[AIPS] The AIPS Cookbook [NRAO]


Most recently changed on 2024/11/26

We have placed the CookBook into both fully linked html and pdf formats. See the current html version. A linked pdf (66884675 bytes) version is also available. Be sure to use a true Adobe acroread on this file - cheap imitations do not work

Other than the Glossary and Appendix Z, all CookBook chapters have been re-written to refer to modern versions of AIPS. The Glossary and Appendix Z are clearly dated, but remain useful. The material below refers to the 31DEC24 or earlier versions of AIPS. Some chapters carry earlier release dates, but all are believed to be relatively current. Updated chapters are indicated by the version date on the section heading below. All chapters are available in a PostScript and a GNU gzip PostScript form. Of course, if you want to dispense with all that stuff about astronomy, interferometry, and AIPS, you can go straight to the Additional recipes (or uncompressed or PDF) a significant number of which were new in January 2001 and November 2004.

If you wish to get these files via anonymous ftp (in one go with an mget command), then you should connect to ftp.aoc.nrao.edu, username anonymous, use your email address as password, and cd to /pub/software/aips/TEXT/PUBL/ where you will find all the COOK*.PS files. If you just want some chapters, it may be simpler to just click on the links to the PostScript files below.

The following is a list of pointers to the different chapters in this Table of Contents giving their most recent revision dates (as YY/MM/DD), their correspondences to an AIPS release, and their titles.

To find out whether the most recent revisions of each chapter were minor or of interest, consult the revision history appended to the end of this version of the table of contents.

Table of Contents

Each link here gets you a PostScript file for the section.

0. TITLE PAGE (404187 bytes) uncompressed (951900 bytes)

          Acknowledgments                                     0 - 2
          Table of contents                                   0 - i
          List of figures                                     0 - xvii
          List of recipes                                     0 - xviv

Back to top of table of contents.

1. Introduction (164756 bytes) 31DEC22 uncompressed (330057 bytes)

1.1       The NRAO AIPS Project - A Summary                     1 - 1
1.2       The Cookbook                                          1 - 3
1.3       Organization of the Cookbook                          1 - 4
1.3.1        Contents                                           1 - 4
1.3.2        Minimum match                                      1 - 5
1.3.3        Fonts and what they signify                        1 - 5
1.4       General structure of AIPS                             1 - 5

Back to top of table of contents.

2. Starting up AIPS (168052 bytes) 31DEC24 uncompressed (323687 bytes)

2.1       Obtaining access to an AIPS computer                  2 - 1
2.2       Using the workstation                                 2 - 1
2.2.1        Logging in to the workstation                      2 - 1
2.2.2        Control characters on the workstation              2 - 2
2.2.3        Starting the AIPS program                          2 - 3
2.2.4        Typing commands to the AIPS program                2 - 10
2.3       Managing windows                                      2 - 11
2.3.1        General window management                          2 - 11
2.3.2        Managing the AIPS TV window called XAS             2 - 12
2.4       Additional recipe                                     2 - 12

Back to top of table of contents.

3. Basic AIPS Utilities (239802 bytes) 31DEC24 uncompressed (480465 bytes)

3.1       Talking to AIPS                                       3 - 1
3.1.1        POPS and AIPS utilities                            3 - 1
3.1.2        Tasks                                              3 - 1
3.1.3        Verbs                                              3 - 2
3.1.4        Adverbs                                            3 - 3
3.2       Your AIPS message file                                3 - 4
3.3       Your AIPS data catalog files                          3 - 5
3.3.1        Speedy data file selection                         3 - 6
3.3.2        Catalog entry status                               3 - 6
3.3.3        Renaming data files                                3 - 6
3.3.4        Header listings                                    3 - 7
3.4       Your AIPS history files                               3 - 8
3.5       Saving and restoring inputs                           3 - 9
3.6       Monitoring disk space                                 3 - 11
3.7       Moving and compressing files                          3 - 12
3.8       Finding helpful information in AIPS                   3 - 12
3.9       Magnetic tapes                                        3 - 15
3.9.1        Hardware tape mount                                3 - 15
3.9.2        Software mounting local tapes                      3 - 16
3.9.3        Software mounting REMOTE tapes                     3 - 16
3.9.4        Using tapes in AIPS                                3 - 16
3.10      AIPS external disk files                              3 - 17
3.10.1       Disk text files                                    3 - 17
3.10.2       RUN files                                          3 - 18
3.10.3       FITS disk files                                    3 - 19
3.10.4       Other binary data disk files                       3 - 20
3.11      The array processor                                   3 - 21
3.12      Additional recipes                                    3 - 21

Back to top of table of contents.

4. Calibrating Interferometer Data (1692827 bytes)31DEC24 uncompressed (10890652 bytes)

4.1       Copying data into AIPS multi-source disk files        4 - 2
4.1.1        Reading EVLA archive files into AIPS               4 - 3
4.1.2        Reading data from FITS files with FITLD            4 - 5
4.2       Record keeping and data management                    4 - 6
4.2.1        Calibrating data with multiple FQ entries          4 - 6
4.2.2        Recommended record keeping                         4 - 6
4.3       Beginning the calibration                             4 - 7
4.3.1        Baseline corrections                               4 - 8
4.3.2        Correcting EVLA 3-bit data                         4 - 10
4.3.3        Check your data with POSSM                         4 - 10
4.3.4        Remove spectral ringing with SPLAT                 4 - 11
4.3.5        General considerations in flagging                 4 - 11
4.3.6        Correcting delay errors with FRING                 4 - 14
4.3.7        Primary flux density calibrators                   4 - 15
4.3.8        Correcting the bandpass shape with BPASS           4 - 16
4.3.9        Calibrating the complex antenna gains with
                VLACALIB                                        4 - 19         Using calibrator models                         4 - 19         Calibrating complex gains                       4 - 20         Flux calibration without calibrator models      4 - 21
4.3.10       Bootstrapping secondary flux-density calibrators   4 - 22
4.3.11       Editing visibility data with EDITA                 4 - 23
4.3.12       Applying solutions to the calibration table with
                CLCAL                                           4 - 24
4.3.13       Flagging RFI with RFLAG                            4 - 28
4.3.14       Restart the calibration                            4 - 30
4.3.15       Calibration with the SysPower table                4 - 30
4.3.16       Calibrating polarization                           4 - 32
4.3.17       Additional calibrations for EVLA data              4 - 36
4.3.18       Making images from multi-source data with IMAGR    4 - 38
4.3.19       Back up your data with FITTP or FITAB              4 - 39
4.3.20       Creating single-source files with SPLIT            4 - 39
4.4       Concluding remarks, early science                     4 - 40
4.5       Additional recipe                                     4 - 40

Back to top of table of contents.

5. Making Images from Interferometer Data (378370 bytes) 31DEC24 uncompressed (819578 bytes)

5.1       Preparing uv data for imaging                         5 - 1
5.1.1        Indexing the data - PRTTP                          5 - 1
5.1.2        Loading the data - FITLD and UVLOD                 5 - 2
5.1.3        Sorting the data - UVSRT                           5 - 3
5.1.4        Combining data sets for imaging - DBCON and VBGLU  5 - 3
5.2       Basic image making - IMAGR                            5 - 4
5.2.1        Making a simple image                              5 - 5
5.2.2        Imaging multiple fields and image coordinates      5 - 6
5.2.3        Data weighting                                     5 - 8
5.2.4        Cell and image size, shifting                      5 - 9
5.2.5        Zero spacing issues                                5 - 11
5.3       Deconvolving images                                   5 - 11
5.3.1        Basic Cleaning with IMAGR                          5 - 12
5.3.2        Multiple fields in IMAGR                           5 - 14
5.3.3        Clean boxes and the TV in IMAGR                    5 - 16
5.3.4        Experimental variations on Clean in IMAGR          5 - 19         Clean-component filtering                       5 - 19         SDI modification of Clean in IMAGR              5 - 20         Multi-scale modification of Clean in IMAGR      5 - 20         Spectral-index corrections                      5 - 21
5.3.5        Data correction options in IMAGR                   5 - 21         Frequency-dependent primary beam corrections    5 - 21         Frequency-dependent correction for average
                   spectral index                               5 - 21         Error in the assumed central frequency          5 - 22         Array mis-orientation effects                   5 - 22         Non-coplanar effects                            5 - 22         Units mismatch of residuals & Clean components  5 - 22
5.3.6        Manipulating Clean components                      5 - 23
5.3.7        Image-plane deconvolution methods                  5 - 24
5.4       Self-calibration                                      5 - 26
5.4.1        Self-calibration sequence and SCMAP or SCIMG       5 - 26
5.4.2        Self-calibration with CALIB                        5 - 28
5.4.3        Considerations in setting CALIB inputs             5 - 30
5.4.4        Evaluating the quality of the imaging              5 - 32  NEW
5.4.5        Experimental extension of multi-field
                self-calibration                                5 - 32
5.5       More editing of uv data                               5 - 32
5.5.1        General remarks on, and tools for, editing         5 - 32
5.5.2        Baseline-based uv-data editing - EDITR             5 - 34
5.6       Imaging with OBIT, Complex imaging                    5 - 39
5.7       Additional recipes                                    5 - 40

Back to top of table of contents.

