;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Copyright (C) 2023-2024 ; Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA. ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ; the License, or (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public ; License along with this program; if not, write to the Free ; Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, ; MA 02139, USA. ; ; Correspondence concerning AIPS should be addressed as follows: ; Internet email: aipsmail@nrao.edu. ; Postal address: AIPS Project Office ; National Radio Astronomy Observatory ; 520 Edgemont Road ; Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This file must be used to record any changes made to the Master version of AIPS kept in SOCORRO. An entry is: line 1: Date Program name Your name line 2: What was done (may span multiple lines) line n-1: Where has this change been moved (e.g. 15JUL94, nowhere) line n: Blank The details of line 1 are important since programs are used to find specified strings and do conversions on them. It MUST be typed as follows: 1 blank, 4 digits, a period, two blanks, then the Month, day, comma, year, some space, a title, some more space, your name. *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** Changes while 31DEC24 is TST *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** 16003. December 4, 2023 Code rollover Eric Changed $APLSUB/GETRLS.FOR. $INSUNIX/INSTEP1, $SYSPERL/install.pl, $SYSPERL/update.pl, $SYSPERL/ZXHLP2.PL, $SYSPERL/LaCook.PL, $UPDUNIX/UPDCONTROL, $SYSUNIX/AIPSPATH.CSH, $SYSUNIX/AIPSPATH.SH $SYSUNIX/AIPSPATH1.CSH, $SYSUNIX/AIPSPATH1.SH to make 31DEC22 instead of 31DEC21 - also fix dates in install.pl and update.pl. Moved nowhere. 16004. December 4, 2023 Doc files Eric Updated the TAB completion file HLPIT.LIS and the ABOUT files for ANALYSIS CALIBRAT CATALOG GENERAL HARDCOPY IMAGING MODELING OBSOLETE PLOT POLARIZA POPS TASK UV VERB VLBI Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16005. December 4, 2023 install.pl Eric Dropped the -c from FORTOPT. Perhaps the Makefile for XAS will work in future. Moved to 31DEC23 on 7 December. 16006. December 7, 2023 Linear polarization Eric When DOPOL is applied to linear polarization, all 4 input correlations are used to compute all 4 output correlations. DVHROT does this but it did not check for flagging. Fixed this to flag all 4 if any 1 input correlation is flagged. This lead to oddities, such as apparent high values remaining after a CLIP. Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16007. December 7, 2023 CLIP Eric If during the loop over sources, some source was found to have no visibilities, the values of DOCAL, DOBAND, and DOPOL were lost (became false). Put code to make sure this does not happen. Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16008. December 11, 2023 SPFLG, TVFLG, et al. Eric Changed SPFLG, TVFLG, FTFLG, and PCFLG to offer a CHAR MULT option whenever they start with characters bugger than 7x9 (the char mult value of 1). This allows the user to switch the character size. Also changed the *.HLP help files and the HLP*.HLP run-time help files. Also added message in SPFLG when SET BASELINE does not find a baseline. Added to XAS a message at startup when character multiply > 1. Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16009. December 12, 2023 PRTAB Eric When RPARM pointed at a character column, the length was not properly carried to the test code while setting the size of printed columns. Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16010. December 18, 2023 More character size Eric Changed TVMENU to change the character size to one smaller if the menus will not fit on the screen. It will keep trying until it can't go lower. Changed BPEDIT to add the CHAR MULT option when the task starts with a multiplier > 1 for all 3 supported file types. Changed BPEDT, PCEDT, PDEDT, HLPEDIBP, HLPEDIPC, and HLPEDIPD help files to mention this option. Added code to TVFLG, SPFLG, FTFLG, and PCFLG to lower the character multiplier if the menu does not fit on the screen. Added sentence about this to HLPSPFLG, HLPTVFLG, HLPFTFLG, and HLPPCFLG run-time help files. Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16011. December 29, 2023 Character size Eric Changed: TVDEVICE Zero images/graphics when requested even if marked as already done. QCLEAN Save initial character size indicator and, if > 1, add a CHARMULT to the menu and implement it. SCMAP On self-cal menu, save initial character size indicator and, if > 1, add a CHAR MULT to the menu and implement it. SCIMG On self-cal menu, save initial character size indicator and, if > 1, add a CHAR MULT to the menu and implement it. Also IMAGR, SCMAP, SCIMG and HLPCLEAN, HLPSCMAP, HLPSCIMG help files with new menu item. QEDIUTIL For each method (SN, TY, SY, UV) Save initial character size indicator and, if > 1, add a CHAR MULT to the menu and implement it. Added code to try to prevent the menu from overlapping the status lines (at the bottom left). Help files named EDITA, EDITR, SNEDT, HLPEDICL, HLPEDISN, HLPEDISS, HLPEDISY, HLPEDITS, HLPEDITY, and HLPEDIUV get info about new menu item. Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16012. January 5, 2024 More character size Eric Changed everything so that it decides whether to do CHAR MULT on both the initial character size and the XAS default size which is SQRT(maxtv(1)*maxtv(2)) / 1024. + 0.5. Changed subroutines QCLEN, QEDIUTIL, BPEDIT and tasks SPFLG, TVFLG, FTFLG, PCFLG, SCIMG, SCMAP. Help files changed BPEDT, EDITA, EDITR, FTFLG, IMAGR, PCEDT, PDEDIT, SCIMG, SCMAP, SNEDT, SPFLG, TVFLG. Run-time help files changed HLPxxxxx where xxxxx = CLEAN, EDIBP, EDICL, EDIPC, EDIPD, EDISN, EDISS, EDISY, EDITS, EDITY, EDIUV, FTFLG, PCFLG, SCIMG, SCMAP, SPFLG, TVFLG. Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16013. January 5, 2024 Readline Eric There were many copies of ZGRLHI.C all essentially identical. Made one copy $APLUNIX/ZGRLHI.C which is changed to set the number of history lines to 1 and read the requested history on restarts as well as the initial call. Otherwise a restart got the history of the old users not the new one. Added a "void" and more parentheses to eliminate messages. Removed versions of ZGRLHI for AXLINUX, DEC, HP, IBM, LINUX, LNX64, SGI, SOL, SUN. Left FORTRAN stubs in IBM/3090 and ULTRIX. Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16014. January 9, 2024 AIPSLetter Eric Checked in LET23B TEX, PS and PDF files. Moved everywhere since in $AIPSPUBL. 16015. January 11, 2024 VBRFI, VLBRF, PLRFI Eric Added a decimal to the frequency axis labeling to support P band. Corrected number characters when integer. Corrected YMIN/YMAX in VBRFI and VLBRF to test for magic blanks in all 3 arrays. Corrected averaging of mean arrays in VLBRF. Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16016. January 18, 2024 IMxHEAD Eric Corrected AU3B to display the keywords correctly. A bad test caused the keywords to be ignored. Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16017. January 22, 2024 VBRFI, VLBRF, PLRFI Eric The appearance of the last plot was not tested properly. Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16018. January 25, 2024 VBRFI, VLBRF, PLRFI Eric Added STOKES to the first 2, allowing examination of RFI polarization, and added NPLOTS to all 3. Fixed up AU2A (PLGET) and AU8A for these changes. Moved nowhere. 16019. January 26, 2024 VLBATECR, VLATECR Eric Corrected the IF statement which separated the old name format from the new. Day numbers < 220 in 2024 were using the old nameformat. The If needed to be smarter. Moved to 31DEC22 and 31DEC23 this date. 16020. January 31, 2024 ZTACT2 Eric The process IDs on RedHat 8 are longer than the previous. Made the filename variable one larger to allow for the null byte. Fixed $APLUNIX, $APLMACAR, $APLMACIN. Moved nowhere for now. 16021. February 2, 2024 RLDIF Eric Added adverb ROTMEAS to allow a source EVPA model pa = pa0 + rotmeas * lambda^2 which works only for Cal source #1. Also fixed history to record the ROTMEAS and any PP file version. Moved nowhere. 16022. February 5, 2024 ZTACT2 Eric Corrected $APLMACAR and $APLMACIN versions of ZTACT2 and adjusted $APLUNIX version to allow larger process IDs. Moved nowhere for now. 16023. February 5, 2024 PP file Eric Changed call sequence of PPINI to add keyword 'PP POL' to give a code for the polarization to which the PP file applies. 1 is RL, 2 is VH, else unknown. Changed PPINI call sequence in PPSEL, PPAPP, RLDIF, SWPOL, UVDEC, VHDIF, XYDIF, and POSSM. Also RLDIF, VHDIF, and XYDIF set the value, PPAPP checks the value against the Stokes of the data set, and POSSM uses the value in labeling the plot. Moved nowhere. 16024. February 12, 2024 AT files Eric AIPS compilation and linking uses the @ symbol at the start of a file name to mean a list of files to be compiled and linked. My new ububtu machine however has an @ in the home directory name. Changed the AIPS convention to two @'s. Changed $SYSUNIX files AIPSCC, AIFC, AILINK, FC, LINK, COMRPL, and COMLNK. Changed $INSUNIX files INSTEP2 and INSTEP4 as well and $UPDUNIX files UPDCOMRPL and UPDCOMLNK. Moved nowhere. 16025. February 12, 2024 TPMON, TVMON Eric These remote function programs are probably no longer used. UBUNTU tests revealed a C language error where the same variables were made external in more than one routine. Changed ZVTPO3.C and ZVTVO3.C to put the second declaration inside the routine with the extra work "external" on each line. Moved nowhere. 16026. February 13, 2024 IMEAN, IMSTAT, TVSTAT Eric Changed AU6D verbs IMSTAT and TVSTAT to support DOALL adverb to include pure zero pixels when > 0. Changed IMEAN also t use DOALL for this. Fixed AU2A (PLGET) and AU8A (EXTLIST) to support the change in IMEAN. Changed all 3 help files also plus the DOALL help file. Moved nowhere. 16027. February 13, 2024 CALHIS Eric Changed this history writing routine to tell when DOPOL and DOBAND are false. Previously it only added history if they were true. Tasks include CALIB, PCAL, FRING, and many more. Moved nowhere. 16028. February 16, 2024 FITLD Eric rPICARD changes the FITSIDI file header to a form not specified in the standard (NAXIS=1, NAXIS1=0). Added code to detect this and still call the data FITSIDI but with a warning. Moved nowhere. 16029. February 21, 2024 FITLD Eric The code was too smart for the previous fix alone. Added more code to trap the rPICARD foolishness. Moved nowhere. 16030. February 22, 2024 EVLA delays Eric Changed DATCAL to not use FXSEG for EVLA. Using it apparently caused baseline-dependent errors in EVLA visibilities, usually only a few percent. DATCAL will still correct for delays on data that have been frequency averaged after correlation but will no longer add the mis-alignment correction needed (??) for the VLBA. The 31DEC22 MACARM version has to be recompiled with the current gfortran on that machine. Moved to 31DEC23 AND 31DEC22 this date. 16031. February 27, 2024 BLCHN Eric Improved the help file some. Moved nowhere. 16032. February 27, 2024 POSSM Eric SOLINT needs to be zero for BD tables. Any other value causes POSSM to do an awful lot of work for no benefit. Moved to 31DEC23 this date, 31DEC22 7 March. 16033. March 1, 2024 POSSM Eric Plots from a data set with only 8 channels per IF made it clear that the X-axis labeling was off by a little. Numerous minor corrections were required but I hope it is now correct. Moved these fixes to 31DEC23 this date, 31DEC22 7 March. PP change blocked. 