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AIPS Memos |
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$Date: 2025/01/28 20:25:31 $ (UT)
These are listed in order of date released. Hint: the most interesting
ones are probably near the end. All the memos are listed in this text file.
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- VLA 131: 1979/12: The
Effects of Various Convolving Functions on Aliasing and Relative
Signal-to-Noise Ratios Eric W. Greisen, NRAO (pdf, 1807868 bytes).
- 27: 1983/05/20: Non-Linear
Coordinate Systems in AIPS (Corrected and Revised
1983/11/15) Eric W. Greisen, NRAO (ps, 2037575 bytes; Gzipped version 105874
- 33: 1985/01/30: Gridding
Synthesis Data on Vector Machines Donald C. Wells and
William D. Cotton, NRAO (runoff, 70845 bytes).
- 35: 1985/06/01: AIPS GRIPES
Procedures Donald C. Wells, Eric W. Greisen, and Nancy
D. Wiener, NRAO (runoff, 46297 bytes).
- 39: 1986/01/25: Shareable
Images for AIPS under VMS Pat Moore and Gary Fickling, NRAO
(ps, 62163 bytes).
- 46: 1986/05/20: Additional
Non-linear Coordinates Eric W. Greisen, NRAO (ps, 1066320
bytes; Gzipped version
111436 bytes).
- 51: 1987/05/15: The NRAO AIPS
Project - A Summary Alan H. Bridle, NRAO (text, 9849 bytes).
- 54: 1987/11/16: The
MAIL-REMINDER Utility for VAX/VMS Pat Murphy, NRAO (text,
32127 bytes).
- 61: 1988/09/12: The
Astronomical Image Processing System Eric W. Greisen, NRAO
(ps, 189404 bytes; Gzipped
version 57530 bytes); excellent intro to the AIPS system.
- 62: 1989/08/31: The AIPS
Wishlist Eric W. Greisen (ps, 172216 bytes; Gzipped version 53938
- 65: 1990/07/16: Installing
AIPS on an IBM RISC SYS6000 and Performance Results for Convex C220
and Sun Sparc Computers Eric W. Greisen and Mark
Calabretta, AUSTRALIA TELESCOPE (text, 20161 bytes).
- 66: 1990/08/22: An Overview of
the AIPS TV Servers Chris Flatters, NRAO (revised
extensively but not updated for 15APR92 and later releases; ps,
159878 bytes; Gzipped
version 48813 bytes)).
- 67: 1990/11/28: AIPS DDT
benchmark results for Sun's SPARCstation 2GX (SUN4/75) Mark
Calabretta, Henrietta May, Australia Telescope National Facility
(text, 7909 bytes).
- 68: 1991/04/04: Summary of
AIPS UV-data Calibration from VLA Arcive tape to a UV FITS
tape Glen Langston, NRAO (ps, 91669 bytes).
- 69: 1991/03/28: The 1991 AIPS
Site Directory Alan Bridle and Joanne Nance, NRAO (ps,
326893 bytes; Gzipped
version 90518 bytes).
- 70: 1991/04/24: The 1990
AIPS Site Survey (HTML format, also available in
WordPerfect binary Format) Alan
Bridle and Joanne Nance, NRAO (WP doc is 233572 bytes).
- 71: 1991/04/08: A Comparison
of DDT results: IBM RS/6000 and Convex C-1 Patrick
P. Murphy, NRAO (ps, 80740 bytes).
- 72: 1991/05/07: AIPS Imaging
and Self-Calibration: MAPIT Glen Langston, NRAO (ps, 188455
bytes; Gzipped version
58622 bytes).
- 73: 1991/05/16: AIPS DDT
History Glen Langston, Pat Murphy and Dean Schlemmer, NRAO
(ps, 172967 bytes; Gzipped
version 49040 bytes).
- 74: 1991/08/08: AIPS at the
Australia Telescope National Facility Mark Calabretta, ATNF
(text, 72592 bytes).
- 75: 1991/09/23: 15APR91 DDT
Results on a Sun IPC, a Sun Sparcstation 2, a Convex C1, and an IBM
RS/6000 Model 550 Brian Glendenning & Gareth Hunt, NRAO
(ps, 52350 bytes).
- 76: 1991/11/27: Summary of
AIPS Continuum UV-data Calibration Glen Langston, NRAO (ps,
99638 bytes).
- 77: 1992/09/03: Summary of DDT
Accuracy Results Ernest Allen & Glen Langston, NRAO
(ps, 131270 bytes; Gzipped
version 37673 bytes).
