Astronomical Image Processing System
31DEC04 Version
![[AIPS]](/aips.gif) |
The 31DEC04 version of AIPS has been
frozen for about one year except for a few major bug fixes. It is no
longer available for installation or for the MNJ.
You should install the soon-to-be frozen version 31DEC05 or the current development version 31DEC06.
The final report on 31DEC04 is now available as 31DEC04
AIPSLetter dated 31 December 2004 (PS, 908 Kbytes) has
information on all changes in this release. It is also available gzipped,
(400 Kbytes) and PDF,
(203 Kbytes). The 6-month progress report on 31DEC04
AIPSLetter dated 30 June 2004 (PS, 900 Kbytes) has
information on changes before about that date. It is also available gzipped,
(400 Kbytes) and pdf
format, (200 Kbytes). The list below is a partial summary updated
29 December, 2004.
- DELZN has additional output options.
- Interactive box setting has improved messages.
- UVPLT self-scales correctly on binned data.
- CLIPM can now clip on data weights.
- UV CC file subtraction and division shows better progress
- SNPLT/WETHR do fixed-scale on the X axis when appropriate.
- DBCON does proper concatenation of IM, MC, PC, AT, CT, OB, GC
files - important for VLBI.
- DSORC is a new task to renumber sources.
- FITLD messed up FQ IDs when a file had unused FQs.
- Changed handling of tape LUNs to allow up to 35 tape devices in
- Handling of the weather table was corrected in UVCOP, FLGIT,
- CALIB, FRING, KRING can now advance the solution time by
sub-intervals of SOLINT.
- OHGEO can now handle transposed images.
- IMFIT and JMFIT now return their results and offer more control
over the rms used to estimate the errors.
- TGINDEX and SGINDEX offer display ordering options (date, name).
- AIPS was revised to be able to use a read-only file system having
AIPS data already loaded to it.
- SETFC returns NFIELD, CELLSIZE, IMSIZE adverbs and allows the
user to control how much error is okay at the maximum W point
- Improved testing on the just-read LASTEXIT file to detect damaged
- VLBAARCH is a new Run/procedure to convert VLBA data for
- CALIB now uses the V polarization in the source table, allowing
WSRT total-intensity calibration mostly
- RLDIF does the R-L phase difference for polarization calibration
- FILLM tests antenna files to avoid concatenating data with
incompatible antenna lists and otherwise to handle data from the
archive more smoothly
- XHELP now works again and does minimum-match and full
cross-referencing no matter how many symbols are in a line
- The CookBook is now available in fully cross-linked pdf and html
- SYSTEM is a new verb to run a command at the level of the shell
- Calibrator models are now provided with AIPS using new task CALRD
to read them and new verb CALDIR to list them
- The divide by channel 0 option now works in POSSM
- Errors in handling phase wraps in SNFLG were corrected
- POSTSCRIPT is a new help file with useful info and tools
- SELF mode in CLCAL was made to do interpolation and to loop over
sources, the old nearest-neighbor version is called SELN now
- The MNJ will now run POPSGN, build XAS, and update $AIPS_ROOT
procedures automagically.
- CONVL will accept images that are blanked
- MFPRT will print in STARS format
- ATMCA is a new task to calibrate astrometric data having multiple
calibration sources in better ways.
- LISTR does a propoer phase RMS again, but correctly this time
- RANDOM is a new verb to generate a random number, GRANDOM
generates a semi-Gaussian distributed random number.
- Reversed spectra in ISPEC and POSSM were labeled incorrectly
- Line printing has new options to limit pagination and repeated
page headers.
- VPLOT now plots ratios of coprrelators as advertised
- PCNTR now allows any of the 4 images to be the contour and/or the
grey-scale image
- PCAL no longer allows the no-reference antenna method
- FINDR is a new task to find normal values of visibility data
- FLAGR is a new task to flag visibility data that deviate from
- The WENSS catalog provided by AIPS was corrected to eliminate the
sources that are the sum of individual components also in the
- TVFLG and SPFLG now does vector amplitude rms and rms/average as
well as scalar. SPFLG does LAST BASELINE as well as NEXT BASELINE.