6. Displaying Your Data (1966497 bytes) 31DEC25 uncompressed (8509455 bytes)

6.1       Getting data into your AIPS catalog                   6 - 1
6.1.1        IMLOD and FITLD from FITS disk                     6 - 1
6.1.2        Image coordinates                                  6 - 2
6.2       Printer displays of your data                         6 - 3
6.2.1        Printing your visibility data                      6 - 3
6.2.2        Printing your image data                           6 - 4
6.2.3        Printing your table data                           6 - 4
6.2.4        Printing miscellaneous information                 6 - 5
6.3       Plotting your data                                    6 - 5
6.3.1        Plotting your visibility data                      6 - 8
6.3.2        Plotting your image data                           6 - 9         Contour and grey-scale plots                    6 - 9         Row tracing plots                               6 - 13         Miscellaneous image plots                       6 - 13
6.3.3        Plotting your table data                           6 - 15
6.3.4        Plotting miscellaneous information                 6 - 17
6.4       Interactive TV displays of your data                  6 - 17
6.4.1        Loading an image to the TV                         6 - 17
6.4.2        Manipulating the TV display                        6 - 19
6.4.3        Intensity and color transfer functions             6 - 19
6.4.4        Setting parameters with the TV                     6 - 20
6.4.5        Reading image values from the TV                   6 - 21
6.4.6        Labeling images on the TV                          6 - 22
6.4.7        Comparing images on the TV                         6 - 22
6.4.8        Slice files and the TV display                     6 - 25
6.4.9        Other functions using the TV                       6 - 25
6.4.10       Capturing the TV                                   6 - 26
6.5       Graphics displays of your data                        6 - 27
6.5.1        Plotting data and setting values with the graphics
                  display                                       6 - 28
6.5.2        Slice files and the graphics display               6 - 28
6.5.3        Data analysis with the graphics display            6 - 29
6.6       Additional recipes                                    6 - 29
6.7       Examples of color plots                               6 - 30

Back to top of table of contents.

7. Analyzing Images (326516 bytes) 31DEC25 uncompressed (766383 bytes)

7.1       Combining two images (COMB)                           7 - 1
7.1.1        Subtracting a continuum image from an image cube   7 - 1
7.1.1        Polarized intensity and position angle images      7 - 1
7.1.2        Other image combination options                    7 - 2
7.1.3        Considerations in image combination                7 - 3
7.2       Combining more than two images (CMPLX, SUMIM SPIXR,
             STACK)                                             7 - 3
7.3       Image statistics and flux integration                 7 - 4
7.4       Blanking of images                                    7 - 5
7.5       Fitting of images                                     7 - 6
7.5.1        Centroid fits (IMCENTER) and parabolic fit to
                maximum (MAXFIT)                                7 - 6
7.5.2        Two-dimensional Gaussian fitting (IMFIT)           7 - 7
7.5.3        Source recognition and fitting (SAD)               7 - 8
7.5.4        Gaussian fits to slices (SLFIT)                    7 - 8
7.5.5        Spectral parameter fitting (XGAUS, ZEMAN, RMFIT,
                FARS)                                           7 - 10
7.6       Image analysis                                        7 - 12
7.6.1        Geometric conversions                              7 - 12
7.6.2        Mathematical operations on a single image          7 - 13
7.6.3        Primary beam correction                            7 - 15
7.6.4        Changing the resolution of an image                7 - 15
7.6.5        Filtering                                          7 - 16
7.7       Modeling in the image and uv planes                   7 - 16
7.7.1        Analysis in the uv plane                           7 - 17
7.8       Additional recipes                                    7 - 18

Back to top of table of contents.

8. Spectral-Line Software (702940 bytes) 31DEC22 uncompressed (2921319 bytes)

8.1       Data preparation and assessment                       8 - 1 
8.2       Editing and self-calibration                          8 - 4
8.3       Continuum subtraction                                 8 - 5
8.4       Imaging                                               8 - 6
8.5       Display and manipulation of data cubes                8 - 7
8.5.1        Building and dismantling data cubes                8 - 7 
8.5.2        Transposing the cube                               8 - 9
8.5.3        Modifying the image header                         8 - 9
8.5.4        Displaying the cube                                8 - 10
8.6       Analysis                                              8 - 14
8.7       Additional recipes                                    8 - 17

Back to top of table of contents.

9. Reducing VLBI Data in AIPS (465459 bytes) 31DEC24 uncompressed (1082228 bytes)

9.1      VLBI data calibration recipe                           9 - 2
9.2      Pipeline for the VLBA                                  9 - 5
9.3      Loading, fixing and inspecting data                    9 - 7
9.3.1       Loading data from the VLBA correlator               9 - 7        Running FITLD                                    9 - 7        Calibration transfer                             9 - 11        Repairing VLBA data after FITLD                  9 - 12        Sorting and indexing VLBA correlator data        9 - 12        Subarraying VLBA correlator data                 9 - 12        Indexing VLBA correlator data                    9 - 13        Concatenating VLBA correlator data               9 - 14        Labeling VLBA correlator polarization data       9 - 14        Ionospheric corrections                          9 - 15       Corrections to the Earth Orientation Parameters  9 - 17       Preparing the OB table for SVLBI data            9 - 18       Loading the time corrections file for SVLBI data 9 - 18
9.4      Tools for data examination                             9 - 19
9.4.1       Textual displays                                    9 - 19
9.4.2       Spectral displays: POSSM                            9 - 20
9.4.3       Time displays: VPLOT, CLPLT, and CAPLT              9 - 21
9.4.4       EDITR                                               9 - 22
9.4.5       SNPLT                                               9 - 22
9.4.6       COHER                                               9 - 23
9.4.7       FRPLT                                               9 - 24
9.5      Calibration strategy                                   9 - 24
9.5.1       Incremental calibration philosophy                  9 - 25        Smoothing and applying corrections in SN and CL
                  tables                                        9 - 26        Running CLCAL for phase referencing observations 9 - 28
9.5.2       Processing observing log and calibration
                  information                                   9 - 28        Automatic formatting of VLBA and VLBA-like
                  log files                                     9 - 29        Manual formatting of log files                   9 - 29        Loading calibration log information              9 - 30        Generating VLA amplitude calibration with VLAMP  9 - 31
9.5.3       Data editing                                        9 - 32
9.5.4       Amplitude and instrumental delay calibration        9 - 33        Parallactic angle correction                     9 - 33        Digital sampler bias corrections for VLBA
                  correlator data                               9 - 33        Instrumental phase corrections                   9 - 34        "Manual" instrumental phase corrections          9 - 36        Bandpass calibration                             9 - 38        Continuum amplitude calibration                  9 - 39
9.5.5       Spectral-line Doppler correction                    9 - 41
9.5.6       Spectral-line amplitude calibration                 9 - 42
9.5.7       Phase calibration                                   9 - 43        Special considerations: SVLBI                    9 - 44        Special considerations: spectral-line            9 - 45        Special considerations: polarization             9 - 45        Special considerations: phase-referencing        9 - 45        Correcting for atmospheric delays                9 - 46        Finding multi-band delays                        9 - 47        Antenna-based fringe-fitting                     9 - 48        Baseline-based fringe-fitting                    9 - 54        SVLBI-specific techniques                        9 - 56       Spectral-line fringe-fitting                     9 - 57       Polarization-specific fringe-fitting             9 - 59       R-L delay calibration                            9 - 59       Feed D-term calibration                          9 - 60
9.5.8       Complex Bandpass                                    9 - 61
9.5.9       Baseline-based errors                               9 - 62
9.6      After initial calibration                              9 - 63
9.6.1       Applying calibration                                9 - 63
9.6.2       Time averaging                                      9 - 63
9.6.3       Verifying calibration                               9 - 65
9.7      Self-calibration, imaging, and model-fitting           9 - 66
9.7.1       CALIB                                               9 - 67
9.7.2       IMAGR, SCIMAG, and SCMAP                            9 - 68
9.7.3       Non-conventional methods of imaging                 9 - 69
9.8      Summary of VLBI calibration tables                     9 - 70
9.9      Additional recipes                                     9 - 71

Back to top of table of contents.

10. Single-Dish Data in AIPS (432120 bytes) 31DEC08 uncompressed (1541592 bytes)

10.1     AIPS format for single-dish data                      10 - 1 
10.1.1      On-the-fly data from the 12m                       10 - 2       Listing OTF input files                         10 - 2       Reading spectral-line OTF files into AIPS       10 - 3       Reading continuum OTF files into AIPS           10 - 4
10.1.2      Other input data formats                           10 - 4 
10.2     Single-dish data in the "uv" domain                   10 - 5
10.2.1      Using PRTSD, UVPLT, and POSSM to look at your data 10 - 5 
10.2.2      Using UVFLG, SPFLG, and EDITR to edit your data    10 - 7
10.2.3      Using CSCOR and SDCAL to calibrate your data       10 - 11
10.2.4      Using SDLSF and SDVEL to correct your
                    spectral-line data                         10 - 12
10.2.5      Using SDMOD and BSMOD to model your data           10 - 13
10.3     Imaging single-dish data in AIPS                      10 - 13
10.3.1      Normal single-dish imaging                         10 - 13
10.3.2      Beam-switched continuum imaging                    10 - 15
10.4     Analysis and display of single-dish data              10 - 19
10.4.1      Spectral baseline removal                          10 - 20
10.4.2      Using WTSUM and BSAVG to combine images            10 - 21
10.4.3      Spectral moment analysis                           10 - 22
10.4.4      Source modeling and fitting                        10 - 22
10.4.5      Image displays                                     10 - 23
10.4.6      Backing up your data                               10 - 24
10.5     Combining single-dish and interferometer data         10 - 24

Back to top of table of contents.

11. Exiting from, and Solving Problems in, AIPS (151022 bytes) 31DEC24 uncompressed (280254 bytes)

11.1     Helping the AIPS programmers                          11 - 1
11.2     Exiting from AIPS                                     11 - 1
11.2.1      Backups                                            11 - 2
11.2.2      Deleting your data                                 11 - 2
11.2.3      Exiting                                            11 - 3
11.3     Solving problems in using AIPS                        11 - 3 
11.3.1      Terminal problems                                  11 - 3 
11.3.2      Disk data problems                                 11 - 4 
11.3.3      Printer problems                                   11 - 5 
11.3.4      Tape problems                                      11 - 6

Back to top of table of contents.