16034. March 4, 2024 VH2RL Eric NEW TASK: VH2RL converts calibrated linear visibilities to circular and vice versa. The calibration of EVLA P-band data entirely in a linear basis leaves a "residual RM" that is not understood. If, after CALIB, BPASS, and VHDIF, the data are converted to a circular basis, the remaining calibration and imaging produce a correct result. Moved nowhere. 16035. March 7, 2024 POSSM Eric When doing OLD version of POSSM, found one bug plotting data when there was more than one column of plots. Also adjusted the plotting of the IF number line to omit it when there are more than two rows. Moved to 31DEC22 and 31DEC23 this date. 16036. March 8, 2024 POSSM Eric APARM(10) > 0 reverses the X axis. The labeling needed some correction. Moved to 31DEC22 and 31DEC23 this date. 16037. March 11, 2024 POSSM Eric Plots with no separators between IFs did not handle BCHAN and ECHAN properly. All channels appear in the plot with channels < BCHAN and > ECHAN blanked. When separators are plotted, then only BCHAN to ECHAN are plotted in each panel. A bug handling auto- and cross-correlation plots with BCHAN and ECHAN was also corrected. One polarization plotted okay but the second was messed up. Moved to 31DEC22 and 31DEC23 this date. 16038. March 12, 2024 adverb help files Eric New and changed verbs and tasks require referencing in the associated adverb help files. Changed ANTENNAS APARM BADDISK BADDISK BASELINE BCHAN BIF BLVER BPVER CALCODE DETIME DOACOR DOBAND DOCALIB DOPOL ECHAN EIF FLAGVER FQCENTER FREQID GAINUSE INCLASS INDISK INEXT INNAME INSEQ NPLOTS OPCODE OPTYPE OTFMODE OUTCLASS OUTDISK OUTFILE OUTNAME OUTSEQ PDVER PIXAVG PIXSTD QUAL ROTMEAS SELBAND SELFREQ SMOOTH SOURCES SRCNAME STOKES SUBARRAY TASK TIMERANG VERSION Moved nowhere. 16039. March 12, 2024 Doc files Eric Updated the tab completion file HLPIT.LIS for VH2RL. ABOUT files ANALYSIS, POLARIZA, TASK, UV, and VERB were updated. Moved nowhere. 16040. March 15, 2024 CookBook Eric Generally remove references to really old versions of AIPS. Keep a few other than all 31DEC2?. Update chapters for 1 version reference 2 XAS character multiplication 3 DISKU (BADDISK), TUGET 5 Primary beam models, char mult, apcln center 6 tasks include CHARMULT 7 IMEAN, IMSTAT 8 versions 9 versions 11 CLNUP 12 TUGET 13 Changed ABOUT files C versions V HOCLN, HOLIS, PANEL Recipe Recipes removed from 3, 11 Moved nowhere. 16041. March 22, 2024 RLDIF Eric Add table of 3C286 polarization angles from 0.561 GHz to 1.071 GHz. Moved nowhere. 16042. March 22, 2024 POSSM Eric Polarization labeling got wrong when improper STOKES were specified. Changed it to fail if FNDPOL finds an error. Previously it only failed when plotting uv data. Changed FNDPOL to change R, L, H, V to RR, LL, HH, VV. Moved nowhere. 16043. March 22, 2024 PLOTR Eric Added DOPLOT to have the fit parameters appear on the plot when 1 and only 1 parameter is fit. Moved nowhere. 16044. March 22, 2024 FGCNT Eric Added counting of flagged data for only one FG table and also for data read without the calibration package. This may help find flagged data. Moved nowhere. 16045. March 28, 2024 Obsolete things Eric Changed ZDCHIN to omit the NETSP not set for some disk area message. That was used to set some disks to scratch only or read only and to set the TIMDEST time limit. The former is still available while TIMDEST is commented out (way too dangerous for the login user). Changed default AIPSMark to 750 and reset some of the time limits to longer (not used I suspect). Changed START_AIPS to omit magnetic tape start ups on the current machine and on remote machines. I doubt that anyone has tapes anymore, but the code is still there. It is just commented out. Moved nowhere. 16046. March 28, 2024 CookBook Eric With the removal of TPMON from automatic startup, the CookBook needed reduction still further in the info about tapes. Changed 2 Remove TP=host and TPOK from aips command options 3 Change wording re TPMON 11 revised wording re tapes. Examples of FITTP, FITAB now changed to be for FITS disk. 12 Remote data connection section commented out. 13 Update OBSOLETE Consequent changes to chapters ), I, J, and Recipe were also made. The web html version and COOKBOOK.PDF were also updated. Moved everywhere with in $AIPSPUBL. 16047. April 2, 2024 Chapter 13 Eric Discovered that Chapter 13 of the CookBook was not getting the cross references in the html and pdf versions. This causes nasty changes to the LaCook13.tex file. Changed so far ABOUT files EDITING, TASK and UV for FGCNT. Changed $SYSUNIX/SHOPH to rm ZZ*TEX files and $AIPNOT/SHOPH.FOR to write ZZ*.TEX files with appropriate text for TeX. Also changed $DOCTXT/LaCook.mac to add a command for the type setting. Moved nowhere. 16048. April 4, 2024 TDEPEND, CookBook Eric Changed LaCook.PL so that the run-time help files would be referenced but block any $HLPFIL. The underscores in some procedure help file names caused issues as well. Rename TD_ SCANS, SSCAN, STEP3, STEP5 to drop the underscore and changed $RUNSYS/TDEPEND.001 to drop these underscores. ABOUT files AP, OOP, IMAGING, PROCEDUR, and INTERACT needed changing and CookBook chapter 13. Moved nowhere. 16049. April 4, 2024 cross references Eric Changed ZXHLP2.PL to reach run-time docummentation files HLP*.HLP. To get them to display properly, I had to add a useful text line and two dividing lines so that ZXHLP2.PL would format the files properly - changed all HLP*.HLP files. Moved nowhere. 16050. April 5, 2024 AIPS Memo 125 Eric New Memo Post-Correlation Basis Conversion in AIPS by Rick Perley and Eric Greisen. Also issued as EVLA Memo 229. Moved everywhere since in $AIPSPUBL. 