- The automatic starting of AIPS TVs has had several changes which
should improve the $DISPLAY setting and/or use
- DRAWBOX is a new verb to draw Clean boxes on the TV
- DDT and Y2K have new master images/data sets and Y2K has a HUGE
test now
- EHEX and REHEX verbs now use/return adverbs
- Model computations from small or non-power of 2 images now are
forced to use DFT; gridded methods are too inacurate
- Weights in gain and fringe solutions are now more correct by
default and may be modified to make things less weight-dependent
(some data converge better with weight=1/sigma rather than
- The switch to SDI Cleaning has been changed to a more sensible
- DFQID is a new task to renumber Frequency IDs
- UVFND now does the VCLP option as intended. It was a mess.
- FIXBX is a new task to convert Clean boxes from one BOXFILE's
cell size and faceting to those of another.
- GAL does much larger images, plots correctly with user controls,
and returns the fit in adverbs.
- CLIPM will clip on weights that are too large as well as too
- SMOOTH may be applied before or (now) after banpass calibration
is applied.
- Clean beam plotting was added to GREYS and now has the option of
blanking the regular plot in the beam plot area.
- CALIB and bPASS offer robust gain solution methods as well as
single iterations methods. CALIB reports and can flag on the
closure errors from this.
- EDITA and EDITR were changed to flag in ways that allow more
correct UNDO and REDO options.
- A binary installation and MNJ is now available.
- and much more....
The final report on 31DEC03 is now available as 31DEC03
AIPSLetter dated 31 December 2003 (PS, 3272 Kbytes) has
information on all changes in this release. It is also available gzipped,
(1310 Kbytes) and PDF,
(1251 Kbytes). The progress report 31DEC03
AIPSLetter dated 30 June 2003 (PS, 750 Kbytes) has
information on changes before about that date. It is also available
(320 Kbytes).
The final report on 31DEC02
is in the AIPSLetter dated 31 December 2002 (PS, 2906
Kbytes); also available gzipped,
1140 Kbytes). See also 31DEC02
AIPSLetter dated 30 June 2002 (PS, 753 Kbytes) for
information on changes before about that date. It is also available gzipped,
320 Kbytes).
A tool to monitor shipments of the tar ball was finally installed
in Spring 2003. We shipped the 31DEC03 tar ball to 416 "sites"
(unique IP addresses) in the last 30 weeks of this calendar year.
During the full calendar year, over 551 sites contacted our cvs
server. A plot of sites that have had at least one cvs access and of
sites that have copied at least one of the tar balls is generated each
week. The cumulative totals are quite
significant. The cvs access implies that the site installed the
31DEC03 version of AIPS (MAKE.MNJ is not run while installing the
frozen version) and/or ran the MNJ for 31DEC03. The tar-ball
downloads count only downloads that completed successfully. In each
of the totals, an individual IP address is counted only once. In
general, an IP address is used by only one user, but more than one IP
address will be used by those users that use dial-up connections.
Thus, these totals are a modest over-estimate. Note, the totals also
include multiple computers from single institutions such as NRAO.
Since 31DEC04 was created and 31DEC03 was made slushy and then
frozen, we have kept separate statistics. They are plotted again by cumulative distinct IP
addresses. From December 2003 into December 2004, a total of 196
different IP addresses downloaded the frozen form of 31DEC03 and 808
IP addresses downloaded one or more copies of the 31DEC04 tarball.
Fully 797 IP addresses accessed the NRAO cvs master. Each of these
has at least installed 31DEC04 and 231 appear to have run the MNJ on
31DEC04 at least occasionally. The total number of unique IP
addresses in these three lists was 1276.
Since 31DEC05 was created and 31DEC04 was made slushy and then
frozen, we are keeping separate statistics. Binary installations and
MNJs are included in the version statistics and also reported
separately. They are plotted again by
cumulative distinct IP addresses. The numbers are suprisingly large
actually, but they report, nonetheless, only transactions done after 4
December 2004. By the last week in November 2005, 242 sites had
downloaded copies of the frozen version of 31DEC04, 48 of these used
the binary installation/MNJ option.
Modified on $Date: 2022/02/18 20:33:20 $
[Eric W. Greisen]