12. AIPS for the More Sophisticated User (239281 bytes) 31DEC24 uncompressed (483938 bytes)

12.1      AIPS conventions                                     12 - 1
12.1.1       AIPS shortcuts                                    12 - 1
12.1.2       Data-file names and formats                       12 - 2
12.2      Process control features of AIPS                     12 - 3
12.2.1       RUN files                                         12 - 3
12.2.2       More about GO                                     12 - 4
12.2.3       Batch jobs                                        12 - 5
12.3      AIPS language                                        12 - 6
12.3.1       Using POPS outside of procedures                  12 - 8
12.3.2       Procedures                                        12 - 9
12.3.3       Writing your own programs with POPS               12 - 12        Special facilities for use in procedures       12 - 13
12.4      Remote use of AIPS                                   12 - 14
12.4.1       Connections via X-Windows                         12 - 14
12.4.2       Connections to a terminal                         12 - 15
12.4.3       File transfer connections                         12 - 16
12.5      Moving data to a new computer                        12 - 17
12.6      Adding your own tasks to AIPS                        12 - 18
12.6.1       Initial choices to make                           12 - 18
12.6.2       Getting started                                   12 - 19
12.6.3       Initial check of code and procedures              12 - 19
12.6.4       Modifying an AIPS task                            12 - 20
12.6.5       Modifying an AIPS template task                   12 - 21
12.6.6       Further remarks                                   12 - 22

Back to top of table of contents.

13. Current AIPS Software (296937 bytes) 31DEC25 uncompressed (801342 bytes)

13.1      ADVERB                                               13 - 1
13.2      ANALYSIS                                             13 - 10
13.3      AP                                                   13 - 13
13.4      ASTROMET                                             13 - 13
13.5      BATCH                                                13 - 14
13.6      CALIBRAT                                             13 - 15
13.7      CATALOG                                              13 - 21
13.8      COORDINA                                             13 - 23
13.9      EDITING                                              13 - 24
13.10     EXT-APPL                                             13 - 25
13.11     FITS                                                 13 - 26
13.12     GENERAL                                              13 - 26
13.13     HARDCOPY                                             13 - 29
13.14     IMAGE-UT                                             13 - 29
13.15     IMAGE                                                13 - 30
13.16     IMAGING                                              13 - 30
13.17     INFORMAT                                             13 - 34
13.18     INTERACT                                             13 - 34
13.19     MODELING                                             13 - 36
13.20     OBSOLETE                                             13 - 37
13.21     ONED                                                 13 - 38
13.22     OOP                                                  13 - 39
13.23     OPTICAL                                              13 - 40
13.24     PARAFORM                                             13 - 40
13.25     PLOT                                                 13 - 40
13.26     POLARIZA                                             13 - 44
13.27     POPS                                                 13 - 45
13.28     PROCEDUR                                             13 - 48
13.29     PSEUDOVE                                             13 - 49
13.30     RUN                                                  13 - 50
13.31     SINGLEDI                                             13 - 51
13.32     SPECTRAL                                             13 - 51
13.33     TABLE                                                13 - 53
13.34     TAPE                                                 13 - 54
13.35     TASK                                                 13 - 55
13.36     TV                                                   13 - 66
13.37     TV-APPL                                              13 - 69
13.38     UTILITY                                              13 - 70
13.39     UV                                                   13 - 71
13.40     VERB                                                 13 - 78
13.41     VLA                                                  13 - 84
13.42     VLBI                                                 13 - 85
13.43     Additional recipes                                   13 - 87

Back to top of table of contents.

A. Easy Continuum UV-Data Calibration and Imaging (238788 bytes)31DEC09 uncompressed (537132 bytes)

A.1       VLARUN                                                A - 1
A.2       Basic calibration                                     A - 2
A.3       Polarization calibration                              A - 5
A.4       Backup and imaging                                    A - 5
A.5       Additional recipes                                    A - 6

Back to top of table of contents.

B. A Step-by-Step Guide to Spectral-Line Data Analysis in AIPS (161851 bytes)31DEC08 uncompressed (302487 bytes)

B.1       Editing and calibrating spectral-line data            B - 1
B.1.1        Loading the data                                   B - 1
B.1.2        Inspecting and editing the data                    B - 2
B.1.3        Calibrating the data                               B - 3
B.2       Making and Cleaning image cubes                       B - 5
B.3       Moment analysis and rotation curves of galaxies       B - 6
B.4       Multi-frequency observations                          B - 7
B.4.1        General frequency information                      B - 7
B.4.2        Multi-frequency uv files                           B - 7
B.5       Additional recipes                                    B - 8

Back to top of table of contents.

C. A Step-by-Step Recipe for VLBA Data Calibration in AIPS (210990 bytes) 31DEC25 uncompressed (409551 bytes)

C.1      Quick Guide                                            C - 1
C.2      Table Philosophy                                       C - 2
C.3      Data set assumed in this Appendix                      C - 2
C.4      VLBA Utilities                                         C - 2
C.5      VLBA Pipeline                                          C - 3
C.6      Data Loading and Inspection                            C - 5
C.7      Amplitude and Delay Calibration                        C - 6
C.8      Rate and Phase Calibration                             C - 8
C.9      Final Calibration Steps                                C - 10
C.10     Incorporating non-VLBA antennas                        C - 11
C.10.1      Loading T_sys and Gain Curves                       C - 11
C.10.2      Pointing Flags                                      C - 12
C.11     Pre-EVLA VLA data                                      C - 12
C.11.1      Single VLA Antenna                                  C - 12
C.11.2      Phased VLA                                          C - 12
C.12     Summary for non-VLBA antennas                          C - 13
C.13     Some Useful References                                 C - 14
C.14     Additional recipes                                     C - 14

Back to top of table of contents.

D. Hints for Reducing High-Frequency Data in AIPS (350645 bytes) 31DEC19 uncompressed (1001602 bytes)

D.1      Additional recipes                                     D - 7

Back to top of table of contents.

O. Special Considerations for Data from Older Telescopes in AIPS (465828 bytes) 31DEC21 uncompressed (1714411 bytes)

O.1      The Historical VLA                                     O - 1
O.1.1       Reading from VLA archive files using FILLM          O - 2
O.1.2       Reading old spectral-line data                      O - 6
O.1.3       Applying nominal sensitivities to historic VLA data O - 6
O.1.4       Calibrating historic VLA data                       O - 7
O.1.5       Editing with LISTR and UVFLG                        O - 7
O.1.6       Editing witth TVFLG                                 O - 9
O.1.7       Spectral-line calibration                           O - 15
O.1.7.1        Spectral-line aspects of SETJY                   O - 16
O.1.7.2        Editing the spectral data                        O - 16
O.1.7.3        Calibrating the spectral data                    O - 17
O.1.8       Solar data calibration for the historic VLA         O - 18
O.1.8.1        Reading solar data from the VLA archive          O - 18
O.1.8.2        Using SNPLT and LISTR to assess the nominal
                  sensitivities                                 O - 19
O.1.8.3        Using SOLCL to apply the system-temperature
                  correction                                    O - 20
O.2      Old VLBI format data                                   O - 20
O.2.1       Loading data from a MkIII/MkIV correlator           O - 20
O.2.1.1        Running MK3IN                                    O - 20
O.2.1.2        Sorting MkIII/IV data                            O - 22 
O.2.1.3        Concatenating MkIII/IV data                      O - 22 
O.2.1.4        Labeling correlator polarization data            O - 23
O.2.1.5        Merging MkIII/IV data                            O - 23 
O.2.1.6        Correcting MkIII/IV sideband phase offsets       O - 24 
O.2.1.7        Indexing MkIII/IV data                           O - 24 

Back to top of table of contents.

L. Special Considerations for EVLA P-band Data Processing in AIPS (215137 bytes) 31DEC19 uncompressed (421368 bytes)

L.1      P-band calibration and editing in AIPS                 L - 1
L.2      P-band imaging in AIPS                                 L - 12
L.3      Additional Recipes                                     L - 14

Back to top of table of contents.

F. File Sizes (182724 bytes) 31DEC07 uncompressed (344645 bytes)

F.1      Visibility (uv) data sets                              F - 1
F.1.1       uv database sizes                                   F - 1
F.1.2       Compressed format for uv data                       F - 2
F.2      Image files                                            F - 3
F.3      Extension files                                        F - 3
F.4      Storing data on tape                                   F - 4
F.4.1       DAT and Exabyte tapes                               F - 5
F.5      Very large data sets                                   F - 6
F.6      Additional recipes                                     F - 6

Back to top of table of contents.

V. VLA Maintenance Tasks in AIPS (1344745 bytes) 31DEC23 uncompressed (9648558 bytes)

V.1      Real-time calibration tables: TLCAL                    V - 1
V.2      Correcting antenna positions: LOCIT                    V - 2
V.3      Improving antenna pointing: PEEK                       V - 5
V.4      Improving antenna surfaces: holography                 V - 6
V.5      Antenna polarization: PDPLT                            V - 11

Back to top of table of contents.