16051. April 16, 2024 AIPS Memo 125 Eric Changed wording re hardware by a little. Moved everywhere since in $AIPSPUBL. 16052. April 17, 2024 PCAL Eric Looking at the XYCALC routine for doing linear polarization it would appear that incorrect formulae were used for everything. Changed it to use correct formulae which produces something close to but not entirely correct. With artificial data, it should get 0.0 for all antennas except for 3 but instead got D terms 1 or 2 orders of magnitude less than the real ones. If the data are converted to circular (with VH2RL) PCAL gets D terms around 10 to the -8 or -9 for the antennas with no D term. Changed PCAL to call this solution V-H LIN. The LXYPOL routine used to apply the previous linear "solution" is very strange. The current solutions do not need special time dependent code at all. Changed POLSET to understand V-H LIN as equivalent to APPROX. Changed FNDPOL to point out issues if there is no DOPOL but conversion to Q and U (from RR/LL) or any true Stokes (from VV/HH) is requested. Moved nowhere. 16053. April 24, 2024 TV default Eric Changed START_AIPS so that the default for XAS is tv=local:0. This causes a new incarnation of a UNIX socket for each start of AIPS. A new option, tv=inet has been added if the user needs the internet socket. This is really only useful when more than one computer needs to dispaly in the same XAS window and requires that both computers have AIPS similarly described in their /etc/services. This often requires a systems programmer with root privilege and so is often not done these days. This change affects the default tv, all previous options are available. Moved nowhere. 16054. April 24, 2024 STARTTV Eric NEW VERB: restarts TV, MS, TK servers if they have disappeared. It executes the newly revised SYART_AIPS with the NOAIPS option and tv= and pr= options to restore the assignments current to the present incarnation of AIPS. Changed POPSDAT.HLP, AU1.FOR, NEWPARMS.001. Moved nowhere. 16055. April 24, 2024 Document this Eric Updated help files XAS, MSGSERVER, MSGSRV, TEKSERVER, TEKSRV to mention STARTTV. Updated $SYSUNIX/AIPS.MSG, $SYSMAN/aips.l (the aips man page). Moved nowhere. 16056. April 25, 2024 CookBook Eric Changed LaCook2.tex for changes in default tv and other changes in the man page. Forces changes to Recipe.tex, COOKBOOK.PDF. Moved nowhere. 16057. May 6, 2024 CALIB Eric Add option to have the model be the output of UVSUB 'MODL'. If the same model is to be used multiple times on a data set, this will espeed the process. Changed UVSUB to record the total flux density of the modelin its history file CALIB in this mode can read that back and, in multi-source files, scale the model in each IF by the expected total flux density of that IF as CALIB already does when it is computing the Clean model on the fly. Moved nowhere. 16058. May 9, 2024 CALIB Eric The new option required some additional smarts. The number of random parameters in the data and model files can be different. So more pointers are required. Added a test at the start to quit if the model has fewer samples than the incoming data. Also corrected an error message. Moved nowhere. 16059. May 9, 2024 CALMODEL Eric NEW PROCEDURE: CALMODEL.001 and .HLP does a SPLIT of the calibrator data from a multi-source file and then does a UVSUN 'MODU' to make a matching model uv data set. Meant to simplify usage of the new CALIB option. Moved nowhere. 16060. May 10, 2024 XAS Eric Changed comm.c (closedown) by reordering some of the code. On Macs, the turning off of some X functions causes the program to die. This caused the TV server program to keep running and left link files for LOK and XAS inthe /tmp directory. This led to a proliferation of XASes and invisible TVSERVs. Putting the external shutdowns ahead of the internal gets it to work. Moved to 31DEC23 on 15 May. 16061. May 15, 2024 install.pl Eric A debug statement was left in so that the architecture was never MACARM, always MACINT! Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16062. May 20, 2024 CALMODEL Eric Changed UVSUB from MODU to MODL so as to match what CALIB would do. Reworded the help file accordingly. Moved nowhere. 16063. May 22, 2024 FITLD Eric Code forced output version of PC table to 1. Changed to allow multiple PC tables if there are multiple PH tables. Moved nowhere. 16064. May 24, 2024 MARSP Eric Changed to allow the input images to be Q and U as an alternative to POLI and POLA. Altered the computation of the angle differences to produce a more consistent result. Added 3 options to alter POLA by plus/minus 90. Added option to plot a histogram of the angle between the observed POLA and radial. Forces move from $APLPGM to $YPGM. Moved nowhere. 16065. May 29, 2024 MARSP Eric Changed AU2A (PLGET) and AU8A (EXTLIST) and GINIT (comments) to add MARSP. Changed MARSP to add NBOXES to control the size of the summing cells. Moved nowhere. 16066. May 29, 2024 OBITVERS Eric Changed AUO to make the default OBITVERS Python 3. Changed help files for BDF2AIPS, BDFLIST, OBITIMAG, OBITMAP, OBITPEEL, OBITSCAL, OBITVERS. Moved nowhere. 16067. May 29, 2024 rsync Eric The SIS folks have moved rsync off of the ancient machine acorn to some unknown place called rsync.aoc.nrao.edu. Changed UPDCONFIG in $UPDUNIX and $SYSPERL/install.pl for this. Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16068. May 31, 2024 Adverbs Eric Updated adverb help files for changes to PLOTR, FGCNT, and MARSP plus the new CALMODEL procedure. Changed INNAME INCLASS INSEQ INDISK SRCNAME FLAGVER IN2NAME IN2CLASS IN2SEQ IN2DISK OUTNAME OUTCLASS OUTSEQ OUTDISK BADDISK DOPLOT DOINVERS NBOXES GRCHAN FUNCTYPE DOTV PRTLEV NIF CHANNEL REFANT OUTFILE Moved nowhere. 