- 78: 1992/06/01: Object
Oriented Programming in AIPS Fortran (OOPS) W.D. Cotton,
NRAO (ps, 183914 bytes) Updated version also available (ps, 306711 bytes; Gzipped version 54172
- 79: 1992/06/09: Polarization
Calibration of VLBI Data W.D. Cotton, NRAO (ps, 196541
bytes; Gzipped version
58810 bytes).
- 80: 1992/06/30: Remote Tapes
in AIPS Eric W. Greisen, NRAO (ps, 119776 bytes; Gzipped version 34708
- 81: 1992/08/26: Tape and TV
Performance in AIPS Eric W. Greisen, NRAO (ps, 66341
- 82: 1992/09/24: Replacing the
Convexes- New Color Algorithms in AIPS Eric W. Greisen,
NRAO (ps, 94055 bytes).
- 83: 1992/12/14: Dual Libraries
and Binaries in AIPSPatrick P. Murphy, NRAO (revised).
(ps, 70237 bytes).
- 84: 1993/11/12: A Proposed
Package to Support the Use of the X-Window System in AIPS
tasks Chris Flatters, NRAO (ps, 80211 bytes).
- 85: 1994/02/09: DDT Revised
and AIPSMark(93) Measurements Eric W. Greisen, NRAO (ps,
151013 bytes; Gzipped
version 48028 bytes).
- 86: 1994/03/16: Widefield
Polarization Correction of VLA Snapshot Images at 1.4 GHz
W. D. Cotton, NRAO (ps, 222979 bytes; Gzipped version 61567
- 87: 1994/04/05: The NRAO AIPS
Project -- a Summary Alan H. Bridle, Eric W. Greisen, NRAO
(ps, 63027 bytes).
- 88: 1994/05/16 The AIPS Gripes
Database , Originally 1992/02/20, W. D. Cotton and Dean
Schlemmer (both NRAO); this version revised by Eric Greisen (ps,
164506 bytes; Gzipped
version 49276 bytes).
- 89: 1994/11/17 Baseline-Oriented Fringe Searches in
AIPS , Chris Flatters (NRAO) (ps, 121486 bytes; Gzipped version 36944
- 90: 1995/07/30 Delay
decorrelation corrections for VLBA data within AIPS,
A. J. Kemball (NRAO) (ps, 247619 bytes; Gzipped version 50431 bytes
- 91: 1995/12/12 AIPS
Benchmarks on the Sparc Ultra 1 and 2, Patrick
P. Murphy (NRAO) (ps, 55875 bytes).
- 92: 1996/10/01 Errors in Two
Dimensional Gaussian Fits, L. Kogan (NRAO) (ps, 103347
bytes; Gzipped version
29956 bytes).
- 93: 1997/01/29 Position angle
of the VSOP antenna feed, L. Kogan (NRAO) (ps, 204045
bytes; Gzipped version
35761 bytes)
- 94: 1997/01/29 AIPS
Benchmarks for the Silicon Graphics Origin200, Athol
Kemball and Chris Flatters (NRAO) (ps, 71937 bytes).
- 95: 1997/08/29 AIPS/AIPS++
INTEROPERABILITY, Athol Kemball (NRAO) (ps, 95429 bytes).
- 96: 1997/10/9 AIPS on an
ALPHA AXP Clone, Robert L. Millner, Patrick P. Murphy, and
Jeffrey A. Uphoff (NRAO) (ps, 45403 bytes).
- 97: 1997/10/14 Test of Errors
of the Fitting Paramenters at Gaussian Fitting task JMFIT,
L. Kogan (NRAO) (ps, 78818 bytes).
- 98: 1997/11/19 AIPSTerminal
for Linux PC's, Robert L. Millner and Patrick P. Murphy
(NRAO) (ps, 48379 bytes).
- 99: 1998/05/29, Multiple TV
Servers on a Single Host, Patrick P. Murphy (NRAO) (HTML -
experimental!). Also available in Postscript (color, 309035 bytes).
- 100: 1998/07/27: The
Creation of AIPS Eric W. Greisen, NRAO (ps, 20
Megabytes; Gzipped version
2 Megabytes).
- 101: 1998/10/08: The
Calculation of SNR in KRING's FFT stage Ketan M. Desai, (NRAO)
(ps, 203535 bytes).
- 102: 1998/12/03: The FITS
Interferometry Data Interchange Format Chris Flatters, (NRAO)
(ps, 432881 bytes).
- 103: 2000/03/21: Weighting
data in AIPS Ketan M. Desai, (NRAO)
(ps, 70198 bytes).