Z. System-Dependent AIPS Tips (180836 bytes) 31DEC24 uncompressed (339266 bytes)

Z.1      NRAO workstations - general information                Z - 1
Z.1.1       The "midnight" jobs                                 Z - 1
Z.1.2       Generating color hard copy                          Z - 1
Z.1.2.1        Color printers                                   Z - 1
Z.1.2.2        Software to copy your screen                     Z - 2
Z.1.3       Gripe, gripe, gripe, ..                             Z - 3
Z.1.5       Solving problems at the NRAO                        Z - 3
Z.1.4.1        Booting the workstations                         Z - 3
Z.1.4.2        Printout fails to appear                         Z - 3
Z.1.4.3        Stopping excess printout                         Z - 4
Z.1.4.4        CTRL-Z problems                                  Z - 4
Z.1.4.5        "File system is full" message                    Z - 5
Z.1.4.6        I can't use my data disk                         Z - 5
Z.2      AIPS at the NRAO AOC in Socorro                        Z - 5
Z.2.1       Reserving public-use workstations at the AOC        Z - 5
Z.2.2       Using Linux workstations at the AOC -- introduction Z - 6
Z.2.3       Starting AIPS                                       Z - 6
Z.2.3.1        Starting AIPS on another machine                 Z - 7
Z.2.3.3        On-line FILLM                                    Z - 7
Z.3      AIPS at the NRAO in Charlottesvile and Green Bank      Z - 7
Z.4      Additional recipes                                     z - 7

Back to top of table of contents.

G. Glossary (352984 bytes) uncompressed (743919 bytes)

I. INDEX (169460 bytes) 31DEC25 uncompressed (470731 bytes)


1.1      Basic AIPS flow diagram                                1 - 6 
4.1      3C48 at X-band                                         4 - 21
4.2      EDITA display                                          4 - 25
4.3      RFLAG display                                          4 - 29
4.4      Example antenna D term spectrum                        4 - 35
4.5      Orion hot core at K band                               4 - 42
5.1      Affect of ROBUST parameter on beams                    5 - 10
6.1      UVPLT displays                                         6 - 7
6.2      Contour and grey-scale plots of an image               6 - 12
6.3      Row plots of an image                                  6 - 14
6.4      Statistical plots of an image                          6 - 15
6.5      Slice and table plots                                  6 - 16
6.6      KNTR with polarization, LWPLA with color               6 - 31
6.7      KNTR truecolor image with contours, LWPLA colors       6 - 32
6.8      PCNTR polarization vectors in color                    6 - 33
6.9      PCNTR contours in color                                6 - 34
6.10     KNTR with contours colored with RGBLEVS                6 - 35
6.11     SNPLT with IFs/polarizations colored                   6 - 36
7.1      Geometric and other functions on an image              7 - 14
8.1      KNTR contours of spectral channels                     8 - 11
8.2      TVCUBE display of transposed cube                      8 - 12
8.3      PLCUB display of spectra from a cube                   8 - 13
8.4      Images of line cube moments                            8 - 14
9.1      POSSM and VPLOT displays of uncalibrated VLBI data     9 - 50
9.2      Spectrum before and after calibration                  9 - 54
9.3      An example of a fringe rate image                      9 - 69
10.1     UVPLT displays of single-dish data                    10 - 6
10.2     POSSM display of single-dish data                     10 - 7
10.3     SPFLG display                                         10 - 10
10.4     Convolving function Fourier transforms                10 - 16
10.5     Images at various beam-throw rotations                10 - 19
10.6     Images at various beam-throw corrections              10 - 20
A.1      Visibility data before and after calibration           A - 4
D.1      VPLOT of "bad" phases                                  D - 2
D.2      VPLOT of "okay" phases                                 D - 3
O.1      TVFLG display                                          O - 12
V.1      Example LOCIT plot                                     V - 4
V.2      Example holography raster                              V - 7
V.3      Example HOLOG images                                   V - 9
V.4      Example PANEL images                                   V - 10
V.5      Example PBEAM plots                                    V - 11
V.6      Example PDPLT plots                                    V - 12

Back to top of table of contents.

TABLE OF RECIPES (159487 bytes) uncompressed (318818 bytes) pdf (135672 bytes)

2.4.1     Banana daiquiri                                       2 - 12
3.12.1    Columbian fresh banana cake with sea foam frosting    3 - 21
3.12.2    Banana sweet potato puff casserole                    3 - 22
3.12.3    Banana poundcake                                      3 - 22
3.12.4    Banana July cocktail                                  3 - 22
4.5.1     Chewy banana split dessert                            4 - 40
4.5.2     Sopa de Platano                                       4 - 40
4.5.3     Mexican bananas                                       4 - 41
4.5.4     Almond fudge banana cake                              4 - 41
4.5.5     Delightful banana cheescake                           4 - 41
4.5.6     Banana relish                                         4 - 41
5.7.1     Cranberry banana bread                                5 - 40
5.7.2     Mexican chicken vegetable soup with bananas           5 - 40
6.6.1     Churros de Platano                                    6 - 29
6.6.2     Easy banana bread                                     6 - 29
6.6.3     Hawaiian banana cream pie                             6 - 30
6.6.4     Roasted turkey quesadillas with banana                6 - 30
7.8.1     Golden mouse                                          7 - 18
7.8.2     Orange gingered bananas                               7 - 18
7.8.3     Coriander banana nut bread                            7 - 18
8.7.1     Hot banana souffle                                    8 - 17
8.7.2     Curried bananas                                       8 - 17
8.7.3     Banana crunch cake                                    8 - 18
8.7.4     Panecillos de Platano                                 8 - 18
8.7.5     Banana-Rhubarb Crisp                                  8 - 18
9.9.1     Banana Dream Pizza                                    9 - 71
9.9.2     Banana mallow pie                                     9 - 72
9.9.3     Bananes roties                                        9 - 72
9.9.4     Banana curried chicken                                9 - 72
13.43.1   Sauted sole tabago with bananas, pecans, and lime    13 - 87
13.43.2   Banana Bombay Salad                                  13 - 87
13.43.3   Banana mandarin cheese pie                           13 - 88
13.43.4   Cream of banana soup                                 13 - 88
13.43.5   Banana rellish                                       13 - 88
13.43.6   Banana coffeelate                                    13 - 88
13.43.7   Banana pick-me-up                                    13 - 88
A.5.1     Banana colada                                         A - 6
A.5.2     Breaded chicken and bananas                           A - 6
A.5.3     Banana-pineapple bread                                A - 6
B.5.1     Banana breeze pie                                     B - 8
B.5.2     Banana cutlets                                        B - 8
C.14.1    Orange baked bananas                                  C - 14
D.1.1     Chocolate chip banana bread                           D - 7
D.1.2     Banana bran muffins                                   D - 8
D.1.3     Banana-pineapple rum bread                            D - 8
D.1.4     Dulce Zacatecano                                      D - 8
D.1.5     Virginia's instant banana pie                         D - 8
L.3.1     Banana storage                                        L - 14
F.6.1     Banana stuffing                                       F - 6
F.6.2     Banana nut bread                                      F - 6
Z.4.1     Going bananas with bananas                            Z - 7
Z.4.2     Banana-chocolate tea bread                            Z - 8
Z.4.3     Banana caramel pie                                    Z - 8
Z.4.4     Curried shrimp                                        Z - 8

Back to top of table of contents.