16069. May 31, 2024 Doc stuff Eric Update tab completion file $HLPFIL/HLPIT.LIS. Update help files for IM2PARM, IMAGRPRM, OVRSWTCH, TDEPEND for name change TD_ procs dropping the underscore. LSAPROPO.HLP needed updating too and removed the old TD_ help files. ABOUT files CALIBRAT, CATALOG, PLOT, POLARIZA, PROCEDUR, TASK, UV, and VERB also needed updating. Moved nowhere. 16070. June 3, 2024 CookBook Eric Updated Chapters 2, 3, 6, and 13 for STARTTV and 13 for MARSP and CALMODEL. Chapters 0, I, and Recipe also updated. Moved everywhere in $AIPSPUBL. 16071. June 4, 2024 POSSM Eric The init routines tested BIF and EIF before they were set. Added a test in the init to set BPARM(8)=-1 when only one IF is to appear in each plot window. Changed the routine that computes the mean and rms to use double precision since data with little variation ended up with rms zero otherwise. The change to the plot range for phase on rms zero was limited to times when the min and max are the same. The mean and rms also needed to be divided by 2 for CP phase plots. Moved fixes to 31DEC23 this date. 16072. June 6, 2024 TECOR Eric Changed the default magnetic field model to the better ITRF model rather than the old simplistic one. That old one remains available with APARM(3) > 0. Moved nowhere. 16073. June 10, 2024 TECRTYPE Eric Added a table "describing" possible TECRTYPEs to help files for VLBATECR, VLATECR, TECRTYPE. Moved nowhere. 16074. June 10, 2024 SUBIM Eric The setting of TRC in the presence of increments > 1 was not correct. Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16075. June 10, 2024 MFIMG Eric Added NPOINT to have the user tell the task whether the TEC file has images every hour or every 2 hours. Moved nowhere. 16076. June 10, 2024 install.pl Eric The rsync.aoc.nrao.edu change needs to be made 2 places Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16077. June 12, 2024 TEC stuff Eric Changed TECOR to record the TE file version in the history. Discovered that the new file names for the COD type of TEC files are slightly different than the new standard. Added code to VLAPROCS and VLBAUTIL to make this name change in the TECR procs and added comments to the VLBATECR and VLATECR help files. Moved nowhere. 16078. June 13, 2024 TEC stuff Eric Changed variable in TECOR.FOR - it is IGRF not ITRF. Added info to help files for TECOR, VLBATECR, VLATECR, TECRTYPE. Changed VLBAUTIL (VLBATECR) and VLAPROCS (VLATECR) RUN files to include a subroutine that determines old versus new format for 7 known cases plus a guess for any others. The guess includes code for 30-minute data file and whether to hope for a 1-hour file. If the initial attempt in the new format fails it will try for the opposite type (1-hour <-> 2-hour). Moved nowhere should go to 31DEC23. 16079. June 14, 2024 TV labeling Eric Some tasks may be used to plot one data item over another, e.g. the IFRMs generated by different TEC models. Using one graphics channel for each model, one can get 4 colors plus complementary colors where they overlap. However, if the axis labeling is also done in multiple channels it may become less than visible. So, changed AU1A (inputs) and AU2 (go, tput, vput) to allow NGRAPH to have two digits with the upper one for a graphics channel for labels. Channels 5,6, and 7 are particularly useful since they do not participate in the complementary colors and so are less useful for data comparison channels. Changed verb subroutines AU5, AU5B, AU5F, AU6, AU6A, AU6B, AU6E to take the lower digit in GRCHAN if there is more than one digit. Then changed TVCPS Add APARM(8) to be the graphics channels used for labeling. It will be forced to black on white backgrounds and white on black backgrounds. TEPLT Add option of GRCHAN = 10 * label + data. Moved nowhere. 16080. June 17, 2024 More TV labeling Eric Changed $YPGM tasks CNTR, IMEAN, ISPEC, RSPEC, SL2PL, and TAPLT to have the option in GRCHAN to use one graphics for labeling and another (including multiple) for the rest of the plot. Changed GINIT to handle this usage. Changed GRCHAN help file to discuss this usage in detail. Changed UVPLT Fortran to do a MOD(GRCH,10) in one place. Changed help files for PLOTR, POSSM, SNBLP, SNIFS, SNPLT, UVHGM, UVPLT, VPLOT, and WETHR to emphasize this usage as they are tasks likely to be used for overlapping plots. Changed SERCH, TVPL, XBASL, APCAL, and BPEPL to be consistent with the new usage of GRCHAN. Moved nowhere. 16081. June 17, 2024 UVFIT Eric The task had the worng number of adverbs and so ignored the last of INLIST plus several others. It used the wrong buffer for updating the output CC table with the source name. Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16082. June 18, 2024 UVFIT Eric Changed the wide format to allow more digits in ChiSq. Moved nowhere. 16083. June 18, 2024 SPFLG Eric The menu pointers for the CLIP operations were offset. Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16084. June 18, 2024 XPLOT Eric Put fix in to keep the new GRCHAN values from hurting this simplistic task. Moved nowhere. 16085. June 20, 2024 MFIMG Eric Added code for 30-minute data sets Moved nowhere. 16086. June 24, 2024 RedHat 7 -> RedHat 8 Eric Rebuild all of 31DEC24 LNX64 on a RedHat 8 computer since RedHat 7 is at end of life according to RedHat and to NRAO's managers. Changed the compiler in $SYSLNX64 versions of FDEFAULT.SH, LDOPTS.SH, and CCOPTS.SH. Also changed it in XAS.SHR in the make file for LNX64. The $LIBR/INTELCMP area now contains libreadline.so.7 and libbsd.so.0. Moved nowhere. 