- 104: 2000/09/08: Y2K, a
new DDT, and AIPSMark(00) Measurements Eric W. Greisen,
(NRAO) (ps, 108954 bytes).
- 105: 2001/02/28, 2001/04/26 (Version 2): AIPS Procedures for Initial VLBA
Data Reduction Jim Ulvestad, Eric Greisen, Amy
Mioduszewski (NRAO) (ps, 149060 bytes).
- 106: 2001/06/06: Making
Movies from Radio Astronomical Images with AIPS C.C. Cheung,
D.C. Homan, J.F.C. Wardle, D.H. Roberts, (Brandeis University)
(ps, 118507 bytes).
- 107: 2002/04/08: KRING
versus FRING Tests Amy J. Mioduszewski (NRAO) (ps,
359270 bytes)
- 108: 2003/01/21: Weights
for VLA Data Bryan J. Butler, NRAO (ps 151585 bytes)
- 109: 2004/01/20: Using
DVDs with AIPS Greg Taylor, Eric W. Greisen (ps, 73076 bytes)
- 110: Revised 2009/10/21, 2004/08/31: Strategy
for Removing Tropospheric and Clock Errors using DELZN
Amy J. Mioduszewski (ps, 675042 bytes). Also available in
form (204621 bytes).
- 111: 2005/01/08: ATMCA:
Phase Referencing using more than one Calibrator Edward Fomalont and Leonid Kogan (ps,
4044305 bytes); also as
gzipped ps (229170 bytes)
- 112: 2007/03/19: Capabilities
of the VLA pipeline in AIPS Lorant Sjouwerman (ps, 245441 bytes)
- 113: 2009/05/22: Faceted
imaging in AIPS Leonid Kogan & Eric W Greisen (ps,
1169878 bytes); also gzipped
(ps.gz, 308229 bytes) and pdf
(pdf, 497238 bytes)
- 114: 2022/07/19: The FITS
Interferometry Data Interchange Convention Eric W Greisen (ps, 960456 bytes); also
(ps.gz, 417893 bytes) and pdf
(pdf, 436808 bytes). Memo 114 uses color to distinguish changes
from prior conventions.
- 115: 2009/06/29: Auto-boxing
for Clean in AIPS Eric W Greisen (ps, 2638936 bytes); also
(ps.gz, 435453 bytes) and pdf
(pdf, 125531 bytes)
- 116: 2010/06/22: RFI
Mitigation in AIPS; the new task UVRFI Leonid Kogan & Fraser Owen (ps, 796846 bytes); also
(ps.gz, 218818 bytes) and pdf
(pdf, 232971 bytes)
- 117: 2024/11/01: AIPS FITS File Format (revised)
Eric W. Greisen (ps, 1621355 bytes); also
(ps.gz, 616976 bytes) and pdf
(pdf, 915435 bytes). The Tex version (text, 442854 bytes)
is also available and may be helpful in finding things.
- 118:2017/11/08:
Modeling Spectral Cubes in AIPS Eric W. Greisen
(gzipped ps, 1877667 bytes); also
(pdf, 1268026 bytes)
- 119: 2014/12/11:
TVSAD: interactive search and destroy Eric W. Greisen
(gzipped ps, 1428787 bytes); also
(pdf, 267034 bytes)
- 120: 2017/07/22 revision:
Exploring Image Cubes in AIPS Eric W. Greisen
(gzipped ps, 2135861 bytes); also
(pdf, 747282 bytes)
- 121: 2016/09/12:
Editing on a uv grid in AIPS Eric W. Greisen
(gzipped ps, 929427 bytes); also
(pdf, 412836 bytes)
- 122:2017/03/07:
Modeling Absorption-line Cubes in AIPS Eric W. Greisen
(gzipped ps, 917673 bytes); also
(pdf, 570582 bytes)
- 123:2024/12/11:
New Pulse-cal Capabilities for VLBI in AIPS Eric W. Greisen
(gzipped ps, 889306 bytes); also
(pdf, 830534 bytes) and
(ps, 13723627 bytes)
- 124:2018/11/15:
Further Exploration of Image Cubes in AIPS Eric W. Greisen
(gzipped ps, 2316139 bytes); also
(pdf, 394353 bytes)
- 125:2024/04/16:
Post-Correlation Basis Conversion in AIPS Rick Perley &
Eric W. Greisen (gzipped ps, 685049 bytes); also
(pdf, 577325 bytes)
- 126:2025/01/27:
Spectral index fitting in AIPS Eric W. Greisen
(gzipped ps, 786927 bytes); also
(pdf, 357855 bytes)