Truncated Revision History

0        25/02/10  Chapters 6,7,9,13,C,V
         24/11/26  Chapters 3,4,6,7,9,12,13
         24/10/16  Chapters 2,3,4,6,7,9,11,12,13
         24/06/03  Chapters 2, 3, 6, 13 STARTTV, MARSP, CALMODEL
         24/03/28  Chapters 2, 3, 11, 12, 13 dropping TPMON
         24/03/15  Update
         23/06/20  Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 13, C
         23/01/04  Chapters 4, 6, 9, 13, L
         22/06/02  Chapters 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,13,C,D,V
         22/05/03  Chapters 3,4,A,B,O,L   achive
         21/08/30  Chapters 4,5,6,7,9,12,13,C,O
         20/10/21  Chapters 4, , 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, C, V
         20/04/29  Chapters 4, 6, 9, 13, V
         19/10/16  Chapters 4, 5, 6, 9, 13, C, L, V
         19/03/12  Chapters 4, 6, 7, 9, 13, C, D, V
         18/08/24  Appendix V
         18/08/16  Chapters 3, 4, 6, 13
         18/07/19  Chapters 4,5,6,7,9,13,C,O
         18/02/22  Chapters 4, 9, O, drop E
         17/11/22  Chapters 3,4,6,7,9,13,E,L
         17/06/22  Chapters 2,4,6,7,9,13,E
         16/11/11  Chapters 4,5,6,7,9,13,E
         16/04/28  Chapters 1,6,7,8,13,L
         15/12/21  Chapters 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,13,C,E
         14/11/27  Chapters 6,7,9,13,C
         14/10/10  Chapters 4,5,6,7,8,9,C,E
         14/04/10  Chapters 3,5,6,7,8,9,11,E,Z
         13/11/28  Chapters 1,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,C,E
         12/10/08  Chapters 1,3,4,5,6,7,9,12,E
         11/11/29  Chapters 2,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,E
         11/07/29  Chapter E
         11/04/19  Chapter E
         10/11/29  Chapters 1,2,4-9,12,13,E
         10/06/23  Chapter E
         09/12/03  Chapters 1-9, 11-13, I
         07/12/29  Chapters 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,A,B,C,D,F
         06/06/09  Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, C, D
         05/11/30  Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, B, C, D
         04/11/14  Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, C
         04/04/13  Chapter 4
         04/04/07  Chapters 4, 9, A
         04/03/21  Chapter 9
         03/12/01  Chapters 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,C
         03/01/24  Chapters 4,5,6,10,13,D
         02/08/12  Chapters 3,4,5,6,7,9,12,C
         02/03/27  Chapters 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,13,C,D,F
         01/10/30  Chapter 9
         01/06/01  Chapter 4, 5, 9, C
         01/02/15  Chapter 9
         01/01/10  Appendix C/D, minor updates
         00/04/18  Upgrade to 31DEC00
         99/03/30  Chapter 9 changes
         98/11/18  LaTeX ends up with changed pagination
         98/03/07  Chapter 9 revised and 13 updated
         97/06/09  Chapter 4 and 5 updated, also recipes
         97/05/27  Chapter 13 new page numbers
         97/05/22  Chapter 9, 10 new pages, sections
         96/01/30  Corrected NSF attribution statement
         96/01/03  Heavily revised chapter 12
         95/12/11  Update 13, new 7 and 10
         95/10/24  Reference to chapter 10 -> 11
         95/09/24  Change Appendix Z
         95/09/12  Change Chapter 9, add index
         95/07/11  Chapter 5 and 13 minor changes in page number, figure
         95/06/20  Chapter 5 new contents, renumber 7-14 to 6-13
         95/01/24  Chapter 10 new contents
   1     24/03/15  version references
         22/06/02  Lines of code, misc
         20/10/22  Lines of code, misc
         18/09/06  Lines of code, misc
         18/02/22  Minor wording, new Appendix, references
         16/04/28  Lines of code etc.
         13/11/28  Lines of code etc.
         12/10/08  Lines of code etc.
         10/11/29  Appendix E
         09/12/03  Update numbers, aips++ remarks, misc wordings
         07/12/29  Update line/task counts, shiiping info, mailing
                   address, aips++ info, etc.
         03/12/01  Update some statistics etc
         01/01/10  New appendix, version dates/remarks
         00/01/19  Line counts, parenthetical remarks, edition, etc
         97/05/29  Update code sizes, CVX revision of CookBook
         95/10/24  Reference to chapter 10 -> 11
         95/06/20  Update section references
         94/12/13  Update section references
2        24/10/16  TVRESTOR, STARTTV and issues with servers
         24/06/03  STARTTV
         24/04/25  AIPS man page, tv= default
         24/03/28  Drop TPMON and tapes
         24/03/15  XAS characters
         23/01/04  typo in index
         22/06/02  .Xresources
         17/06/22  Max imum disk number now 71
         16/11/11  Old version references
         11/11/29  Tek and XAS iconification controls
         10/11/29  .dadevs.always
         09/12/03  Drop TIMDEST reference, misc minor wordings
         08/11/03  A few notes re XAS changes
         05/11/30  Mention KLEENEX instead of EXIT
         03/12/01  Start up messages, screen server description
         01/01/10  Minor typesetting, version
         00/01/19  New copy of man page, true  TV display
         98/11/18  Added TV=local option and corrected wording re disks
         97/05/29  Add TVSERV and change release to 15APR98
         95/12/19  Minor typography correction
         95/10/04  Correct CTRL T and CTRL Y for new readline meanings
         95/09/22  Add READLINE information, update AIPS startup info
         95/09/12  Change remarks on XAS for 15JAN95
         94/12/14  Correct 2 typos (one about tvhost)
   3     24/11/26  TeX error
         24/06/03  STARTTV
         24/03/28  TPMON, tapes
         24/03/15  DISKU, TUGET
         23/06/20  PLGET upgraded
         22/06/02  STALIN uses task name
         22/05/03  New archive
         18/08/16  SCAT
         17/11/22  abortask, waittask
         16/11/11  Old version references
         15/12/21  PRTMSG/PRTHI line count check, reword tape section
         14/04/10  TGET file format, DISKU (DOALL)
         12/10/08  M2CAT, U2CAT, IM2HEAD, Q2HEADER et al., pseudo AP
         09/12/03  RECAT, AN file format, drop HORUS, MX, TIMDEST, WHATSNEW,
                   add FILEZAP, correct VLA archive web address
         08/11/03  INFILE, OUTFILE changed; more text file name adverbs;
                   FILESIZE & SETMAXAP
         07/12/29  REBYTE, wording re message server, web/street addresses
         06/06/09  PLGET
         05/11/30  KLEENEX, QINP, drop references to deleting outside AIPS
         03/12/01  OUTPUTS, DEFAULT, disk files in FITLD, FILLM, FITAB
         02/08/12  SG2RUN, path names
         02/03/13  FITS disk procedure package
         01/01/10  Fix file names, version
         00/01/19  Terminal width/height handling, class names, VPUT
                   et al, UVCOP FG use, XHELP, TAPES, FITAB, WWW refs
         97/05/29  HELP changed, WWW changed, CVX incompatible
         96/01/03  One cross-ref to chapter 12
         95/12/19  Minor error re extended hex corrected
         95/10/24  Reference to chapter 10 -> 11
         95/09/22  Hex is now extended hex (EHEX, REHEX mentioned)
         95/06/20  Add GET4NAME, mention IMAGR, section renumbering
         94/12/13  Update section references, add MOVE
   4     24/11/26  ALBUS
         24/10/16  FITTP (PL)
         24/03/15  VH2RL
                   CLCOR (ANTP), SRCNAME, LISUN
         23/01/04  xxyy -> vvhh, CALIB, VHCAL, RFLAG output, TEC, RLDIF vs time
         22/05/03  old archive gone, describe new one
         21/08/30  new archive, BPEDT, CROWDED=2
         20/10/21  BPEPL, FIXFR, SYPRT, PDPLT
         20/04/29  Perley models in CALDIR, CALRD plus MOD3D
         19/10/16  PRTAN plot
         19/03/12  Figures, SNBLP, BPASS, TYSMO, FRING, PO table
         18/08/16  RLDLY BPARM option
         18/07/19  FGSPW SOLINT, real UVRANGE, FRING BPARM option
         18/02/22  Complete overhaul to describe EVLA
         17/11/22  FGSPW
         17/06/22  SETJY (2017), New Solar calibration
         16/11/11  Old version references, BPEDT
         15/12/21  De-emphasize tape, drop UVRANGE table, EDITA DO3COLOR,
                   SOUSP fix SNs, TVFLG LOAD LAST PIECE
         14/10/10  TVFLG menu, figure, IF range, mention FTFLG
         13/11/28  SETJY. EDITA, TVFLG, POSSM, CLCAL rewrite, LISTR
         12/10/08  SNFLG, spectral SETJY, SNREF, use RLDIF not CLCOR,
                   self-cal before DOPLO application
                   PCAL replace PMODEL with DOMODEL and prohibit it,
                   DOPRINT in RLDIF, SU table corrected by RLDIF,
                   DOAPPLY=-1 in 2nd run of rLDIF, SNIFS
         10/11/29  FITTP, SY table, TVFLG labels, POSSM vector average,
                   CALIB average/normalization, SETJY 2010 & spectral
                   indwex, SOUSP, PCAL spectral
         09/12/03  3C147 model, RLCOR, ATLOD now AIPS, SNFLG flags data,
                   GETJY robust average
         08/11/03  INFILE, IN2FILE changed; UVFLG codes WILD/REAS; UVCOP
                   flag TY before TYSMO; WIPER falgs baseline; TVFLG channel
                   averaging; FILLM OF tables (OFLAG, PRTOF)
         07/12/29  FILLM (corr coef), TYSMO/TYAPL, TAPPE, OUTFGVER,
                   CLIPM becomes CLIP, WIPER, VLANT, FITAB change,
                   VLACALIB does models
         06/06/09  Model plot, TVFLG option, UVFLG UFLG operation,