16087. June 26, 2024 DELEXT Eric Despite its name, this subroutine removes an extension file from a header but does not delete the physical file. Most tasks were aware of this but a few overlooked this. Changed ACCOR Failed to delete the SN table on error ACSCL Failed to delete the SN table on error PRTSY Failed to delete the sorted temporary SY table on completion RLDIF Failed to delete PP file when no data found SYPRT Failed to delete temporary sorted SY table VHDIF Failed to delete PP file when no data found ISPEC Failed to delete plot file on certain errors RSPEC Failed to delete plot file on certain errors FRMAP Did not delete the plot file on error from the header or the disk GAL Failed to delete the plot file on error PLOTC Failed to delete the plot file on error These should go to 31DEC23, but that is now blocked by the switch to RedHat 8. Moved nowhere. 16088. June 27, 2024 TECOR Eric Changed VLBAUTIL To add 3 more TECRTYPEs which all use the old name format VLAPROCS To add 3 more TECRTYPEs which all use the old name format MFIMG To add the image size 97 for the 15-minute data type. TEINI To add keyword for TECTYP TECOR To capture the TECTYP and put it in the TE file. This works properly only for standard INFILE names. TEPLT To change TEINI call seq and to display TECTYP. Help files for VLBATECR, VLATECR, TECOR, and MFIMG also changed. Moved nowhere. 16089. June 27, 2024 AIPSLetter Eric Put back LET24A TEX, PS, PDF. Moved everywhere in $AIPSPUBL. 16090. July 2, 2024 LEVS display Eric Changed COMLAB, PCNTR, GREYS, KNTR in fussy detail on how they display the LEVS data below the plot or on the plot in color by PCNTR and KNTR. Moved nowhere. 16091. July 5, 2024 BPASS, CPASS Eric Removed DOBAND and BPVER adverbs from these tasks. They are misleading since BP tables are not cumulative. The help files explained this and justified the presence of the adverbs by encouraging testing for time variations after applying the main bandpass. This can still be done but with SPLAT to make a corrected file and then what BPASS writes could actually bu used. Moved nowhere. 16092. July 8, 2024 UNSPX Eric NEW TASK: The task removes the spectral index solution from a data cube and rescales it by the image at the reference frequency. Fixed wording in SPIXR.HLP. Tout(x,y,f) = Tin(x,y,f) / SPIXRmodel(x,y,f) * Tref(x,y,f0) Moved nowhere. 16093. July 8, 2024 MARSP Eric Added PIXRANGE, dropped plus/minus 90 option, allow fewer boxes. Moved nowhere. 16094. July 9, 2024 UNSPX Eric Dropped the input image of the source at the reference frequency since it cancels out and added DOBLANK to control what happens when the model image is blanked. Moved nowhere. 16095. July 10, 2024 TE table Eric Added a column to the TE table containing the dispersive delay in seconds/meter^2. Changed TEINI, TABTE, TECOR, TEPLT, and the help files for TEPLT and TECOR. It is this delay that matters most to VLBA data. Moved nowhere. 16096. July 11, 2024 AIPS Memo 117 Eric Revised color scheme to add another color showing further range of revision dates. Corrected a number of errors in keyword type (said A when I was correct). Updated info for SY, BD, PP, and TE table types. Added BD FITS example. Moved some places via $AIPSPUBL. 16097. July 15, 2024 OMFIT Eric The code used the OUTPRINT=logical:name to define a directory for scratch files as well as defining the output text file. For a default, it used $FITS. Changed this to $HOME and changed the help file to describe all this. Moved nowhere. 16098. July 15, 2024 TVRESTOR Eric Changed POPSDAT, NEWPARMS to make a 2nd name for STARTTV. Moved nowhere. 16099. July 15, 2024 TXTMAT Eric Changed subroutine TXTMAT so that when the min-match finds multiple possibilities, the list is not truncated at 64. Instead it will truncate at 256 which should never be reached. Mostly this is used in AIPS itself (by HELP, INP, GO, etc.) Moved nowhere. 16100. July 17, 2024 adverb help files Eric Changed adverb help files DOBAND, BPVER for BPASS and CPASS dropping them. Changed DOINVERS and PIXRANGE for MARSP dropping and adding them and NPOINTS for MFIMG adding it. Changed INNAME, IN2NAME, IN3NAME, OUTNAME adverb sets for new task UNSPX as well as BLC, TRC, DOBLANK, and BADDISK. Moved nowhere. 16101. July 18, 2024 ANTAB Eric ANTAB contained two 5 million arrays to hold the data values. If one gives 1-second data for 32 IFs, 2 polarizations for 24 hours, that is not enough! Changed it to 1 16 million array. This makes the load module 50% bigger. Moved nowhere. 16102. July 23, 2024 KNTR et al. Eric Corrected FXLEVS to handle negative ZINC as well as positive. It selected only those LEVS that applied to the first plane when ZINC was negative. Moved nowhere. 16103. July 31, 2024 AXSTRN Eric Added a second decimal place when displaying velocity in km/s. Many link edits. Moved nowhere. 16104. August 1, 2024 DODATE Eric New adverb help file and changed POPSDAT and NEWPARMS to create it for new task coming soon ALBUS. Moved nowhere. 16105. August 7, 2024 EVAUV Eric Added closure reference to help. Moved nowhere. 16106. August 12, 2024 MAC ARM Eric Changed minimum version from 12.0 to 13.o in $SYSMACAR files CCOPTS.SH, LDOPTS,SH, and, FDEFAULT.SH due to updating the ARM to Mac OS 14.6.1. Moved nowhere. 16107. August 16, 2024 TEPLT Eric Added OPTYPE 'DIFF' which differences the plotted parameters from 2 TE table versions. This enables us to see what changes in TECOR or ALBUS do to the parameters. Cleaned up some left over stuff from SNPLT in the help file. Moved nowhere. 16108. August 26, 2024 INSTALL.PL, UPDPSYNC Eric Changed these to make sure any containers ($LOAD/contain*) are copied vis rsync to sites that are compiling locally. The binary installs will not have had an issue. Moved nowhere. 16109. September 3, 2024 TEPLT, EXTLIST Eric Changed TEPLT to help EXTLIST, Changed AU8A for TEPLT mode DIFF and data type dispersive delay. Moved nowhere. 