data
EPOCONV    Convert between J2000 and B1950 coordinates
MAXTAB    Returns maximum version number of named table
MBDLY    Fits multiband delays from IF phases, updates SN table
MK3TX    extract text files from a MKIII VLBI archive tape
MOVE    Task to copy or move data from one user or disk to another
NANS    reads an image or a UV data set and looks for NaNs
OPCODE    General adverb, defines an operation
OPTELL    The operation to be passed to a task by TELL
PIPEAIPS    calibrating amplitude and phase, and imaging VLA data
PRNUMBER    POPS number of messages
PRTIME    Time limit
RUNWAIT    Runs a task and waits for it to finish
SCANTIME    Returns time range for a given scan number
SHOW    Verblike to display the TELL adverbs of a task.
SORT    Specified desired sort order
SQASH    Task to collapse several planes in a cube into one plane or row
STRAN    Task compares ST tables, find image coordinates (e.g. guide star )
SWAPR    modifies UV data by swapping real and imaginary parts
TBDIF    Compare entries in two tables
TBIN    Reads a text file AIPS table into AIPS
TBOUT    Writes an AIPS table into a text file for user editting.
TBSUB    Make a new table from a subset of an old table
TBTSK    Paraform OOP task for tables
TCOPY    Tape to tape copy with some disk FITS support
UVAVG    Average or merge a sorted (BT, TB) uv database
UVCMP    Convert a UV database to or from compressed format
UVDI1    Subtract UV data(averaged up to one time) from the other UV data
UVNOU    flags uv samples near the U,V axes to reduce interference
UVRFI    Mitigate RFI by Fourier transform or fitting the circle
UVWAX    flags uv samples near the U,V axes to reduce interference
VLAPROCS    Procedures to simplify the reduction of VLBA data
VLARUN    Calibrating amplitude and phase, and imaging VLA data
VLASUMM    Plots selected contents of SN or CL files
VLBAAMP    applies a-priori amplitude corrections to VLBA data
VLBAARCH    Procedure to archive VLBA correlator data
VLBACALA    applies a-priori amplitude corrections to VLBA data
VLBACCOR    applies a-priori amplitude corrections to VLBA data
VLBACRPL    Plots crosscorrelations
VLBAEOPS    Corrects Earth orientation parameters
VLBAFIX    Procedure that fixes VLBA data, if necessary
VLBAFPOL    Checks and corrects polarization labels for VLBA data
VLBAFQS    Copies different FQIDS to separate files
VLBAFRGP    Fringe fit phase referenced data and apply calibration
VLBAFRNG    Fringe fit data and apply calibration
VLBAKRGP    Fringe fit phase referenced data and apply calibration
VLBAKRNG    Fringe fit data and apply calibration
VLBALOAD    Loads VLBA data
VLBAMCAL    Merges redundant calibration data
VLBAMPCL    Calculates and applies manual instrumental phase calibration
VLBAMPHC    applies VLBARUN calibration to additional phase stopping centers
VLBAPANG    Corrects for parallactic angle
VLBAPCOR    Calculates and applies instrumental phase calibration
VLBARUN    applies amplitude and phase calibration procs to VLBA data
VLBASNPL    Plots selected contents of SN or CL files
VLBASRT    Sorts VLBA data, if necessary
VLBASUBS    looks for subarrays in VLBA data
VLBASUMM    Prints a summary of a VLBI experiment
VLBATECR    Calculate ionospheric delay and Faraday rotation corrections
VLBAUTIL    Procedures to simplify the reduction of VLBA data