                   new EDITA plot, DOCALIB=1, ANBPL, CALIB CPARM(7)
         05/11/30  Emphasize model usage, CLCAL adverb INVERS, SNPLT SYMBOL,
                   baseline correction discussion modernized
         04/11/14  SMOOTH warning, BPASS SOLTYPE added, CALRD file name
         04/04/13  CALDIR, CALRD, and CALIB use V polarization
         04/04/07  CL version number with CLCOR
         04/03/21  RLDIF description replaces LISTR for polarization
         03/12/01  VLARUN, FILLM from disk, CLCAL seriously changed
         03/01/24  LOCIT/BASFIT mentioned, PRTTP/FILLM from disk
         02/08/12  FILLM disk, INDXR does WX, WIPER
         02/03/15  BPASS normalization, TVFLG (DPARM(5)), WETHR, FILLM
         01/07/02  FILLM CPARM(7) changed meaning
         01/06/01  VLACALIB change, DEFLG, SNFLG, VPFLG, FILLM ch-0
         01/01/10  FILLM (DOWEIGHT); SETJY new flux systems
         00/04/18  reword VLACALIB use, DOCAL=2, ICHANSEL, SPFLG
         00/01/19  DEFAULT, NPRINT, CROWDED in EDITR and EDITA with
                   new figure and options, NPLOTS, FITAB
         98/11/18  Clarified wording in special-case polarization cal
         98/02/23  Correct 3C48 polarization angle, NPOINTS description
         97/06/07  Add EDITA, change bandpass cal section, CALIB
                   closure error and FILLM Tant changes, new recipes
         95/12/19  Minor typography correction
         95/12/07  Cross references
         95/09/12  Change HORUS to IMAGR
         95/06/20  Update section references
         95/04/06  Correct CLCOR usage on VLA baseline corrections
         94/12/16  Correct CLCAL usage on polarization step 4
         94/12/13  Update section references
   5     24/03/15  primary beam, char mult, apcln center
         23/06/20  AVGWT, BLPOLCAL, CLIP
         22/06/02  New section evaluate, UVPLT time average
         21/08/30  DBCON/VBGLU, image models, CROWDED, UNDO FLAGS
         20/10/21  CXIMAGR, MASKS
         19/10/16  UVADD, IMAGR on BMAJ set
         18/07/19  IMAGR option IMSTAT
         18/02/22  References
         16/11/11  Old version references, UFLAG, FGCNT
         15/12/21  De-emphasize tape, modernize wordings, OBOXFILE
                   temp file, EDITA/R DO3COLOR
         14/10/10  IMAGR axis labels, stars, OBOXFILE option
         14/04/10  UNClean boxes, BPWAY, TDEPEND
         13/11/28  EDITR, IMAGR BOXFILE, HA2TI
         12/10/08  OOCAL, SCMAP additions, IMAGR average channels,
                   SNFLG, self-cal before DOPLO
         11/11/29  CALIB's DOAPPLY & NORMALIZE & self-cal approach,
                   RFLAG, OBIT imaging verbs
         10/11/29  CALIB normalization
         09/12/03  IMAGR (DO3D false, autobox, IM2P(7), restart after
                   filter, OVRSWTCH, baseline-length dependent averaging)
                   MX/HORUS, SABOX, FILIT, UVFND phase, FQUBE
         08/11/03  INFILE changed; reword a little re IMAGR option to remove
                   weak/isolated components; multi-scale not
                   multi-resolution; adjust one SHIFT wording; reference
                   CCRES in units mis-match discussion
         07/12/29  Wording esp CLIP, OUTFGVER, IMAGR mean additions,
                   OOSUB, WIPER improved, FILLM weights are good
         06/06/09  STUFFR, PEELR, IMAGR beam size and spectral index,
                   DELBOX, DFILEBOX, EDITR options, CALIB CPARM(7),
         05/11/30  Mention RSTOR, add to FLAGR a hint
         04/11/14  IMAGR SDI parameter, FIXBX, FLAGR, FINDR mentions,
                   CALIB changes: SOLTYPE, DOFLAG, WEIGHTIT
         03/12/01  FITLD multiple disk files
         03/01/24  VTESS > 4000 pointings
         02/08/12  4096 fields, WIPER
         02/03/13  BOXFILE options, BOXES
         01/06/01  CHKFC, FACES, DEFLG, SNFLG
         01/01/10  IMAGR remarks
         00/01/19  512 fields, Proc MAPPR, DEFAULT, 16384 on a side,
                   shift meaning, IMAGRPRM, new options and algorithms
                   in IMAGR, FLATN, SETFC, SCIMG
         97/07/11  Add information about OVERLAP imaging, restoration
         97/06/09  Add 3DIMAG to IMAGR, replace IBLED with EDITR
         95/12/07  Cross reference to Chapter 10
         95/09/22  Add mention of FIXWT
         95/07/05  Add figures on ROBUSTness to chapter
         95/06/20  NEW chapter - replaces old 5 and 6 imaging chapters
         94/12/13  Update section references (old chapter)
   6     25/02/10  PLOTR, LISPX
         24/11/26  ALBUS, TVSPX
         24/06/03  STARTTV
         24/03/15  CHAR MULT
         23/06/20  LISUB, TEPLT, BPPLT
         23/01/04  POSSM table plotting
         22/06/02  CLOSE, UVPLT time average
         20/10/21  BPEPL, ISPEC, RSEC, TV2COLOR, SYPRT
         20/04/29  PVPLOT, UVRMS, SPRMS
         19/10/16  PRTAN, TVLABEL, TVWEDGE, Memo year update
         19/03/12  Figures, TVIEW, SNBLP
         18/08/16  OKCOLORS
         18/07/19  PLOTC
         17/11/22  PCHIS, PLOTR
         17/06/22  PCNTR, TVSPC, AGAUS, ZAMAN, downplay Tektronix
         16/11/11  Old version references, SLPRT, TVCOMPS, UFLAG,
                   BPEDT, PCFLG, PCEDT
         16/04/28  TVSPC
         15/12/21  Memo 119 (TVSAD), Memo 118 revised, TVHLD, TVMOVI 
                   (DOALL), UVIMG, XG2PL, RM2PL, XGAUS (baseline
                   setting), Downplay magnetic tapes at the start
         14/11/27  TVSAD, MFITSET
         14/10/10  Rewrite hue-intensity for HUINT, LTYPE changes,
                   Memo 118
         14/04/10  BLSUM plot files
         13/11/28  DEFCOLOR, SNPLT MULT, coordinates, XGAUS, RMFIT, ZEMAN,
                   UVPLT channels, DSKEW
         12/10/08  CHARMULT, TVHUI (hue transfer func, output wedge
                   image), SNPLT color by source
         11/11/29  STVERS, IMFIT et al make STARS file, RSPEC output
                   options, SNIFS, HUEWEDGE
         10/11/29  SNPLT SY tablem POSSM/BPLOT BD/PD/CP tables,
                   TVHELIX, RSPEC
         09/12/03  ISPEC/BLSUM make SL files, REROAM amd ROAMOFF, FILIT,
                   CAPLT, UVPLT NCHAVG option
         08/11/03  INFILE changed, XAS changes -> TVON etc, TVCPS, TVHUEINT
         07/12/29  Wording, FUNCTYPEs, CORER cal, COPIXEL error
                   return, IMEAN
         06/06/09  New color plots and IMEAN plot, color contours,
                   DELBOX, DFILEBOX
         05/11/30  Add XGAUS to TV section, deprecate TeK
         03/12/01  More color in plotting, FITS disk reading, output
                   adverbs, gamma corrections, page full in plots
         03/01/24  Color in plotting, PRTTP (disk hinted at), TVDIST,
                   SCLIM, LAYER
         02/08/12  WIPER, IMEAN returns adverbs
         02/03/15  PRTAB (NDIG), WETHR, TKERASE, TACOP
         01/01/10  New COPIXEL; UVPLT options
         00/04/18  Add section on TV with slices, add recipes from 13
         00/01/19  Entering lower case, PRINTER, BPRINT et al, SNPLT,
                   TVROAM, truecolor TVs, PLOTR
         98/03/08  Add COSTAR, EDITR, EDITA
         95/12/07  Cross references to 7 and 10
         95/09/12  Change remarks on TVRGB for 15JAN96
         95/06/20  Renumbered chapter (7->6), changed references, 
                   changed TVBOX and REBOX entries, added FILEBOX
         94/12/13  Complete new chapter, combining old 7 and 8
   7     25/02/10  LISPX, SPXMD
         24/11/26  TVSPX
         24/10/16  UNSPX, DFTPL
         24/03/15  IMEAN, primary beam
         22/06/02  CMPLX
         21/08/30  PBCOR, CCMOD, VBRFI ACIMG, DFTIM, uv statitical tasks
         20/10/21  FTARS, MTARS, TARPL
         19/03/12  Figures, IMFIT rms, TVIEW
         18/09/17  DPARM/CPARM in SPIXR, SPFIX models from SPIXR output
         17/11/22  FARS, RM2PL
         17/06/22  DFTIM, TVSPC, AGAUS, ZAMAN, ELFIT, RMSD
         16/11/11  Old version references, TVSPC, SLPRT, PBCOR, PATGN,
                   TVACOMPS, slice baseline, SL2PL 
         16/04/28  TVSPC
         15/12/21  Memo 119, TVHLD, MCUBE forgiving, STACK, Memo 118
                   revised, XG2PL, RM2PL
         14/11/27  TVSAD, MFITSET
         14/10/10  memo 118, MODSP, BLSUM WEIG options
         14/04/10  BLSUM plot file, RMFIT & MODIM include thickness
         13/11/28  XGAUS, RMFIT, ZEMAN, MAXFIT/IMFIT/JMFIT, coordinates,
         12/10/08  TARS, TARPL, QUXTR; SLICE with FQID, on 3rd axis,
                   no interp, and better text file; extend modeling
                   section to include GAL/CUBIT, MODIN, OMFIT, DTSIM,
         11/11/29  FARS, AFARS, RFARS, DOFARS; IMEAN initial guess,
                   STVERS in IMFIT/SAD, UVFIT improvements
         10/11/29  CONVL and RM added
         09/12/03  ISPEC, BLSUM slices; UVMOD text file, FQUBE, FARS
         08/11/03  CCRES changes units of residual, CONVL
         07/12/29  IMCENTER, IMEAN, wording
         06/06/09  CCRES, BLANK, MWFLT
         05/11/30  TV under XGAUS, UVMOD spectral index, IMMOD 4 sources,
                   paragraph on SPIXR
         04/11/14  MFPRT added option
         03/12/01  Update PBCOR, IMDIST, IMEAN circular aperture
         02/08/12  IMEAN returns adverbs
         02/03/12  COMB (SUMM), RMSD, SAD, IMFIT, MFPRT
         01/01/10  OHGEO, bad footnote, version, typesetting
         00/04/18  TV replaces TK for slice fitting
