[AIPS] Patches to AIPS 31DEC23 [NRAO]

You will find a summary of patches made to 31DEC23 here.

With previous releases, we did not change the frozen release tar ball; user sites were required to download the text files and do any compilations themselves. But, beginning with 31DEC04, we provide binary releases for which user sites are not required to have compilers. Therefore, we have reversed our policy. These patches have been applied to the official code of 31DEC23 and may be downloaded using a 31DEC23 "Midnight Job". Any tarball taken after the change date listed below will already have the patches applied.

The 31DEC23 version was completely frozen in June 2024 because of changes to operating systems. The binary LNX64 version of 31DEC23 was prepared on RedHat 7 while 31DEC24 is prepared on RedHat 8.

The following is a summary list of the patches in this release. To patch your version of AIPS, run a "MNJ" ($HOME/do_daily.hostname).

  1. VBRFI, VLBRF, PLRFI needed another digit for P-band and needed corrections in plot scaling. 2024-01-11
  2. IMxHEAD verbs did not display keyword values. 2024-01-18
  3. VLBAUTIL.001, VLAPROCS.001 needed a better if statement to set the downloaded file name for TECR. 2024-01-26
  4. Amplitude calibration for delay errors applied a correction to EVLA data that is only appropriate for VLBA data. 2024-02-22
  5. POSSM needed to set SOLINT to 0 for BD tables. 2024-02-27
  6. POSSM plotted the X axis incorrectly. 2024-03-11
  7. XAS.SHR changed to reorder the close down operations. Macs do not finish the routine when Xwindows are closed. 2024-05-15
  8. install.pl misidentified the MAC ARM architecture as MACINT. 2024-05-15
  9. The rsync host will be renamed to rsync.aoc.nrao.edu; changed UPDCONFIG and install.pl. 2024-05-29
  10. POSSM had issues plotting CP tables and other minor issues. 2024-06-04
  11. FITLD had trouble with rPICARD files (which are incorrect but usable) and forced there to be only one PC table version. 2024-06-04
  12. SUBIM did not set TRC properly when the axis increment was more than one. 2024-06-10
  13. install.pl needed to change ftp.aoc to rsync.aoc in a second place. 2024-06-10
  14. Changed fetching of TEC files to account for the different dates at which the file names changed format. 2024-06-13
  15. UVFIT had errors in the number of adverbs and the usage of the Clean Component output file. 2024-06-17
  16. SPFLG clip menu items were not addressed properly. 2024-06-18

Eric W. Greisen