16110. September 6, 2024 OPTIMIZE.LIS Eric Added INTERPLATE to avoid optimization on MACARM. It was going into infinite loops in FLAT and OHGEO (at least). It works fine on older versions of gfortran. The loss of optimization should not be significant. Moved nowhere. 16111. September 11, 2024 POSSM Eric Changed BPARM(6) to > 0 -> request error bars rather than suppress the error bars in plotting PP tables. Moved nowhere. 16112. September 11, 2024 DFTPL Eric Added OUTTEXT to direct the print to a text file using an improved format and changed the PRTLEV > 0 to the same format (almost). Added STOKES = 'HALF' and 'IQU' to do 2 or 3 polarizations more or less at once. Added STOKES = 'FPA' to do IQU but convert to P/I, P, and polarization angle before printing and plotting. Discovered AU8A (verb EXTLIST) was incorrect for DFT and repaired it with an adjustment for the new number of adverbs. Also AU2A (verb PLGET). Moved nowhere. 16113. September 26, 2024 NINER, PATGN Eric Changed PATGN to set 4 axes in the image not 7. The last 3 were useless. Changed NINER to put out progress messages every 100 lines rather than 10. Computers are faster now. Changed the help file to explain the "coordinate" filters better. For example 'WEST' is for an illumination from the wets (right) and so is bright where the image is increasing (to the left) and dark where it is decreasing. Fixed a typo in the filter definition as well. Moved nowhere. 16114. September 26, 2024 TVCPS Eric Added RGBCOLOR adverb to change pure 0 output pixels to this color. This task makes large black backgrounds (like the TV itself) normally. This can be used to lighten or even color the background at the risk of making graphics less visible. Moved nowhere. 16115. October 1 and 2, 2024 FITLD Eric Changed to honor adverb SOURCES for output PC and TY tables. If the TY table has sources not in the SU table, APCAL gets upset, producing very many messages. Added messages reporting the number of omitted table records by type. Also added code to accept source number 0 at all times. Moved nowhere. 16116. October 3, 2024 PRTHI Eric Added adverb KEYSTRNG which, if not blank, is tested in each line (along with PRTASK) and only matches are printed. Changed AU7 to do this and PRTASK help. Changed MOVE and PATGN to put the standard RELEASE and time info at the head of the task's history. Moved nowhere. 16117. October 8, 2024 TUGET, SGUGET, TGUINDEX, SGUINDEX Eric Revised and NEW VERBS: These verbs do TGET or GET of a SAVE/GET file from a different user. This user may use the same disk 1 area or a different one so long as the current user can mount that different one as an AIPS area. USERID and INDISK point at the user number and different disk 1 directory. These verbs will let a single person using multiple AIPS numbers pass history between them. It will also let multiple users share history. AU2A contains the new code. Changed also POPSDAT, NEWPARMS, HELPS, and help files for all 4. Moved nowhere. 16118. October 10, 2024 Plot files in FITS Eric Changed FITTP and FITAB to have DOPLOT adverb. When true, they write all plot files to the FITS file. The output pretends to be a binary table with 1024-byte records. This completely obscures the actual format of the file but these files are of use only in AIPS anyway. Added subroutine READPL to $APLSUB and call it in IMLOD, UVLOD, and FITLD to read these fake extension files and turn them back into plot files. Moved nowhere. 16119. October 11, 2024 POSSM again Eric For no known reason it added SOLINT/4 to the user's stop time. Dropped that. Cleaned up setting the time ranges and made it not find the next time range when it was in fact done. Moved nowhere: it is too bad we can't patch! 16120. October 14, 2024 FITDISK, WRTPROCS Eric Changed $RUNSYS procedures (just comments) for DOPLOT and added DOPLOT to help files for FITDISK and WRTDISK. Moved nowhere. 16121. October 16, 2024 CVEL, PCVEL Eric The SU table pointers were hard coded at 20 rather than MAXSUC which is 21 these days. MAXARM optimized ran into trouble. Moved nowhere, it is too bad we cannot patch. 16122. October 16, 2024 CookBook, docs Eric Updated docs and CookBook for 2 TVRESTOR, STARTTV and issues with them 3 PRTHI (KEYSTRNG), TUGET et al. 4 FITTP 6 GRCHAN, TVRESTOR, STARTTV, DFTPL, TVCPS 7 UNSPX, DFTPL 9 TEPLT 11 FITTP 12 FITTP 13 Update about lists 0 New date, TofC I Update index J Update index Recipe rearranged, COOKBOOK.PDF Doc files: $HLPFIL/HLPIT.LIS about files $HLPFIL/ZZ*.HLP ADVERB, ANALYSIS, CATALOG, IMAGING, PLOT, POPS, TASK, TV, VERB Moved nowhere. 16123. October 18, 2024 BPLOT Eric Cleaned up the display of the polarization. Added CODETYPE values in the inputs that are described in the help. CP polarization in partuclar needed help. Moved nowhere. 16124. October 18, 2024 TECRTYPE Eric Changed the default TECRTYPE from jplg to emrg. The jplg always yield the most excessive IFRMs of any. Changed VLAPROCS and VLBAUTIL to define this and help files for VLBATECR, VLATECR, VLBARUN, TECOR, and TECRTYPE to mention this. Moved nowhere. 16125. October 22, 2024 ALBUS Eric NEW TASK: Prepares a python text file and a shell script text file and then causes the shell script to execute the python with a "container" containing the albus ionospheric program. When the shell script finishes, ALBUS reads the report file and updates a CL and TE table with the computed IFRM and dispersive delay. Values from albus have been found to be closer to correct than values from TECOR which tends to over-correct the data. Note that this requires the user to install"apptainer" or, less desirably, "singularity" and does not work on Macs. It does work on Linux including ubuntu. EVLA Memos on this are forthcoming. Changed POPSDAT, NEWPARMS for new adverbs AVERSION and PROGRAM. Moved nowhere. 