         00/01/19  Typo fix
         98/03/08  Change COMB details on algorithms, noise images
         96/01/03  Cross-ref chapter 12, mention AHIST and others
         95/11/16  Rewritten analysis chapter
         95/10/24  Correct references to chapter numbers
         95/06/20  Renumbered chapter (8->7)
         94/12/09  Renumbered chapter, SLICES inserted (not modernized)
   8     24/03/15  version references
         22/06/02  CLOSE
         20/10/21  ISPEC
         19/03/12  Figures
         18/02/22  References
         17/06/22  TVSPC, RMSD, AGAUS et al.
         16/11/11  Old version references
         16/04/28  TVSPC
         15/12/21  MCUBE forgiving, TVMOVIE DOALL, Memo 118 revised,
         14/10/10  Memo 118, HUINT
         14/04/10  BLSUM plot files, SPECR non-Fourier methods
         13/11/28  XGAUS, RMFIT, ZEMAN
         11/11/29  RFLAG, REFLG, IMEAN initial guess, XMOM 'MAX' op,
                   ISPEC derivative, RSPEC output options
         10/11/29  IMAGR et al units
         09/12/03  ISPEC, BLSUM slices; MX, HORUS gone; IMAGR autobox/carry
                    boxes over between channels; FQUBE
         08/11/03  INFILE changed
         07/12/29  Wording, CUBIT, TAPPE, UVLSF
         05/11/30  MCUBE DOCONCAT option
         02/03/12  RMSD
         01/01/10  Minor typesetting, version, example image classes
         00/04/18  CHANSel -> ICHANSEL, SPFLG change, add TVSLICE
         00/01/19  FLGIT, CLIPM, UVMLN, truecolor TVs, update wording
         98/03/08  Update IMEAN discussion, add SERCH
         95/12/07  Cross references to Chapter 10
         95/09/12  Change remarks on TVRGB for 15JAN96
         95/06/20  Renumbered chapter (9->8), added IMAGR
         94/12/13  Complete new chapter, old chapter 10
   9     25/02/10  VLBARUN
         24/11/26  ALBUS
         24/10/16  TEPLT
         24/03/15  version references
                   SRCNAME, LISUN
         23/01/04  TEC, VLBRF
         22/06/02  VLBARUN changes, closure
         20/10/21  VLBARUN, CXIMAGR
         20/04/29  APCAL (PLOT), UVRMS, SPRMS
         19/10/16  VLBARUN
         19/03/12  FITLD weights, CLCOR EOPS, SNBLP
         18/07/19  EDITA dispersive delay, VLBAEOPS/VLBATECR input files
         17/11/22  PCAVG, PCRMS, PCHIS, Memo 123
         17/06/22  PCASS, PCLOD
         16/11/11  Old version references, BPEDT new PC tasks
         16/08/17  DOCAL false for BPASS.
         15/12/21  VLBARUN overhauled, chapter modernized heavily,
                   ACSCL, DOVLAMP, DIGICOR in FITLD, dispersion in
                   with color 
         14/11/27  VLBARUN
         14/10/10  CLCOR 'GAIN', BPASSP(10)->6, ANTAB before USUBA,
                   APCAL new options
         14/04/10  USUBA SUBARRAY=0 meaning, RLDLY loop over refs,
                   DBAPP, CENTR and FQCENTR
         13/11/28  BSCAN, CLCAL, CLVLB, EVLA-Y (VLAMP)
         12/10/08  SNPLT color by source
         11/11/29  SNIFS, flag TY tables in UVCOP/SPLAT, UVFIT limit
                   2.5 million now and other options.
         10/11/29  RLDLY, FRING CHINC/halves, ACCOR usage, FITLD
                   ANTNAME, UVAVG options
         09/12/03  SNPLT DOBLANK, RLCOR, FITLD read pre-processed archive
                   data but without DOCONCAT, VPLOT max/min, CLCOR 'IONO',
                   CAPLT, FRING DPARM(9) no rates, SNCOP for copying SN
                   tables, BLCAL ICHANSEL and BLCHN
         08/11/03  INFILE, OUTFILE changed some places; add REAS/WILD to
                   UVFLG; VPLOT
         07/12/29  DBCON corrected, UVCOP NX tables, VLBA verb,
                   TYSMO, OUTFGVER, correct LISTR, add WEIGHTIT to
                   CALIB, drop SLIME, rewording/typos lots of places
         06/06/09  VBGLU, VBMRG, SNEDT, UVFLG UFLG, APCAL, par angle
         05/11/30  www addresses, TECOR changes incl VLBATECR, CLCOR EOP
                   correction incl VLBAEOP
         04/11/14  CLCAL (SELF), RLDIF, new flag tasks, BPASS changed
                   and complex solution section added, WEIGHTIT
         04/05/06  AVSPC no longer does AVIF
         04/04/07  CLCOR CL versions
         04/03/21  Update DELZN and add multi-band delay sections
         03/12/01  FITLD disks, CLCOR/DELZN section, SNSMO changes,
                   CLCAL changes, APCAL opacity fitting
         02/08/12  QUACK tail, CLCAL use DOBLANK, xref, FRPLT
         02/03/27  VLBAFIX, VLBASUBS, VLBAMPCL; BPASS remarks, POSSM
         01/10/30  Add TECOR
         01/06/01  More VLBAUTIL procs, DEFLG, 2 Gbyte limit
         01/02/15  VLBAUTIL procs, general update
         00/04/18  Use of DOCAL=2 for weight calibration (forgotten in
                   this chapter for SPLIT!)
         00/01/19  SCIMG, NPLOTS, SNPLT options, CC filtering in IMAGR
         99/03/30  Gain transfer, FITAB, phase re-referencing
         98/03/07  Overhaul for Space VLBI, correct figures and index
         97/05/23  Correct figures and index; add remarks about
                   SCMAP, EDITR, SNEDT
         96/09/27  Polarization calibration
         95/09/12  Updated for 15JUL95 ANTAB, APCAL, digital corrections
         95/06/20  Renumbered chapter (10->9), added IMAGR replacing MX
         95/01/24  "Final" edit completed, figures added
         95/01/03  Re-written chapter, only partly done with final edit
  10     16/11/11  Old version references
         07/12/29  Wording improvements, time order for flagging, OUTFGVER
         08/11/03  INFILE, IN2FILE changed
         04/11/14  POSTSCRIPT.HLP, SPFLG plot is out of date
         03/01/24  KNTR/LWPLA enhanced (color) description
         01/01/10  Minor typesetting, version
         00/04/18  Added remark about SPFLG and interferometer IFs.
         00/01/19  add BSMOD, BSCLN, BSTST; DOCRT=1; ORDER, discussion
                   in BSAVG section
         97/05/21  Added beam-switched continuum, SDLSF, and other CVX
                   additions and improvements
         95/12/11  Wrote new chapter on single-dish data in AIPS
         95/10/24  Replaced with outline for single-dish chapter
         95/06/20  Renumbered old chapter (11->10)
         95/01/03  Section and chapter renumbering of old chapter
         94/03/17  Old chapter typeset for WWW
  11     24/10/16  FITTP
         24/03/15  tapes, TPMON
         24/03/15  CLNUP
         16/11/11  Old version references
         14/04/10  DISKU (DOALL)
         09/12/03  Drop TIMDEST several places
         07/12/29  update wording, FITAB
         01/01/10  Minor typesetting, version
         00/01/19  FITAB
         95/10/24  Rewritten with Gripe, backup, exit and modern
                   problem solving
         95/06/20  Renumbered old chapter (12->11)
         95/01/03  Section and chapter renumbering of old chapter
         94/03/17  Old chapter typeset for WWW
  12     24/11/26  SET1DG dropped
         24/10/16  FITTP
         24/03/15  TPMON, tapes
         24/03/15  TUGET
         23/01/04  typo in index
         21/08/30  80 -> 128 input line length
         20/10/21  OFUDG
         16/11/11  Old version references
         13/11/28  RUN in a RUN
         12/10/08  NAMEGET, GETVERS, QGETVERS
         11/11/29  QCREATE
         10/11/29  remote batch, ADDISK/REMDISK
         09/12/03  Only private CA, FILEZAP, FQUBE, DELAY, several misc.
         08/11/03  Added ACOS and ASIN; INFILE, OUTFILE changed for FITS
         07/12/29  Tab completion, COPIXEL, FUDGE, move data to new
                   computer section
         06/06/09  GETPOPSN
         05/11/30  Section on useful verbs and tasks for procs incl SYSTEM
         02/08/12  SG2RUN
         01/02/15  Typo correction
         01/01/10  File classes; tilde verb
         00/01/19  Correct TV connectivity info, tv=local, EXTAB, FITAB
         96/01/03  Rewrite to make up to date
         95/09/22  Hex is now extended hex (EHEX, REHEX mentioned)
         95/06/20  Renumbered old chapter (13->12)
         95/01/03  Section and chapter renumbering of old chapter
         94/06/07  Fix typesetting of old chapter
  13     25/02/10  Help file reorganization
         24/11/26  ALBUS, TVSPX and more
         24/10/16  Update
         24/06/03  STARTTV, MARSP, CALMODEL
         24/04/03  Convert from verbatim to mostly tabular
         24/03/28  OBSOLETE
         24/03/15  Update
         23/06/20  Update several
         23/01/04  Update 14
         22/06/02  update a few
         21/08/30  Update quite a few
         20/10/21  Update many
         20/04/29  Update several
         19/10/16  Update several
         19/03/28  Obsolete things removed from help files
         19/03/12  Numerous updated
         18/09/06  Drop HYB, COMAP, typography
         18/08/16  ABOUT for calibrat, catalog, task, verb, vla
         18/07/19  numerous ABOUT files
         17/11/22  several ABOUT lists
         17/06/22  Update quite a few
         16/11/11  Update 18 ABOUT lists
         16/04/28  Update several
         15/12/21  Update several
         14/11/27  Update several
         14/10/10  Updated numerous
         14/04/10  Updated numerous
         13/11/28  Updated many
         12/10/08  Updated 27 ABOUT lists
         11/11/29  Updated many
         10/11/29  Updated many
         09/12/03  Updated many
         08/11/03  Updated many
         07/12/29  Updated all
         06/06/09  Updated
