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Problems and considerations in using AIPS
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Considerations for 31DEC07 Under Considerations for 31DEC09 is
discussed a change to the format and contents of AIPS antenna tables.
This change makes an antenna table touched by 31DEC09 different from
what earlier versions of AIPS expect. This difference probably does
not matter for VLA and GMRT data. But for VLBI data, the difference
is significant. Pre-processed VLBA data from the archive, processed
after September 20, 2009 will be in the new format. A procedure
called AIPS maintenanceNote that, even if you are using an older AIPS, it is useful to occasionally run a midnight job or be sure you get any recent patches. If you have not done this on 31DEC07 since November 18, 2008 you do not have the fully corrected 31DEC07. There are eleven 31DEC07 patches:Considerations for 31DEC08 Under Considerations for 31DEC09 is
discussed a change to the format and contents of AIPS antenna tables.
This change makes an antenna table touched by 31DEC09 different from
what earlier versions of AIPS expect. This difference probably does
not matter for VLA and GMRT data. But for VLBI data, the difference
is significant. Pre-processed VLBA data from the archive, processed
after September 20, 2009 will be in the new format. A procedure
called AIPS maintenanceNote that, even if you are using an older AIPS, it is useful to occasionally run a midnight job or be sure you get any recent patches. These patches correct bugs that have been found that are believed to potentially cause significant problems for user's data. For example, recent patches for 31DEC08 AIPS have corrected errors in the use of the ICHANSEL adverb in BPASS and in the frequency put in the AN table by FITLD when rearranging the frequency order from correlator FITS IDI files. There are eleven 31DEC08 patches:Considerations for 31DEC09We strongly recommend that you update your 31DEC09 with the so-called Midnight Job ("MNJ") on a regular basis. If you have run a MNJ since September 20, 2009, you should run another one now. It is now possible to search the
Change of Terrestrial Reference FrameWe thank Craig Walker for providing the text below: The change is a move to a right-handed coordinate system for stations in all UV data sets. The puts AIPS in agreement with the ITRF rather than an ancient left-handed system (left over from MarkII days?) and is therefore the right thing to do. But it does introduce compatibility issues during the transition. Note that this applies to VLBI data, the VLA and GMRT have always been right handed. In practice, the change means that the sign of BY in the AN table is reversed. This change was made in the 31DEC09 version of AIPS on September 20, 2009. If the 31DEC09 version of AIPS sees an AN table of the old type, identified by knowing the approximately correct coordinates of many stations, it converts the table to the new convention so backward compatibility is good. The problem comes when a data set with the ITRF convention is read by an older version of AIPS, be it 31DEC08 or earlier, or even a 31DEC09 version that has not had a midnight job run since Sept. 20. The older versions will not recognize that the coordinates are different and any task that needs station elevations will get them wrong. This includes UVFIX, PLOT routines doing elevation or parallactic angle, CLCOR "POLR", "PANG", "ANTP", "IONS", "ATMO", et al. corrections, UVFLG elevation flagging, CALIB elevation cutoff for gain normalization, TECOR, ANTAB with opacity corrections, DELZN, PCAL, LPCAL, CVEL and probably others. In other words, it will almost certainly affect your processing. Users can get into trouble during the transition in a couple of ways. If they use both new and old versions of AIPS in their processing, the recent version will convert the AN table, but the old version won't know about it. So, for now, it is best not to mix versions. The processed FITS files in the VLBA archive are produced using the latest AIPS. Therefore, files made since around Sept 20 will have the new antenna convention. If those are downloaded and processed in an older AIPS, there will be problems. A procedure, ANFIX8 is now available from a midnight job for 31DEC08 or from the 31DEC08 patch INFO patch info on the web that will convert back to the frame needed by the 31DEC08 AIPS. Alternatively, one can download the individual job files (the FITS IDI format files) and run the procedures (VLBALOAD, VLBAFIX) to read and combine them. Antenna coordinate bug in FITLD for FITS-IDI dataThere was a bug in the implementation of the above change that caused the old convention to be used for any station that did not appear in the first correlator job file. This will affect observations for which some station(s), typically Mauna Kea, start late. The archive files are subject to this bug. Users should check their AN tables carefully to see if a fix is needed. For example, all VLBA antennas should have the same sign of BY. A procedure to fix affected data (ANCHECK) will be available with the midnight job after Dec 1. Processed files in the archive are subject to this bug. They will be fixed eventually, but meanwhile be careful with such files. If you schedule calibrators on all antennas at the start of your run, you may not be subject to the problem. This bug affects AIPS 31DEC09 with midnight jobs run between Sept. 20 and Nov. 26. Processed archive files made during this date range are suspect. The RUN file and procedure ANCHECK in 31DEC09 will allow you to check your VLBI antenna files. Polarization calibration bugThe application of polarization calibration (DOPOL=1) was entirely broken in 31DEC09 AIPS versions updated between Sept. 20 and Nov. 17. The data are modified, but not correctly. Any application of polarization calibration done with an affected AIPS should be redone after running a midnight job. Note that the derivation of the D terms is probably ok if your antenna coordinates are ok. Polarization EVPA correction bugThe POLR option in CLCOR, used to adjust the absolute polarization position angle, was broken between Sept. 20 and Nov 26 in the 31DEC09 AIPS. The CL table is corrected properly, but the AN table may not be. The task made an error in determining the number of IFs in the table and might only modify some, but not all IFs. This leads to IF-dependent errors in adjusting the angle when the polarization rotation is applied. The fix is to update AIPS and re-apply the rotations with CLCOR. This requires zeroing the angle in the AN table or deleting the AN table and copying an unmodified one, that hopefully you saved early in your processing, in its place. Then rerun the polarization calibration. Modified on $Date: 2009/12/01 18:22:39 $ Eric W. Greisen |