16126. October 22, 2024 RIFRM Eric NEW TASK: RIFRM reads albus report files and modifies CL and TE tables. Use it to avoid re-running ALBUS when it worked okay. Moved nowhere. 16127. October 23, 2024 LOCIT Eric This task wrote no history other than plot file numbers. Fixed that. Moved nowhere. 16128. October 23, 2024 SETFC Eric Added REFREQ to specify the reference frequency in GHz. The values of W are used to recomment CELLSIZE and IMSIZE, but W is in wavelengths so very different in the header than in the highest IF. Default is highest frequency. Moved nowhere. 16129. October 24, 2024 Adverb help files Eric Add to lists of verb, procs, tasks using adverbs in: INEXT, IN2VERS, OUTTEXT, RGBCOLOR, KEYSTRNG, INDISK, USERID, DOALPHA, DOPLOT, REFREQ, INNAME, INCLASS, INSEQ, SOURCES, GAINVER, GAINUSE, ASDMFILE, ANTENNAS, DATAOUT, TECRTYPE, DETIME, DOBTWEEN, RADIUS, DOALL, and PRTLEV. Changes to TEPLT, DFTPL, PRTHI, FITTP, FITAB, SETFC, TUGET and new things RIFRM, ALBUS, SGUINDEX, SGUGET, TGUINDEX caused this. Moved nowhere. 16130. October 28, 2024 UVHOL Eric The plot routine would only plot horizontal and vertical scans. Added code to do scans at other angles. Changed display of what is plotted to include the scan angle. Moved nowhere. 16131. November 1, 2024 PL FITS "tables" Eric Overhauled $DOCTXT/MV2C06PL to describe all 19 record types and fully decscribe the DGPH common. Added PL "tables" to AIPS Memo 117. Added plot type 19 to comments in LWPLA. Moved the latter everywhere, the former nowhere. 16132. November 13, 2024 TVSPX Eric NEW TASK: Does SPIXR and then does interactive display of the model fit images with options to try to get better fits. Includes TVSPX and HLPTVSPX help files. Moved nowhere. 16133. November 15, 2024 GETITIME Eric Change this verb to check the INTTIM parameter and to use the data times if that parameter is not present. It now makes a best effort to return the integration time in seconds. Changed AU7C, added new routine FINDIT to $APLSUB, and updated the GETITIME help file. Changed FINDIT to FINDIM in $APGNOT/LAYER to avoid name conflicts. Moved nowhere. 16134. November 15, 2024 PCAL Eric PCAL used the "known" fluxes for the standard calibrators whenever DOSCALE >= 0. It did this ignoring whatever the user had in the source table. Changed it so that, if there are fluxes in the source table, they will be used to set the spectral index and the fact that the calibrator is one of the "known" is ignored. Moved nowhere. 16135. November 15, 2024 PRTHI Eric Changed AU7 and PRTHI help file to allow backwards printing of the history. Thus the most recent records are printed first. If PRTASK is blanks, the records are simply printed in reverse order. But, if PRTASK is set, groups of that task are printed in forward order, but the most recent group is the first printed, then the previous group, and so forth. Moved nowhere. 16136. November 18, 2024 GETITIME Eric Changed the INTTIME parameter usage to find max, min, mean, and rms and report same if there are any disagreements on the correct value. Moved nowhere. 16137. November 20, 2024 Output adverbs Eric INP, INPUTS, and QINP did not display adverbs that are purely output adverbs. But not many know about verb OUTPUTS. So changed AU1A to display output adverbs also. Changed help files with output adverbs to make sure that this fact is displayed: AVGWT BOX2CC BSCAN CHKNAME CIRCLEVS CLR2NAME CLR3NAME CLR4NAME CLR5NAME CLRNAME CLRONAME COPIXEL COWINDOW DEFCOLOR EGETHEAD EGETNAME EHEX EVAUV FILEZAP FINDR FLAMLEVS GAMMASET GET2NAME GET3NAME GET4NAME GET5NAME GETDATE GETHEAD GETITIME GETNAME GETONAME GETTHEAD GETVERS GREAD IM2TV IMCENTER IMDIST IMEAN IMFIT IMPOS IMSTAT IMVAL IMXY JMFIT MAXFIT MFITSET NAMEGET OKCOLORS PLGET QGETVERS QIMVAL RAINLEVS RLDIF ROAMOFF SETFC SETSLICE SETXWIN SIZEFILE SLFIT SOUSP STEPLEVS SYSTEM TABGET TDSCANS TDSSCAN TK1SET TKBOX TKNBOXS TKSET TKVAL TKWIN TKXY TV1SET TVBOX TVCOLORS TVDIST TVFLUX TVMAXFIT TVNAME TVPOS TVSET TVSTAT TVWINDOW UVRMS VHDIF XYDIF Also clarified thos adverbs that are both input and output where they occurred in the above. Did that also in help files that have no purely output adverbs: CODECIML DELBOX EPOCONV GAL REBOX REHEX RFLAG Moved nowhere. 16138. November 25, 2024 Adverb help files Eric Changed adverb help file EPRINT for GETITIME and, for TVSPX, INNAME, INCLASS, INSEQ, INDISK, OUTNAME, OUTSEQ, OUTDISK, BLC, TRC, FLUX, REFREQ, OPTYPE, PBPARM, DPARM, CPARM, BADDISK Moved nowhere. 16139. November 25, 2024 Other DOC files Eric Updated TAB-completion file $HLPFIL/HLPIT.LIS for ALBUS, RIFRM, and TVSPX. $HLPFIL/LSAPROPO.HLP had to have SET1DG extracted. ABOUT lists for ADVERB, ANALYSIS, CALIBRAT, IMAGING, INTERACT, MODELING, POLARIZA, POPS, SPECTRAL, TASK, TV-APPL, VERB, VLA, and VLBI needed updating. 16138. November 26-27, 2024 CookBook Eric Updated CookBook chapters 13 Multiple ABOUT files 3 typo messing up index and html version 4 ALBUS 6 ALBUS, TVSPX 9 ALBUS 7 TVSPX 12 SET1DG dropped 0, I, J update Recipe.tex rearranged Moved PostScript and PDF files everywhere. 16139. November 27, 2024 UVHOL Eric Having a few samples flagged in the midst of a scan caused the plot routine to treat the scan as 2 scans/plots. Added logic in scans that are not vertical or horizontal to not break a scan if the samples are too far apart but still at the same angle. Moved nowhere. *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** Changes while 31DEC24 is NEW *********************************************************************** ***********************************************************************