         05/11/30  Updated
         04/11/14  Updated
         04/04/13  SYSTEM, CALRD, CALDIR and adverbs
         04/04/07  Update of all lists (some were not changed)
         03/12/01  Update of all lists (some were not changed)
         03/01/24  Update of all lists (some were not changed)
         02/03/20  Update of all lists (some were not changed)
         01/06/01  Update of some lists (rest already okay)
         01/01/10  Update of some lists (rest already okay)
         00/04/17  Update of some lists (rest already okay)
         00/01/19  Update of all lists
         98/03/07  Update of all lists
         97/05/27  Overdue update of all lists
         96/01/18  Very minor update to modeling list
         95/12/19  Minor update to analysis and for COMPRESS
         95/12/11  Update lists to match current help files
         95/09/22  Missing help files added to system and lists
         95/07/11  Complete update to lists of 15JUL95 release
         95/06/20  Renumbered chapter
         95/01/03  Complete update to lists of 15JAN95 release
         94/06/07  Complete update to lists of 15JUL94 release
   A     22/05/03  New archive
         18/02/22  References
         09/12/03  Drop MX, HORUS, WFCLN, MAPIT proc; reword VLACALIB.
         07/12/29  VLARUN section first, OUTFGVER, model in VLACALIB
         04/04/07  RLDIF replaces LISTR for polarization
         01/06/01  DOPRINT in VLACALIB
         01/01/10  DOWEIGHT; DOCAL 2; ICHANSEL; MAPPR
         94/12/13  New appendix
   B     22/05/03  New archive
         18/02/22  References
         09/12/03  Wording corrections
         08/11/03  INFILE -> DATAIN, UVFLG, archive web site, mention
         07/12/29  Archive files not tape, FILLM parms, SETFC, reword
         05/11/30  SAMPTYPE in CLCAL and add warning
         01/07/02  FILLM CPARM(7) changed meaning
         01/06/01  DOPRINT in VLACALIB
         01/01/10  DOCAL 2; ICHANSEL; recipes
         94/12/13  New appendix
   C     25/02/10  VLBARUN
         24/03/15  version references
         23/06/20  TECOR, SNRMS, CHING
         22/06/02  VLBARUN
         21/08/30  VLBARFI, spelling of VLBABPSS
         20/10/21  VLBARUN
         19/10/16  VLBARUN
         19/03/20  FITLD weights, CLCOR (EOPS), SNBLP
         18/07/19  VLBAEOPS/VLBATECR input files
         15/12/21  Overhauled chapter for vLBARUN and VLBAUTIL new
         14/11/27  VLBARUN
         14/10/10  BPASSP(5,10) changed
         13/11/28  EVLA-Y (VLAMP)
         08/11/03  INFILE changed to INTEXT, CALIN;
         07/12/29  CLIP, OUTFGVER, UVCOP does NX, wording
         06/06/09  HSA, emphasize parallactic angle correction
         05/11/30  www addresses, flagging info for external telescopes,
                   TECOR and CLCOR EOP new procedures
         04/11/14  SMOOTH dropped, BPASS changed, CVEL added
         03/12/01  Cal transfer, APCAL, ...
         02/08/12  REFANT not in VLBACALA
         02/03/27  Overhaul to emphasize VLBA procs incl new ones
         01/06/01  New VLBAUTIL procs, minor corrections
         01/01/10  New appendix
   D     22/06/02  indexing issue
         19/03/12  SNBLP
         16/11/11  Old version references
         07/12/29  SNFLG mention, correct INDXR, emphasize models,
                   VLANT, rewordings (CL vers updated)
         06/06/09  DOCALIB=1 does weights (100 does not)
         05/11/30  AIPS-provided models, fix www addresses
         02/03/27  New appendix (VLA high frequency hints)
   O     24/03/15  references
         22/05/03  New archive
         21/08/30  DATAIN in FILLM
         18/07/19  TVFLG allows up to 4 Stokes
         18/02/22  New appendix - historic VLA, VLBI
   E     18/02/22  ********* DELETED *************
         17/11/22  FGSPW
         17/06/22  REWAY, SETJY, IMSCAL, OOFRING, Solar cal
         16/11/11  BPEDT, UFLAG, FGCNT
         15/12/21  FRING dispersion, RLDLY SN tables, fix antique
                   wording places, FRING divide in > 2 parts, TVFLG
                   groups, SOUSP SN tables, UVRABGE -> break IFs into
                   separate files, SYCOP renamed TYCOP
         14/10/10  Pgain in TYSMO and EDITA; SNPLT new OPCODEs,
                   spectral index curvature option in auto fit
         14/04/10  RLDLY loop over refs, BPWAY, CENTR and FQCENTR,
                   SNP2D usage
         12/10/08  LISTR (SY), OOCAL, SETJY (VCAL), FRING/RLDLY
                   in quarters, LINIMAGE. SNFLG (A&P), MORIF, RFLAG
                   freq changes, INDXR EVLA gains and OBIT warning,
                   PRTSY, TYAPL (PGN)
         11/11/29  PCAL does models only if 0, QUOUT/QUFIX, RLCAL.
         11/07/29  Suggest new sequence, RFLAG in detail
         11/04/19  BDF2AIPS, several other things
         10/11/29  UVAVG OPCODE choices, POSSM APARM(1)=0 -> vector avg
         10/06/23  Initial version included in CookBook
         10/10/26  Updated version: polarization, SysPower, BDF2AIPS
   L     23/01/04  VHMOD
         22/05/03  New archive
         19/10/16  XYMOD
         18/07/19  Lots of minor rewordings and corrections
         18/02/22  References, add polarization paragraph
         17/12/19  EDITA, BPEDT, FGTAB
         17/11/22  spectral-line cosiderations
         16/04/28  Major re-write to be more explanatory and to refer
                   to modern P-band data
         14/06/10  Correct RFLAG write-up
         13/12/19  Initial version
   F     16/11/11  Old version references
         07/12/29  Drop 9-track, FITAB changed, fixed CL size
         02/03/26  Rename appendix again
         01/01/10  Rename appendix, FITAB for large-file tapes, formats
         95/09/12  Chapter re-written, modern tapes discussed
         94/03/17  Old chapter typeset for WWW
   V     25/02/10  QBEAM
         24/03/15  HOCLN, HOLIS, PANEL
         23/06/23  OTF holography
         22/06/02  PBEAM, HOLOG, PANEL
         20/10/21  HOLOG, PDPLT
         20/04/29  UVHOL fit option, replace figure to show it
         19/10/16  UVCOP holography option
         19/03/12  Figures, UVHOL
         18/08/24  New appendix - VLA maintenance tasks
   Z     24/03/28  Remove tapes mostly
         14/04/10  Overhaul - mostly drop Charlottesville, add Green
                   Bank a little
         01/01/10  Version, minor wording updates
         00/02/02  Updated for changes at CV and AOC, drop film
                   recorder, change computers, etc
         96/01/18  Change ftp to solitaire, Gripes by e-mail
         95/10/24  Reference to chapter 10 -> 11
         95/09/24  Drop AOC film recorder (it does not work)
         95/06/20  One section reference renumbered
         95/01/03  One section reference renumbered
         94/10/18  Complete rewrite of NRAO-specific appendix
   G     94/03/17  Old chapter typeset for WWW
   I     25/02/10  Updated
         24/10/16  Updated
         24/06/03  STARTTV (2,3,6,13)
         24/04/26  Chapter two
         24/03/28  Updated
         24/03/15  Updated
         23/06/20  Updated
         23/01/04  Updated
         22/06/02  Updated
         21/08/30  Updated with corrections
         20/10/21  Updated
         20/04/29  Updated
         19/10/16  Updated
         19/03/12  Updated
         18/08/24  Appendix V, fix several errors
         18/08/16  Chapters 3, 4, 6, 13
         18/07/19  Chapters 4,5,6,7,9,13,C,O
         18/02/22  Chapters 4, 9, O, drop E
         17/12/19  Chapter L
         17/11/22  Chapters 3,4,6,7,9,13,E,L
         17/06/22  Updated
         16/11/11  Updated
         16/04/28  Updated
         15/12/21  Updated
         14/11/27  Updated
         14/10/10  Updated
         14/04/10  Updated
         13/11/28  Updated generally
         12/10/08  Updated for 1,3,4,5,6,7,9,12,E
         11/11/29  Updated for 2,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,E
         11/07/29  Updated for Appendix E
         11/04/19  Updated for Appendix E
         10/11/29  Updated
         09/12/03  Updated
         07/12/29  Updated
         06/06/09  Updated
         05/11/30  Updated
         04/11/14  Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, C
         04/04/13  Chapter 4, 13
         04/04/07  Chapters 4, 9, A
         04/03/21  Mostly Chapters 9 and C, a little 4 etc
         03/01/24  Chapters 4,5,6,10,13,D
         02/08/12  Chapters 3,4,5,6,7,9,12,C
         02/03/27  General overhaul
         01/10/30  Chapter 9
         01/06/10  Chapter 4, 5, 9, 13, C updates
         01/02/15  Chapter 9 update
         01/01/10  Appendix C, D, minor updates
         00/04/18  Chapters changed to 31DEC00
         99/03/30  Chapter 9 changed
         98/03/08  Chapters 6, 8, 9, 13 changed
         97/06/09  Chapters 4, 5, 9, 10, 13 changed
         96/01/03  Chapter 12 rewrite, chapter 7 additions
         95/12/11  Chapters 7, 10, 13 updated
         95/09/24  Update for chapter Z
         95/09/22  Update for chapters 2,3,5,12
         95/09/12  New index, never before available

 all     18/09/06  Spell check, minor misc.
         14/06/10  Update to palatino font
         04/04/07  Update macros to allow html, clean up stuff
         03/12/01  Switch font style, make PDF files available
         98/11/18  To switch to LaTeX from basic TeX
         95/09/12  To add indexing; visible text unchanged

Back to top of table of contents.

Eric W. Greisen