``Patches'' to the current and previous release of AIPS are available
here. These consist of source files or shell scripts that have been
modified; recompilation is often necessary to apply these. We have
patches for the following releases:
With previous releases, we did not change the
frozen release tar ball; user sites were required to download the text
files and do any compilations themselves. But, beginning with
31DEC04, we provide binary releases for which user sites are not
required to have compilers. Therefore, we have reversed our policy.
These patches have been applied to the official code of 31DEC04 (and
later releases) and may be downloaded using a "Midnight Job" for the
corresponding release. Any tarball taken after the change date listed
below will already have the patches applied. Of course, you may still
download and compile the files as before.
Beginning with the 31DEC21 release, we no longer
have a formal patch system. Significant bug fixes are made to the NEW
version when needed. User sites may run the MNJ to correct their copy
of AIPS at any time. Truely significant bugs will be announced on the
MNJ and bananas list servers. The file CHANGE.DOC will provide information on any
code changed in NEW.
Summary new-style patch information:
- 31DEC21
(most recently updated 2022-09-28)
Full old-style patch information:
- 31DEC20
(most recently updated 2021-10-22)
- 31DEC19
(most recently updated 2020-12-21)
- 31DEC18
(most recently updated 2019-11-18)
- 31DEC17
(most recently updated 2018-12-18)
- 31DEC16
(most recently updated 2017-07-11)
- 31DEC15
(most recently updated 2016-08-31)
- 31DEC14
(most recently updated 2015-09-14)
- 31DEC13
(most recently updated 2014-09-30)
- 31DEC12
(most recently updated 2013-10-24)
- 31DEC11
(most recently updated 2012-01-16)
- 31DEC10
(most recently updated 2011-08-04)
- 31DEC09
(most recently updated 2010-07-09)
- 31DEC08
(most recently updated 2009-11-30)
- 31DEC07
(most recently updated 2008-11-18)
- 31DEC06
(most recently updated 2007-11-06)
- 31DEC05
(most recently updated 2006-08-23)
- 31DEC04
(most recently updated 2005-08-16)
- 31DEC03 (most recently
updated 2004-03-03)
- 31DEC02 (most recently
updated 2003-09-11)
- 31DEC01 (most recently updated
- 31DEC00 (most recently updated
- 15OCT99 (most recently updated
- 15APR99 (most recently updated
- 15OCT98 (most recently updated
- 15APR98 (most recently updated
- The following are no longer supported. The
patch document is present in plain text, but the source-code
files are no longer available.
- 15OCT97 (most recently updated 1998-01-28) DOCUMENT LOST.
- 15APR97 (most recently updated
- 15OCT96 (most recently updated
February 3, 1997)
- 15JAN96 (most recently updated
August 13, 1996)
- 15JUL95 (most recently updated
December 6, 1995)
- 15JAN95 (most recently updated
August 2, 1995)
- 15JUL94 (most recently updated
December 23, 1994)
- 15JAN94 (most recently updated
June 1, 1994)
- 15JUL93 (most recently updated
December 22, 1993)
- 15OCT92
- 15APR92, the first "network"
- 15APR91 (you really
should upgrade!)
- 15JAN91 See above :-)
It is important that you get and apply these "patches", as NRAO will
not apply them retroactively to the distribution on tape or ftp.
If you use a web browser such as Mosaic (or perhaps Netscape or Arena) and
you download them directly through the browser, your browser may use
ftp in binary mode. This will result in a spurious character
(^M) at the end of each line and will disable scripts like AIPSEXEC,
START_AIPS, SYSETUP, etc. Removing the spurious characters will solve the
problem, but it is better to get these files in ASCII mode if you use ftp.